Chapter 17

Falling For Choi Minho

Days passed, your dad was still here and everyday at school, stupid  people are still putting supposedly threats for being with Minho. Minho probably hasent seen any yet because you throw them away before. It's not like your trying to hide it or anything. He just never really sees it. Also, you would tell him but there's nothing to say about stupid people doing stupid stuff. That's just how life is. It's filled with stupid people doing stupid stuff for stupid reasons. (WOW, the word stupid 3 times in 1 sentence.) You were sitting in class when you realized that there was something missing in this school. Lately, Annabel hasent been bothering you. You quickly looked around the classroom and she wasn't at her desk. You tapped Minho in front of you. "What happened to Annabel?" You asked. "She moved remember. She went to America." Minho replied. "I never noticed." You replied. You were probably so caught up in family that you didn't realize. You spent the entire class staring at your boyfriend's adorable bed hair. The bell rang and Minho turned to face you. "You know, your gaze was seriously piercing the back of my head." He says with a smile. "Well I can't help it if your bed head is staring back." You replied. "just admit you were staring at me." He says. "I was not staring. Even if I was it doesn't matter does it." You exclaimed. He quickly pecked your lips. "It does matter. It's nice to know you're madly in love with me." He smirked. "You are so full of yourself. You know that?" You say. "Yupp. Which reminds me. I'm thinking about joining the basketball team." He explained. "seriously?" You asked surprised and excited. Letting out a little secret, you had this of attractive guys doing sports. You squealed on the inside thinking of Minho being shirtless and sweaty running across the court while dribbling the ball. You like mentally killed yourself. "Yeah. I want to so something fun before we graduate and become so called 'Adults'." "I'm fine with whatever you do. As long as you won't replace me with basketball." You say. "I'll never replace you with anyone or anything." He said wrapping arms around you. You smiled and pecked his lips. "Ooooo smoochy smoochy aren't you love birds." Marylin says as she came into our class. "Hey Lin! What's up?" You ask. "Jinki and I are having a party at our new house! It's like a housewarming party! You guys are coming right?!" She asked. "Of course!" You replied. She hugged both of you and ran out. "Not to be mean but, do we have to go?" Minho whined. "Of course we do! She's our friend and it's not right to ditch a friend when they are having an important party." You replied. "Okay I guess." He pouted. You smiled and pecked his pouting lips. "You're such a whine bag you know?" You say. "Yupp. I know." He replied.
"Hey, don't get too crazy okay! Don't drink by the way. But if you're gunna drink at this age, make sure someone who is not drunk take you two home." Your dad says. "Yeah yeah dad. Don't worry. Well be fine. I doubt we'll be drinking tonight." You say. "Don't worry sir. I'll make sure Jane comes home safely." Minho stated. "why can't I go to da party?" Minseok complained. "It's a big kid party and little kids aren't allowed." You say. "I promise that since tomorrow is Saturday, after we drop appa off to the airport, we can have our own party here. Just the three of us." You say. "Pinky promise." He said holding out his little pinky. You smiled and intertwined your little finger with his. "Love you! Be safe!" They yell to us. "You too!" You yelled back. Minho drove until we reached jinki and kind house. We got out, held hands, and walked in to be greeted by the two party planners. "We were just about to play truth or dare! Come in." Lin exclaimed. There wasn't as much people as you thought. There was Marylin and Jinki, Amber, Kris, Krystal, Jongin and us too. All of them were older except for Jongin. "Rules are: no clothes are coming off, no ing, nothing that does harm to anyone, and no backing down from a dare. Everyone got it? Let's start!" Jinki says. "Lin-lin, spin first." She spun the bottle and it landed on kai. "Truth or dare?" She smirked. "Jongin tough guy laughed. "Give me a dare."  "Go to our next door neighbor and ask for his phone number. I has to be his real one cuz we're gunna call him." She stated. You could tell his confidence left the guy. We looked through the window as Jongin went to the neighbors. "Why did you pick this dare?" You asked her. "You'll see. She says. Jongin came back with his tomato red face. "K-Kyungsoo was your neighbor?"he stuttered. The five of them start laughing and Minho and I stood there awkwardly. "DO Kyungsoo is in my grade at school. One day I caught baby Jongin here drooling over him so I thought it would be nice for him to do this." Lin stated. "Let's just keep the game going." Jongin states. He spun the bottle and it landed on jinki. "Truth or dare?"  "Dare." Hehe this is payback marylin. I dare you to give amber a hickey." Jongin says. Lin smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. I'm okay with that cuz you see this, it's proof that we will always love each other." She said showing a diamond ring on he left ring finger. "You're engaged?!" We all exclaimed. "Mmmhm. I'm about to graduate and my clumsy chicken lover is waiting to have our wedding after I finish school." She says. "stop getting side tracked!" Jongin says. "Jinki, hickey-amber-now." Jongin repeats. Jinki crawled over to Amber and started to on her forearm. "WAIT, NOT ON THE ARM!" Jongin exclaimed. "TOO BAD KKAMJONG! YOU NEVER SAID SPECIFICALLY WHERE!" Lin exclaimed while laughing. Jongin pouted and looked away.
