Chapter 3

Falling For Choi Minho
(Minho POV)
I got to school and waited for Jane again. When I saw her I ran up to her. "How's the eye?" I ask. "Fine. It just hurts once and a while." She said. "If it hurts bad then I'll take you to the infirmary." I stated. "Thanks but I'm okay." She said smiling. That was the first time she smiled at me. "Cute." I say. She turned to me. "What?" She asked. "I said your cute." I restated. I watched as she looked away blushing. Before I could say something else, Annabel popped out of nowhere. "Hey guys! Lets go to class together!" She said as she cheerfully grabbed our arms. "Don't ing touch me." Jane said snagging her arm away. I watched as Jane angrily walked to class.
(Annabel POV)
So I come to school and he's hanging with HER again. What does he see in her that I don't have? I'm much prettier, more popular, and my family's rich.  Any guy would wish to even walk by me. He will be mine and I will get him. I will take the last thing Jane has. 
(Your POV)
School ended and like usual, You headed to the park. There wasn't any kids so You thought their school just now started. You laid on the open patch of grass then a small figure hovered over you. "Minseok. Hi. I thought you started school like the rest?"  "I don't go to school. My brother tutors me." He says. "Your brother must be really smart." You say. "Mmhm" he says. "I got your present. Close your eyes." You did as you were told. Closed your eyes and held out your hands. "There." He said as he placed the object in your hand. You opened your eyes to find a small little frog keychain. "It's so cute." You stated giving him a hug.  "Imma keep it right here on my bag so it goes with me everywhere." You state. Suddenly you look at the time. "Crap! Sorry minseok I have to go! BAI!" You yelled before running to work. I got to work and thankfully she wasn't there again. Work was better than normal. Today we were closing early. Just as we were closing, kibum called a meeting in the conference room. Everyone sat down but you decide to just look from the door way. "The town carnival is coming up in a few days so we're bringing the shop there. Also we are gunna need to advertise which means everyone is participating in the talent show performance thingy that's being held and after a performance say something about the shop."kibum states. "All the guys will be doing one song and the girls will do their girly stuff. "Woah woah wait. When is it?" kristine asked. "Friday the 27th." kibum replied. "i cant make it. im going out of town for art studies." kristine said. "fine, thats okay. we still have amber and jane." onew said smiling at you. "Amber cant dance. she told me sprained her ankle playing basketball." You say. "Well I guess you're doing a solo." Kibum states. "What! Nononono! I can't do a solo. No one even likes me. If Kristine and amber were dancing, I could just hide somewhere in the back." You say. "Please Jane. Do it for the cafe. We need money for renovations."  "Fine." You say before walking home. You got home and didn't know what to do so you decided to go to the park. As you were walking, you got a text from Taemin.
Kibum said to start practicing the choreography for Only One by BoA. He says that you will attract alot of people.
To: Taemin
Don't I need back up dancers for that song? And what song are you guys gunna do.
Manager already called for back up dancers. And we're doing Why So Serious. I got to go so ttyl.
"Ughhh" you said as you put your phone in you back pocket. You got to the park, took out your phone and watched the video for the choreography. After watching, you tried it for yourself. Before you knew it, you learned all the moves just need to keep practicing more. "Wow your amazing." You turn around to see minseok just sipping away on his juice box. "Well thank you." You reply. "Why you doing that?" He asked. "It's because I have to do it so I can help my work."  you stated. "Ohh. Can you do it again?" He asked. You nodded, played the song again, and gave the phone to him to hold. You closed your eyes trying to remember each and every step as you danced to every beat. "So this is what you do when you're not working? Ha pathetic." You turn around to that disgusting witch and her ugly evil goblins. "So instead of trying to get a boyfriend you're dancing here alone for a kid? You need to grow up." She says laughing. "Minseok go home." You state. You watch as he trys to get pass but Annabel orders for a guy to grab him. "Let me go!" You heard him scream. "We don't want you going to tell someone about this little brat." She said to him. "Let him go. He's just a kid." You state. "What are you gunna do abo-" before she could finish her sentence you already punched her and the guy holding minseok. It because there was another guy. You covered minseok from the attackers. "When I say so, we run that way and hide okay." You told minseok. He nodded in agreement. "Damn , you know what would've happened to you if you broke my nose!" She states. Thankfully the guys were too busy trying to calm their queen that they weren't paying attention to us. "Run." You say to minseok. You both took off running. "Get them stupids!" You heard Annabel yell. You both got behind a building and you hid minseok in a bush. "Where are you gunna hide?" He asks. "Shhh don't worry. Just don't say anything and pretend youre a ninja. Cover your ears and close your eyes. I'll tell you when everything is alright okay." You state. "Mmmkay" he whispers. You run back to see Annabel and the guys. "Hey crackhead s! Over here." You say running pass them to the playground. You threw in a couple of punches an kicks but you tripped and fell off the playground head first to the ground. " don't ing mess with me again." You heard Annabel say before having the guys kick you. You tried to protect anywhere where they might hit a nerve or something. "Ughhh lets go guys. People are coming. Plus we don't need to waste our time with this nobody." She said walking away. You slowly got up feeling dizzy from falling and pain from the kicks but you needed to go check on minseok.You wobbled your way to minseok and took his hands off his ears. "Minseok, everything's alright now okay. No more bad guys okay, you're-"
(Minhos POV)
After work I went home to just chill and play video games. My brother said he's going to the park with friends so I wasn't worried. Suddenly I hear the door slamming and little footsteps running upstairs to my room. "MinMin help please!" He looked as if he was about to cry with scratches on his arm and it hurt my heart. "What happened." I asked him. He didn't answer but brought me to the park where there was an unconscious girl. "Jane?"
(I think this chapter was shorter than the others. Sorry my brain is a little fried because of school and stuff. Well Annabel is back ruining everything and like BoA's song, Only One, is stuck in my head so that's why it was in this chapter. 'Till next time my lovelies, BAI )
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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~