Chapter 5 part 1

Falling For Choi Minho
(Your POV)
Days passed and school was out for fall break. Not only that but the carnival was on its way. Just a few more days. The SHINee cafe has been working non-stop. First, opening the shop then after, practicing for the performance. You finally meet the dance crew that will join you as you sing and dance to "Only one". "Hi." You say shaking each one of their hands. "Wow your pretty!  So your doing BoA's part? How old are you? Do you have a boyfriend? I look forward to working with you." You were covered with comments and questions. Suddenly the door opens and this guy with rainbow colored hair came in. "I'm Sehun." He states. "I'm your partner for the solo part."  "Nice to meet you. How old are you?" You ask. "First year highschool." He says. "You look older than that but you are still cute. You said smiling. He seems a lot older. You thought. "Hey hey hey. Get to rehearsing. We have to be perfect when we go on stage." Kibum states as he heads back out the door. After hours of rehearsing, you still couldn't get your dancing right but you can also tell that everyone was exhausted. "You guys can go home now." You said. "I'll clean up here." You say smiling a little. "Really?! Thanks Jane. You're  awesome!" They say as they pack up and leave. Now that you're alone, you try the dancing again. Then you realize something and pout. "Ughhhh Jane your so stupid. You need a partner for this part." You say. "Ugh sooo tired." You exclaim laying on the floor. "Haha you're weird." You look up to the voice to see Minho laughing. "Why are you here?"you ask. "We just finished the why so serious rehearsal. Where is everyone else?" He says looking around. "They looked tired so I told them they could go home. " you state. "Why didn't you go then." I wanted to practice some more but I realized I needed a partner so now I'm here for no reason." You say to him. "Well let me substitute then. I think I know the moves." He says. "Fine, better than nothing."you say turning the music on. Surprisingly Minho did the dancing perfectly you couldn't help blush from the way you were dancing together. "Thanks." You say when you both finish. "Anytime." He said packing his stuff. "Minho." You say. "What?" He asked. "....never mind" you say grabbing your bag. "See you tomorrow." You stated walking out.
(Let's just skip to the awesome carnival ok)
"Put this on." Taemin says. "What? There's an outfit for the song?" You asked. "Yea! Just wear it. You will look good in it." He says handing you the outfit and heading out the changing room.
"You guys ready? Team SHINee!!" Kibum yells. You watch as the guys head onto the stage in their matching outfits. 
You watch them in amazement. The way Taemin sings those high notes, the way Jinki sings those low notes, the way kibum rapped and the way Minho danced just made you realize how amazing they are. After they finished, Minho passed you with one whisper of "good luck" before you were pushed onto stage by the back up dancers. "Why are you guys just wearing black and im wearing all of this?" You whisper to one guy named kai "Cuz your the main dancer and singer." He replied. "But where's Sehun? He's doing the duet dancing with me." You asked panicking. "Everything's alright, he said he can't make it but we have a backup." He said. "But-" "Stop asking questions we're about to start." He states. "You turn and realize you're in center stage. You got this Jane. Just relax. You've practiced this so many times before. The music started and that's when all your nerves left. You danced and sang your heart out. Then you realize you and Sehun's part was coming up but you saw no sign of him so all of your nerves came back.  I guess I'm doing it by myself. You say to yourelf. Suddenly Minho came out. "Just like we practiced." He mouthed to you. You nod your head before continuing the dance. Gratefully you both made until the end. "Jane that was wonderful!"Taemin yelled plopping himself on you making both of you fall. "Taemin, just because you're the lightest guy here doesn't mean you go jumping on people." jinki says helping us up. "Sorry." He chuckles. "Great. Now that everyone's here, lets go open up the SHINee cafe stand." Kibum says. "Okay." We all reply. I think the performance was successful because many people gathered around our stand. This went on until dark. "Jane go have fun." Kibum says after an hour or so. "It's okay. I can work." You state. "NO. There won't be another carnival until Christmas. Go now or I'll won't let you work for a week." He said. "I WANT A WEEK OFF!" Taemin yelled. "No." Kibum replied. "Kibum you know I have to work for money." You say. "Exactly! so go have fun right now. That's an order." Kibum