Chapter 10

Falling For Choi Minho
(Your POV)
"tell us everything." They say as they brought you to the couch. "I can't. It's too embarrassing." You say. "Tell us, we won't tell Minho." They say. You stared into their pleading eyes. "Okay....don't tell please. Um he told me he was jealous of other people kissing me. Even though he kissed me many times. When he lets go of my hand, I miss his warmth. I can perfectly place my head on the crook of his neck. He's caring, hardworking, but sometimes oblivious. I feel like I am ment to be around him and minseok. They make me feel like I have a family again. I don't know what this feeling is but I think I've felt it before." You say. "It's called love" kibum said. "You love Minho."   "I-I think I do. But now I-I can't act normal anymore. When I see him my heart skips a beat and I can't stop shaking from nervousness or make eye contact." You state. The couple looks at each other than back to you. "Isn't there a mascarade dance  at your school on Halloween? I heard that anyone in the community can come." Jonghyun says. "Babe I think you're right. Jane, go ask Minho to the dance." Kibum states. "Nononono. I can't even talk to him straight. I think it's best that I just avoid him for a couple of days then I might turn back to normal." You say nervously. They look at eachother again then back to you."fine. You don't have to ask him but you are coming with us." They say. "It's okay. I don't wanna be the third wheel." You say as you backed away from them. "NO. You are coming because I already invited friends so you won't be alone." Kibum slightly yells. "Okay whatever." You reply. "OMG I can't wait to shop for your dress!" Kibum says excitedly.
(Minho's POV)
Did I do something wrong? What did I do to make her shake I'm fear from me touching her? Did she not like it when I held her hand? Did I do something to her last night? Ugh Minho you're so stupid. I said to myself as I placed my head in my hands. What if I ruined everything! 
(Next day)
I waited with marylin for Jane again in front of the school but she ran into the girls restroom and stayed in there. "What did you do?" Marylin asked as we waited outside the bathroom. "I don't know! We woke up yesterday and she panicked then left!" I explained. "Let me check on her." She says before going into the bathroom. I was pacing back and forth in front of the girls bathroom waiting and waiting. Finally they came out. Marylin first with Jane hiding behind. "Jane-"  "Minho, can you just leave us alone for a while. For janes sake." Marylin states before dragging Jane to class. I tried talking to her in our classes but she would ignore me. When the bell rang for lunch, I grabbed her hand so she would face me. "Jane what's wrong what did I do?!" I say. I felt her tremble and turn red. I slowly loosened my grip. "I'm sorry." I state. When I finally let go she took her stuff and ran. I knew it. I screwed up. She is never going to like me. I said to myself.
(Your POV)
A few days passed and Minho stopped trying to talk to me. I'm glad he's giving me time to think.(I can't do this I'm sorry. Let's skip to the mascarade dance on Halloween. Sorry guys. I got impatient.) 
"You look beautiful." The JongKey couple says in sync. "Hehe thanks." You say. "Let's go." They. Say dragging you into the car.
(Minho's POV)
I couldn't ask her. I wanted to but I don't want to force her into anything. I dressed into my suit and put my mask on. Then minseok came out in his power ranger costume. "MinMin when are gunna be back so we can go trick or treating?" He asks. "I'm going to this mask dance thingy but I'll be back to take you okay." I say. "Okay have fun." He says before running away. I think I should get going now. You get to the dance and meet up with Taemin and Jinki. "What are you doing here? Go to Jane." Taemin exclaims as he started pushing me toward a girl sitting on the chair. "I can't. She doesn't want to see me." I state. "You both are wearing a mask. She won't know it's you." He states. "If this screws up and she hates me more it's all your fault."
(Your POV)
You sit there on a chair watching people dance. Suddenly this tall guy who looks good in a suit comes over to you. "Would you like to dance." He asks holding his hand out. His voice was deep and somewhat familiar. "Umm sure." You say as you took ahold of his hand. As you both made your way to the dance floor, you look over to kibum and Jonghyun who was giving you thumbs up. You both danced for a while in silence. All you thought of was Minho though. "Now would everyone take their masks off." Marylin, the dance committee leader, says. You took off yours then waited for the mystery man to take his off. "Minho..." You say lowly once his mask was off. "Jane can we talk?" He asks. Your face turned bright red and you ran. Ran and hid in a classroom. You sighed and stated out the window. Suddenly the door bursts open and Minho angrily makes his way to you. You thought he was going to yell but instead he hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry for whatever I did. Please forgive me. I don't know what I did. Please don't be scared. If you want I won't bother you anymore because I know now that you won't ever like me. Just please don't be scared of me. I want you to be able to trust me." He said unwrapping his arms from you. "I guess this is goodbye." He says as he kissed your forehead and walked towards the door. "Minho." You say. He turned around and you grabbed his tie and crashed your lips together. "Why is it you? Of all people, I have to be stuck liking a doofus. Im not's just... I'm nervous being around you and I can't think straight." You says looking down. "So you love me?" He asks. You look up to him and a huge smirk is painted on his face. "yea.." You say quietly. "What? I didn't hear you." He says. "YES, I LOVE YOU STUPID IDIOT!" You yell as you hid your face into his suit. "Jane." he says. "WHAT?" You asked looking up. He moved his face closer to yours and kissed you again. Your arms wrapped around his neck to make the kiss deeper. "I love you too." He says when you broke apart. "We should get back to the dance. He says. You nod and was about walk out but stopped and waited until he caught up and intertwined your hands together.
(SOOOO TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! Fluffiness overload and they're finally officially together. ISNT IT AWESOME? I think it is. You don't have to think its awesome but thanks for reading it. Until next chapter. BAI!! LOVE YA! ^__^)
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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~