Chapter 16

Falling For Choi Minho

(your pov)

Your alarm beeped and  you struggled to turn it off since someones heavy arm was weighing you down. After barely smacking the poor object a few times, it finally shut up. You yawned and stretched then feel arms pull you closer into warmth. "Minho, get up.We have school." you say sleepily. "I wanna stay like this for a while." he states. You face him and open his eyelids with your fingers then blew into his eyes. "We can't. we have to take minseok to school so get up lazy bum." you reply. he groaned then said, "only if i get a morning kiss." you smiled then cupped his face and planted a kiss on his lips. "Now get up." you state. "ugh fine." he whined while getting up. You slowly go off the bed and left to wake minseok up. You opened the door to find him sleeping, but he wasnt in bed. Thats weird. you thought. yYou headed downstairs and saw your dad and Minseok eating breakfast. "Whats going on?" you asked making them turn their attention to you. "I was planning on letting you and Minho sleep a bit longer while I take Minseok to school.It may be your last year in highschool but i dont want you two to be exausted from picking and dropping off this little monkey and going from school to work." he explained. "Go back to sleep. Ill wake you guys up before we leave." "Thanks appa" you reply pecking his cheek and heading back up the stairs. You opened the door to the room and Minho wasnt there. Probably went to the bathroom or something. You jumped onto the bed and covered yourself with the blanket before slowly falling back asleep. That moment where you would drift off to a deep sleep, you felt something heavy was place on top of you. "YAh!" you yelled on impact. "So you yell at me to get up but i leave for a few minutes to come back here seeing you yourself sleeping?!" he pouted. "Appa says we can sleep for a while 'cuz he's gunna take minseok to school." you explained. "But babe~' im already dressed and i look good." he whined. "Fine mr.consided, dont sleep with me then." you state turning you back to him. Not a few seconds have passed before you felt him slide under the blanket next to you. You turned back around and s your arm around his waist. "thats what i thought." you sayclosing your eyes. Again, just as you were falling asleep, you felt your cheek being poked. At first you tried to ignore it but it just kept repeating. Not only that but he would peck the tip of your nose for no reason. "Minho~ sleep" you complained. " I cant~" he whines back. "ugh fine. what do you want to do sine we still dont have to get up?" you ask." he smirked as he moved his hands up and down your backside slowly sneaking his hand under you shirt. You became all flustered and turned away from him. "NO." you state. "What are you saying no? i didnt say anything yet." he says pulling you closerr into his embrace. "I know what you were thinking." you say. "oh really? My girlfriend has a dirty mind i see." he stated making you blush and hid under the covers. "Babe, you know i wont do anything you dont want me to. Even if it means i ave to stay in the bathroom just to j-"  "Dont even finish that sentence you dirty freak." you say coming out from the blankets. "youre nasty."  "Only for you Janieboo." he says starting a make-out session with you. Suddenly a knock came from the door and your appa tells you that theyre leaving."Love you both! Be safe!" you yelled as you finally got out of bed. Later, you and Minho headed to school hand in hand. "i gotta go to my ocker. see you in homeroom?" he says kissing your forehead and disappearing into the distance. You walked to your locker and letters piled out. you picked some up and read it:

You think youre so perfect but your not!

How dare you take our precious Minho-oppa away from us!

You psycho! Stay away from Minho. Your Stupid cold attitude will rub off on him.

You dont deserve him. He should be with someone better. your just a lowlife !

You didnt care at all about hate letters. its just stupid annoing girls who are forever alone because they dont do anything with their lives bt stalk attractive guys. You got the usefull things you needed from your locker and stuffed it into your bag then took every single letter, read or not, and threw them in the nearest trash bin then walked angrily to class. The day just started and i feel like killing someone you thought. "Woah babe. Whats wrong? i leave you for like less that 5 minuted and you already seem pissed at the world." he says as you sat behind him. You heard snickers and whispers around the classroom. Ill show you annoying chicks that no one comes between me and minho. you thought angrily and smirked. Minho looked at you in confusion so yu took the chance to lean in and pull him into a kiss. Who knows how long that was but right when we pulled away the teacher was coming through the door. i happily smile when i saw all those girls trying to glare into my soul. Thats right BICHACHOS minho is mine and mine only.

(YESYESYES, Like always, im sorry. sometimes i would forget about this story and not update. well goodie today cuz i skipped school. Not saying i ditched or anything. its just thaty i felt like crap this morning but i kinda feel better now. Thats kinda why this chappie is short. i dont know. i hoped you guys liked this chap. it was kinda awkward but ohh well. i tried putting fluff in here but i think i failed cuz its mostly just them cuddling or kissing. sooooooo. yea. well i will to to update if i dont forget. thanks to all those subbies who didnt unsubscribe. I LOVE Y'ALL! BTW the word 'YEHET' has been stuck in my head all day. DAMN YOU OH SEHUN!! Until next time Babes! BAI)

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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~