Chapter 9

Falling For Choi Minho
(Your POV)
You woke up in a room so familiar. Oh right it was Minho's. Thank goodness it's Saturday because you didn't want to go to school with another one of Minho's jackets. You felt hot and cold at the same time that it made you so frustrated it gave you a headache. I can't get a fever now. You sit up on the bed and just looked around until someone knocked. "Jane are you okay?" Minseok asks climbing on the bed. "Just a slight fever. It will go away soon." You reply. "MinMin! Jane is awake!" He yelled. Not long after, Minho came through the door. He walked straight to you and sat on the bed. Then he felt your forehead. "Are you okay? You've been working yourself too hard." He asks looking into your eyes. "I'm okay. Just a little stuffy nose and sore throat. Nothing serious." You reply. "I'll be back." He said leaving. "Jane. You made MinMin worry a lot yesterday." Minseok stated. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." You say. Then Minho came in with a cup filled with what looks like a warm substance. "I don't drink coffee." You say. "It's not coffee, it's hot chocolate. No one in this house drinks coffee so we just stuck with hot chocolate." He says handing you the drink and sitting on the bed. You took a sip in silence then you looked up to him then back down to your drink. "Um Minho, I was kinda um wondering if I can maybe stay over today?" You ask nervously. "It's fine if you don't want to it's just Jonghyun......yea."  "What about Jonghyun? Did he do anything to you?" He asks. "No. It's just that I promised he can use my house for his anniversary today and I can't really go home." You say. "I thought it was your anniversary with him." He states. "Ew no. Jonghyun is gay. He's just my best friend." You say. "Ohh. I feel stupid now." He said. "Hehe why? Jealous?" You ask. "Yeah." He said as he looked deep into your eyes. Your gazes never split until the moment minseoks stomach growled. "I'm guessing you're hungry?" Minho asks his brother. The little boy nods. "Okay then. I'll make breakfast. You both better be at the table in 15 minutes." He says before walking through the door. Then thoughts and memories came into your head. All about Minho. Since the first day you met him and all the times he was beside you. Do I really like him? You ask yourself. The more you thought about it, the more you can feel the blush appear in your face. "Jane, you're turning red. Is your fever getting worse?" Minseok asks sitting in front of you. "No, it's just..... Can I ask you a question?"   "Sure!"  "Do you think um MinMin and me should umm be together?" You ask in embarrassment. His face was soon lit up and a huge grin appeared on his face. "Of course I do. MinMin is like my appa which means you should be my umma and we can be a happy family!" He says as he moved his arms wildly in the air.  It was like cuteness overload.  Suddenly you got the urge to ask minseok more questions about Minho. The conversation was cut quickly when they heard Minho yell. "YOU BOTH HAVE 20 SECONDS TO GET OVER HERE OR IM DRAGGING YOU BOTH OUTSIDE TO STARVE! 20. 19.-" he yelled as he started counting down. You and minseok look at eachother before rushing out of bed. "10. 9. 8." Minho exclaimed as minseok made it to the table. "5. 4. 3.-" as the last five seconds were being counted down, you slipped and fell face first to the ground. " ow ow ow ow." You say getting up and rubbing your head. "Jane are you okay?" Minho asks lifting your chin to get a better view of your face. The thoughts from before we're coming back as you stared into his dark brown eyes. "I-I'm okay." You say blushing and looking somewhere else. "I'm glad you're not hurt." He said then kissed your forehead before helping you up. "Let's eat."  As all of you were eating, you stared as they laughed and talked and more thought came to mind. Why do I feel as if I really belong here with these two? Is it like? Love? I feel like they make me complete. "Jane, you do know you're mind is in mars right now?" Minho states. You realized you had a huge smile on your face while daydreaming and you felt so embarrassed you hid your face in your hands.
