Chapter 1

Falling For Choi Minho
"Mom!! Where are you going! Don't leave me! I don't want to stay here!" You yelled to the figure walking away. "Mom please!" You scream. Then you hear it. The sound of a screeching car leading to the sound of a crash. Before you knew it, you woke up sweating and panting like crazy. "Crap, it was only a dream." You say to yourself. You plop back down on your pillow, rethinking of the horrible dream. Then you glance at your clock and panic. "Damn! I forgot I had school!" You say getting out of bed and getting ready. After you finished getting ready, you went downstairs to put your shoes on before leaving. "Pa I'm leaving!" You yelled. Silence. Of course he wouldn't be here. You said to yourelf. Then you headed off to school. Luckily, you came without being late or breaking a sweat. You watched how crowds made a passage for you to pass as you were going to class. You got in class and this was the second time today you got pissed. You made your way to the desk next to the window which you decided was your seat because you can just stare out to let time fly by. "Get off my seat." You stated. The male just looked at you in confusion. He had dark brown hair that almost looked black, brown eyes, a perfect nose and normal lips. "I don't see your name on it little girl." He said. "Right there. Now get off before I stick your head up your ." You said pointing to the carving of my name on the desk. "Fine feisty girl." He said before getting up. he was taller than you thought he would. You thought he was like 6 foot 4 or something. I waited untill he went to the desk behind me before sitting down.. "Today class we have a new student. Please treat him kindly." The teacher said when he came in. "Please introduce your self." You heard him say. "Minho, Choi Minho" the voice came from behind me which made me realize that the new guy was the one who pissed me off this early in the morning. You turned and looked at him. At first he was staring at the class and before You knew it, he caught you staring. He sat down still keeping eye contact. "My name is Minho and yours?" He asked. "Jane." You state before turning back around, looking outside, continuing your daydreaming. The bell rung to go to your second class and that's what interrupted your daydreaming. You got up and walked straight out the door. You didn't realize you were getting followed. You stop only to get bumped by someone. Minho. "Are you following me?" You ask. "Umm I don't know. My class is this way. It says on my schedule." He said showing you the paper. You stare at it for a while. "Damn it. You have all your classes with me." You mumbled. "Oh really? Now you can show me around." He stated while happily smiling. "Umm NO. I never agreed to be your tour guide. Go ask some of your already secret admirers over there." You said pointing to a group of girls who started giggling  when he turned around. When he turned, that was my chance to leave. Sadly, he caught up though. "But they don't have class with me." He said smirking. "And you seem like an interesting person." "Dude."you said as you stopped walking. "You don't know me. you dont want to know me. No one does. That's why I think it's best you don't hang around me." You said before continuing walking to class. "You don't look like the type of girl to  have no friends.seriously, You're rudely honest, a little cute, and since we have all advance classes together, I think you're also really smart. Why doesn't anyone want to be your friend?" He said when he caught up again. "I don't want to be friends with people who are fake, full of lies, and backstabbers. You wouldn't understand. I'm already pissed off and I have to work after school so stay away. i dont want to have any obsticles. i just want to get highschool done with so i can move out of my house." You state. "Now, I'm going ahead so don't walk with me, don't talk to me, and don't get in my way."
~A month passed and you can tell he became mr. Popular but it's not like you cared or anything. You were suppose to forget him but you can't. One reason is because he's been bothering everyday. Every test you got 100% but Minho so happens to get 105% for extra credit. Every sport you play, Minho just happens to be better. Not only that but he calls you names like second best or something like Janieboo is number two." It pisses you off everyday. Just when you thought that it couldn't get worst, he became and employee at,SHINee, the cafe you worked at which consisted of three girls and four guys. Every single day you saw him. School and work he just won't leave your life. You were pissed every day.
Today was like any other day. You wake up from yet another nightmare, get ready for school, and leave after saying goodbye to a non-existent presence to a place where you always come in second. Today was the day of the basketball game against the rival schools and you plan on being the star player. Of course that didn't happen because Minho has to get in your way again. You both were tied on how many times you made the ball into the hoop for your team and just when you thought you were going to win, he shoots one last ball before the buzzer."Janieboo is number two!" He said when the game ended. "Shut up!" You yell. "I will beat you!" Then you walk away. Your plan is to beat him at the end of the year exams and the sports festival that's coming up. So you spend most your time before and after work or on weekends practicing and studying. Sometimes though, you just want to relax so after school today you just walk to the park where all the little kids know who you are. "JANE!" They scream running to you. Seeing those little kids always bring a smile to your face. Their face are too cute and it makes you want to go back to being a little kid with no care in the world. Lately though, there has been this kid whom you never seen around before and it's been a few weeks and he still sits alone at the swing. You've always seen him but never actually talked to him. This was your chance. "Hi. Did you move here? I've never seen you around. What's your name?" You asked bending to be  eye level. He looked as if he was about to say something but he just looked away. Suddenly you heard the icecream truck and it gave you an idea. You buy two strawberry icecreams and hand one to the little boy. "Here. I think strawberries make people happy when they feel down. Trust me. I eat a lot of strawberries." You say. Then you suddenly see the change in his face as he finished his icecream. "See? I told you. " you say laughing a little. "minseok." you heard him say. "what?" "minseok is my name." he states. "well hi minseok. im jane. Some kids over there wanted to know if you wanna play with them so come on." You say as you grabbed his tiny hands and pulled him off the swing set to the other kids. "Guys, this is minseok be nice to him okay?" You asked "okeey dokey" they replied. "Make sure you guys get home before dark okay? I'm going to work so when I walk home I don't want to see any of you out here." You say before walking to work. 
