Chapter 12

Falling For Choi Minho
(Your POV)
It's been about a little over a week and a half since you and Minho got together but you still become a little nervous around him. You would meet Minho at his house then you would both walk hand in hand to school. Today, something surprising happened. When you guys arrived, you saw marylin and jinki having a full on lip to lip making out session  by the school gates. You and Minho stop, stare at them then back to each other. "Are they-" "I don't know."  You both tried walking pass them without being noticed but marylin caught you from the side of her eye. "Oh hey Jane, Minho." She says. "Hey Lin hyung and Um Jinki hyung." You say as you switched your gaze from marylin to jinki. "Jinki, what brings you here?" Minho asks. "Just dropping off my beautiful girlfriend." He states with an arm around marylin. "Girlfriend? Since when?" You ask. "Well since the Halloween party at kimbum's we started hanging out more and then we started texting then he came to my house with roses and asked me out. OMG HE IS THE MOST CUTEST CLUMSY CLICHÉ GUY IVE EVER MET! HES NY DREAM GUY AND FOREVER SOULMATE!" Marylin said while trying not to squeal. "We've been together for about 4 days now but it seems like a long time already."  "I'm happy for you. You found that one guy." You say. "Now I know how it feels to be in love like you. It's an amazing feeling." She states. You look to YOUR boyfriend. "It really is." You say. After school, you and Minho walked to the cafe where you guys work. "I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!!" Taemin exclaims. "'s been a week. You can stop being so excited." You state. "SORRY. YOU TWO JUST LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER!" He says like a little girl. "Babe, imma go change. Tae, stop hyperventilating." Minho states letting go of you hand. "Mmkay." You reply. Once he was out of sight, Taemin exploded. "You gotta tell me the details girl! Has he taken you anywhere exciting? You know, exotic places? Have you guys done 'it' yet? Are you guys gunna do 'IT'? When you have a baby you have to name it Taemin." "TAEMIN!" You inturrupted, "you're going a bit too far. Imma go change so I leave you here to calm yourself okay?" You say as you walked to the Girls changing room. Somehow you ended up changing faster than Minho. You came back out to find the cafe busier then people trying to get to get into a SNSD concert. "Jane, don't just stand there. Help out!" Amber says as she ran from table to table taking orders. You quickly obeyed and got to work. Soon after, Minho came out looking as handsome as he always is. "What took you so long?" You asked. "Why? Missed me already?" He says with a smirk. "Eww no... Kinda..You wish." You replied while playfully pushing him. After work you and Minho went to your house hand in hand talking about how Taemin is still over reacting about you two being together. "So, thanksgiving is coming up. You wanna bring minseok and come to my house to celebrate it?" You asked. "I'll make the food."  "Hmm I don't know." He says. "Don't be like that. I don't want this to be my first thanksgiving in a new house without a family." You pouted. "Of course we're coming. Your new family wouldn't miss is for the world." He bent to plant a kiss on your lips and once you felt his brush against yours, you kissed back. "Wow, you're getting better at kissing. Learning from the master I see." He says as he smiled his big smile. "Not really. You at kissing." You state. Then he kissed you again. "Why do you keep kissing me?" You ask. "Practice makes perfect. You said I at kissing so I guess I have to keep practicing." He said moving his lips closer to yours. Before your lips could touch you covered his mouth with your hand. "No more. You're causing too much attention." You say. 
Few more days passed, Thanks giving was coming up. "So can you have thanksgiving with us?" You ask kibum and Jonghyun through the phone. "Maybe. My mom is in the hospital and she might want me and Jonghyun to spend it with her." He states. "Awww." You whined. "Did u ask Minho and minseok?" He asked. "Yea and they said of course but I wanted you guys to come too. You're like my older brothers you know." You say. "Maybe okay. Like we can visit and stuff but like I told you, my mom is in the HOSPITAL and would like us to spend thanksgiving with HER." Kibum says. "Fine." You say as you hung up. Thanksgiving is in 5 days. I think I should go shopping." You say to yourself. You quickly threw on a sweater and headed to the nearby market.
(Minho's POV)
RINGGG RINGG RINGG!! "Minnie, can you answer the phone!" I yelled from the kitchen. Still the phone kept ringing. Came to find out minseok was already sleeping. "Hello?" I ask. "Minho."  "Mom?" I questioned in surprise. "I want you and minseok to pack your bags."she said in a serious tone. "W-Why?!" I ask angrily. "You both are coming here to America to live with me." She stated. "NO! There's no reason to. You're just going to leave us again. What's the point?!" I yelled. "Unless you want to be living on the streets then I suggest you stop giving me that stupid attitude and get off your and start packing." She says. "What do you mean living on the ing streets? We're perfectly fine." I said. "Not really smart . The apartment your living in is still under my name. When I left there was a 2,000 dollar overdue rent that needed to be paid. Apparently I got a text from them saying if you don't vacate the room in the next 72 hours then some people are coming and taking everything. And I mean everything."  "SO  LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT, YOU LEFT YOUR TWO SONS TO LIVE ALONE IN AN APARTMENT ROOM WITH A HUGE DEBT!?!" I said. "Yes but now I'm trying to help you both." She said calmly. "WE DONT NEED YOUR HELP! WE ALWAYS SEEMED TO MANAGE ON OUR OWN!"  "Whatever your choice is, I can't force you into anything. I sent two plane tickets. It should be getting there soon if you change your mind. Goodbye." With that, the conversation ended. I hung up and threw the phone to someplace in the house. Minseok slowly opened his eyes. "Min? What's wrong?"he asked sleepily. "Nothing, just go back to sleep." I told him. When he was fast asleep, I took him to his room then went to my own. I laid there staring at the ceiling. Wasn't long until I felt my own tears falling down my face. I covered my eyes with my arm."Damn it."
(Your POV)
Minho called you the next morning and said he was going to run late to school. When you asked why he told you it was some important errands. You didn't think it was anything bad so you just continued with the day. You saw him at lunch and told him about the shopping you did yesterday. "So I bought a turkey, some ham, potatoes, and Apple sider. I asked kibum and Jonghyun if they would want to join us but there busy." You look at him and he seemed distracted. "Minho? What's wrong?" He looked at you then smiled and pulled you in for a long slow kiss. "I was just thinking that I love you so much." He said. You smiled back and continued with your story. Afterschool, you both went to work and in the end, Minho stayed to work some more leaving you to walk home alone. The next day, you went to school and Minho was nowhere to be found. You tried to call and text him but he wouldn't reply. Luckily he showed up at work. "Minho, where were you? Why aren't you answering your phone?" You ask. "I lost it.... Jane, we need to talk. Stay a while after your shift ends." He said. You did as you were told and waited. A few minutes later he came out. "What did you want to talk about?" You ask. He stared at you for a while then stated, "I'm breaking up with you."
(IM SOOOOO SORRRRRY!!! I know my updates are sooo slow and trust me, it kills my insides. School has been crazy and weekends and vacations aren't being how I want. I'm slowly running out of ideas for this story but I'll try to end this awesomely. By the way, I'm writing another fanfic so please read when I post it. It's all saved on my computer. I already started writing it so when I finish, I'll post the entire story. It has 3 versions: you&kai | you&sehun | you&chanyeol. Until next time my children, BAIZ!)
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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~