stated. "MINHO! Make sure she has fun!" He stated. "Sure." I heard Minho say. "Where's minseok?" You ask. He went to  sleep over at a friends house." He replied. "Soooo. What do you wanna do?" He asks as both of you were walking around."I don't know what's fun." You replied. "You do like trying to beat me so let's do that." He said pulling you to the basketball thingy. "5 trys for 3 dollars. Make 3 get a small toy, get all five you and either get a big prize or shoot another 5 and get a jumbo prize." The stand person said. "I don't have money. Lets just go ride rides. We have free VIP  passes." You say. "Just wait." He states. You watch as he pays and shoots all the balls in baskets. He comes back to you holding a giant frog. "Here. So you can remember this day." He said handing you the big frog plushie. "Why do you think I want to remember this day?" You ask. "Because it's the day you have so much fun and it's the 1st day you spend alone with me." He said winking. "Lets go on that." You say turning your blushing face away from him. "Ok."he agreed. After many rides your stomach started to growl. "You hungry?"  "No, my stomach is growling because it knows it's going to rain." You say sarcastically. "Lets go get Cotton candy." He says. "What's Cotton candy?" You ask. "I can't believe you haven't ate Cotton candy. Wait right here." He stated. Then, he came back with the pink fluffiness. "Open our mouth." he asked. You did as you were told and he plopped the fluffy goodness in your mouth. "Amazing! It melts in your mouth and leave such a good taste!" You exclaim. "Yeah." He said chuckling. We finished the snack and started walking back to the cafe stand until Minho stopped. "What's wrong?" You ask. "Lets go on that. I heard there was going to be fireworks in a few minutes." He said pointing to the Ferris wheel. "Okay." You say. "To be honest, I haven't been on a Ferris wheel. I've seen pictures and I know what it is but I never actually went on one." You confessed. "Then lets go!" He said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you. You both got into the cart and sat on the opposite side of eachother. You looked out with the frog plushie in your arms as the cart started to be lifted.
Her eyes sparkled as she looked out. "Minho look! They look like ants." She said full of excitement.  I look out the window and it was beautiful. I turn back to her and she's just as beautiful, maybe more, the way the lights reflected in her eyes. The Ferris wheel stops. Sadly we aren't at the very top but we were pretty high. I wanted to hold her hand but before I could, the sound of fireworks appeared. "Wow. Amazing!" She said. Then we started moving again but this time we were going down. "I never knew carnivals were so cool at night!" She said smiling brightly. I couldn't hold back anymore. "Jane." I say. She turns her head to meet her lips with mine. It was the best kiss I ever had. I was surprised she didn't push me away.  I slowly parted our lips away while still looking at her shocked face. "Jane?" I said. She came back down to earth and hid her face in the frog plushie. "Jane. I love you." I said holding her hand. "Jane, will you talk to me? Do you like me?" I said after a little while. I watched her slowly lift her head from the frog blushing. "I-I don't hate you." She said before hiding her face again. "You're really cute." I said. I watched the blush spread to her ears. Once our cart was on the ground, she tried to get away but tripped. "Hehe you're just too adorable." I stated helping her up. "Shut up. Mc Stupid" She said. We walked the rest of the way to the stand in silence. "Sooo what happened? Tell me the details?" Taemin asked running up to us. "Nothing really. just went on some rides and stuff." She stated walking away. "What did you do to my Jane? She's red." Taemin asked me with his arms crossed. " I kissed her and said I loved her." I said straight forward.  "YOU DID WHAT?! WHAT DID SHE SAY? DID SHE SAY SHE LOVES YOU BACK CUZ I CAN CLEARLY
END UP TOGETHER YOU BOTH LOOK GOOD WITH EACH OTHER!" Taemin exclaimed. "We aren't a couple. I told her I loved her and she said she doesn't hate me." I said. "Ohh. But the way she is around you makes me think she's just hiding her feelings inside and she actually really likes you." Taemin says. "I already know. I just want her to realize her feelings for me and say something. Until that day, Im stuck in a kinda friend zone." I stated before helping with the cafe stand.
(so this chapter ended up longer than I thought so I'm sorry and so I made this chapter onto two parts okay!! Sorry for making you guys read all that.)
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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~