(Minho's POV)
We laughed at Jongin until jinki spun the bottle. It landed on Jane. "Truth or-". "DARE." She says confidently. "I dare you to drink  5 cups of soju and share the last on with kris only using your mouth." He says. How dare he say that to my innocent Jane! "Okay." She replied. I looked at her like she was crazy. Jinki got up and came back with a tray with 5 cups of soju. By the 4th cup, Jane was red on her face. Her tolerance level wasn't really that high. "Now the 5th cup, share it with kris using your mouth." Lin restated. I watched in jealousy. She poured the cup into and pulled kris into a kiss. It was too long for my liking so I quickly pulled her away. "Aww Minho~ why be you ruin fun~?" She asked. "I'll take her home now." I say lifting my girlfriend bridal style. "Already?" They whined. "Well if you didn't give her those drinks then maybe we would've stayed longer. "She's probably gunna pass out really soon." Minho stated. "Thanks for coming!" They exclaimed as they waved goodbye. "BAI BAI peoplezzzzzz. Bai Lin baby and jinkikiki~ Hehehe key~ key is my fwend~" Jane was totally out. I secured her in the car and drove home. When we got the the drive way I decided to record her. "Jane, who am I?" I ask. She looked at me confusing be but then answered, "my freakin y freaking got freakin Minho boyfriend~" she said. "What is today?" I asked. "Ummm....hahaha silly Minho haha~ it's not day. It's night!" She says happily. I pinched her cheeks before getting her inside to her bedroom. We changed into our pjs. She took really long but was able to even change her clothes. I laid her down on her bed but before I could get up, she pulled me down. "Where you think you're goin' ?" She says. "To sleep. Which you should be doing now." I reply. "I don't wanna sleep." She says. "Me is wide awake." She explained with drowsy eyes. "Okay then. How about I lay here with you until you fall asleep?"I suggested laying beside her. "How bout you stay here forever~." She stated as she snuggled into my chest. Within a few minutes, I heard tiny, cute snoring. I looked down and she was sleeping peacefully. I tried to get up but she her arms around me were to tight. I tried wiggling from her embrace but she just held on tighter. "Don't go." She mumbled. I smiled and just let it be. 
(Your POV)
"Ughhhhh I have a huge headache!" You exclaimed once your eyes opened. "Well babe, your tolerance isn't that high." Minho says next to you with his eyes still closed. "I would ask you why you're on my bed but it's probably cuz I did something embarassing right?" You ask. "Of course. I got it on video. Here." He said passing me his phone. I watched the video of me in the car. "Gosh this is so embarassing." You say plopping your face into your pillow. "It's embarassing but really cute." Minho says. You turned your head to face him. "No. Stop. It is not cute." You state. "Fine. Whatever you say." He stated. You closed your eyes trying to go back into a slumber but then you realized something. Your eyes shot open and you looked at the time. " ! We have to be at the airport in less then an hour or my dads gunna miss his fight!" You exclaimed as you shot out of bed running to minseok and your dad to tell them to get ready. "Jane, we're already ready. Just worry about yourself. You still need to get ready. " your dad says as he cooked breakfast. You and Minho got ready quick, ate breakfast, then drive to the airport and said your goodbyes. "Appa, I love you. Be safe okay." You say. He nodded. "You too my baby." He says. You gave him one last long hug and he kissed your forehead. "School before babies okay." He states. You smiled at him before he went to talk to Minho. You watched them and it looked like they were having a good conversation. "Flight 102 to America is now boarding." The announcement said. We waved goodbye as he disappeared behind a crowd of people. Later we went home and played so many board games while at the same time watching power rangers. It's what minseok chose to do for a party so we're gunna do it. You both let minseok win but Minho got jealous that you kept kissing minseoks cheeks everytime he won so your boyfriend decides to try to win kisses from you too. My he choi brothers are so weird.

(yoyo tacos! Yay I updated! Not that some of you care. I'm trying to focas on finishing this fix because other ideas are poping in my head but nothing to go with this story. That's for being patient my unsubscribed subscribers! Love you all! Peace out. BAI)

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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~