You got to the cafe and Minho was already working the cash register. "Your here early." You say as you walked by. "I had nothing to do so I wanted to come here early." He says. "No life." You mumbled as you made your way to your locker to change into the waitress outfit. When you finished, you went to the cafe entrance and flipped the sign so it says "open".
(Minho pov)
Today was as funny as any other day. Jane got pissed off again when I shot one last basket. It's so fun to because of the way she pouts then walks away. Yes. Unlike those girls who spend time working on their hair or face, Jane is just.... I can't explain it. It's like natural beauty. I actually came to work early to see if she would be there but she didn't show up until a while later. Even though she might hate my guts, she's much nicer outside of school. I think so because she doesn't yell at me that much. I watched as she went to the back room and came out in her cafe uniform. I have to admit, she looked cute. The whole day I was getting distracted by her and I didn't realize the line at the register in front of me. "Crap! I'm sorry, what can I get for you?" I ask. This went on for about 4 hours and the customers died down which meant almost time to close. I went to go change to my normal clothes and decided to wait for Jane. "Let me walk you home. It's dangerous." I said as she came back in her regular clothes from the back room. "Umm...o-" "MINHOOOO!! I need your help!" The manager, kibum, yelled. Damn it. "Coming!!" I yelled. "You can wait or you don't have to. I don't know how long this'll take." I say. I watched as she nodded before making my way to the manager. Sadly when I came back out, I couldn't find her. "Of course she wouldn't wait, she hates-  Jane?" I say when I realize she was still here. "What? You told me to wait." She said getting up from one of the booths. "Yea. Okay lets go!" I say. We started walking towards her house but then she stopped. "Can we go to the park real quick?" She asked. Not really ask but more like stated. I just nodded as I followed her. "CHEN! TAO!" She yelled when we got there. "Come here!" Out of the darkness two little boys came to us. "I told you two to go home before it gets dark." I heard her tell them. "Lets take you two home." She said before grabbing one hand of each boy. "Umm.. You don't have to come with me if you don't want. I'm just gunna take these two home." She said. "Nah. I'll stay. It's even more dangerous having a lady and two little boys alone at night." I say smirking. Sometime pass and we only were able to drop one boy off. The other little boy went up to Jane. "Jane? I'm tired." He said in his little kid voice. I watched as she picked him up and let him sleep in her arms. "Thanks for coming with me." She whispered as we were walking. "No problem." I say. That was one of the nicest thing she ever said to me. We finally dropped the little boy off and started walking to her house. "I think I can go on my own now." She said. "No. I have to make sure you get home." I said. "Come on Minho, it's late, by the time you get home it'll be close to midnight. Go home." She said. "Give me your phone." I say with my hand out. "Why?" She asked. "I will leave but if you don't call me when you get home, imma tell everyone you and I are dating." I threatened. "Fine" she said before passing me her phone. I inserted the number then handed it back. "CALL WHEN U GET HOME." I state before walking away. "Yeah yeah whatever" I heard her say.
(Your POV)
You got your phone back and started walking home. After a few steps You would look back and he would still be standing there watching you. It wasn't until you turned the corner when you didn't see him. "He's so weird." You say to yourself. You made it to your house and went straight to your room. "Such a long day." You say. Right before you fell asleep you remembered what he said. You take your phone and search for his name. It wasnt that hard to find considering you only had your co-workers' numbers, the cafe number, and the school number so it want long untill you found him. His number was under "Mr. Manly Minho <3." "Stupid." You say before texting him.
From: Jane
To:Mr. Manly Minho<3
I'm home. Happy?
Wasn't long until you received his text. 
From:Mr.Manly Minho<3
I told you to call >_< well it's okay. Who were those kids?
To:Mr.Manly Minho<3
From: Jane  
They're just kids from the neighborhood. Why?
From:Mr.Manly Minho<3
Just asking. They seem to like you alot.
To:Mr.Manly Minho<3
Ok. I'm going to sleep.
From:Mr.Manly Minho
To: Jane
With that You fell asleep blushing without a reason.
(Minho POV)
"MinMin, I had a bad dream." My little brother said coming into my room after I finished texting Jane. "Come here. You can sleep with me." I said as I motioned for him to come on my bed.  That night I slept with my brother snuggled into my chest.
(Just wanted to say hi. So um hi. Also thanks for reading. YOU CANT TELL ME YOU DIDNT READ IT BECAUSE YOU WOULDNT HAVE GOTTEN THIS FAR! Well sry for that. Thank you again and until next chapter, BAI.)
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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~