(Minho's POV)
She was thinking about something again. Her smile was shining. I wonder what she was thinking about. She's been acting weird since she woke up. Mostly when I told her I was jealous. Her face was tomato red and after she would get lost in her thoughts and smile with a blush while thinking. Maybe she finally realized her feelings for me. Maybe. Or I'm getting my hopes up even though it's her fever taking over. This is so complicated!   We finished our food and Jane was still feverish so she stayed home with minseok while I made a quick trip to the store to get her medicine. I came back and she was sleeping on the couch with minseok passed out on her lap. I sat beside her on the couch and gently patted her until her eyes fluttered open. "I bought the medicine." I say as I opened the medicine and since It was the liquid kind, I put the liquid in the small cup and handed it to her. "Thanks." She stated as she gulped the medicine. "You can go back to the room if you want to sleep you know." I say. "I'm fine here. Plus I don't want to wake minseok. He looks adorable sleeping"she says as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Okay. Let watch a movie then." I say as I grabbed the remote and searched the channels until I found a movie. After a few hours of movies, Jane fell asleep leaning into the crook of my neck. She fits perfectly. I reached over to her hand and locked our fingers together. Before I knew it, the last movie I was watching put me to sleep.
(Your POV)
You woke from your nap and felt warmth covering you. You look down to see minseok asleep on your lap and you turned to your right and there was Minho also sound asleep. You look down and find your hands are connected with Minho but you don't pull away because you strangely liked that feeling. Instead of pushing away, you snuggled back in the crook of Minho's neck and went to sleep.
(Next morning)
(minseoks POV)
I woke up and yawned as I lifted myself up from jane's lap. MinMin and Jane were holding hands while sleeping so I ran into my room and took out my camera then went back to the living room. I took a picture of them and after it came out, I ran back to my room to pull out my photo album. In the album was pictures that was taken ever since Minho gave me the camera and album 2 years ago.  Nowadays though, the album is gaining more and more pictures of jane. She's like the new member to our family. I carefully took the picture of them and set it next to the last picture of them sleeping together. I found a blanket so I covered them with it. Then I felt hungry so I ate a bag of chips before going to my room to play without waking them up.
(Your POV)
"Mmmm Minho. Ahh~ I-I love you!" You moan. "I love you Jane." He said with a husky voice into your ear. He kissed your lips then around your lips before your ear making you moan more. The heat of your actions made you want more of him. You shut your eyes in pleasure then reopened it to find it was all a dream. You got up and looked at your 'pillow'. He was still sleeping soundly. You still felt the linger of his lips from the dream. Did it always felt like that? You ask yourself. Before long, you slowly made your lips to his sleeping body and kissed him. You didn't pull away until you felt him shifting around. You quickly pulled away and hid under the blanket.
(Minho's POV)
I had this amazing yet strange dream that Jane actually kissed me. I woke up and I guess she was still sleeping. I touched my lips. It felt so real. "Jane. Hey jane. Wake up." I say tapping her body under the blanket. "She groaned and slowly crawled away still in the blanket. "Come on get out of there." I say as I pulled the blanket off of her. When the blanket was off, her face was red and I can tell something was wrong. "What's wrong?" I asked as I grabbed her wrist. I can feel her shaking under my grip. "N-nothing!" She exclaims. "Umm I-I think I should be going home. Uh thanks for letting me stay over. Bye minseok." She said as she rushed out the door.
(Your POV)
You ran all the way to your mansion, unlocked the door and found Jonghyun and kibum eating breakfast. "Woah woah. What's wrong? What happened? Why you rushing?" They ask. You sat down leaning on the door. "help me.." You say. They both rush up to you in worry and panic. "What's wrong?!" They ask as they sat in front of you. "I like Minho" 
(THERE IT IS!!! SHE FINALLY ADMITS HER FEELINGS! ISNT THAT AMAZING. NOW I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING WITH THEIR RELATIONSHIP. I feel like I'm rushing a bit too much though. Ohh well. I'm impatient so sorry. Also, sorry this isn't a different color. I'm doing this all on my phone and right now it's being stupid so..yea. 'Till next chapter. BAI!)
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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~