Chater 18

Falling For Choi Minho

(Your POV)
Life has been good for you. Minseok is still as cute as ever and the relationship between you and Minho was perfect. Everyday, you'd watch him at his basketball practice and afterwards pick up his brother. He may be sweaty but he looked so god damn hot. "Babe, eyes on the road." He says in the pass anger seat. "Well put on a shirt. You're distracting." You reply. "It's too hot." He complained. "Open the window." You state. "If I do that then it's gunna get cold." He whined. "What am I gunna do with you?" You asked as you pulled up to minseoks school. "Stay here mr.shirtless, I'll get minseok." You say. You got out and walked into the school. "Minseok!" You called. From far away, you saw a little version of Minho happily walking to you. Before you got to greet him, girls and moms were squealing. You turned around to see that Minho just walked in shirtless. "Jane, minseokie!" He yelled. You grabbed minseoks little hand and walked up to Minho and smacked his bare shoulder. "Owwie." He says. "I told you to put on a shirt. And why didn't you stay in the car?" You state. "It's too hot in there and I wanted to pick up minseok too." He pouted. you kissed his cute lips before whispered teasingly, "I just don't want anyone else seeing your y body but me."  He blushed and you walked out feeling satisfied with yourself.
(Minho's POV)
I stood there flustered. "You guys are such a lovely family." A women said coming up to me. "yupp, I know." I replied before walking back to the car where Jane and minseok was singing the power rangers theme song. 
~few months~
Jane visited me at practice again. "Hey babe!" I yelled from the court. "Hey Minho!" She yelled and took a seat.  I apparently forgot we were doing a practice game and a guy took the ball from me. "MINHO! KEEP YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!!!" The coach yelled. I apologized the ran to regain the ball. Practice ended and the coached talked to me. "Minho, you are an amazing player but we have to win the finals this year. I can't having my star player being distracted. It's either you keep your head in the game or your off the team." He says. "Yes sir. I will work harder and not be distracted." I replied as I threw my bag over my shoulder and met up with Jane. "What happened?" She asked. "Can you not come to practices anymore. Kinda getting distracted by your beauty." I say. "If your coach doesn't want me here, I'm fine with that you know." She says. "But I won't get to see you." I complained. "I'll see you when you get home." She said. I smiled and kissed her. She always understands.
(Your POV)
So you stopped going to Minho's practice and instead cleans up the house or does homework. It kinda cuz sometimes, all your homework would be done and there was nothing to clean. In the end, all the energy you drained and boredom that took over you, changed when minseok and Minho would walk through the door. 
~more months passed~
School is coming close to an end. Everything has been the same as always. Minho's birthday passed, so did yours. Christmas was fun. Minho dressed up as Santa. All three of you prayed for a great New Years with each other. Valentines passed and of course Minho got confessions but he denied everyone's but yours. He found out about the letters and threat you were getting so he went on the PDA and announced to the school that you were his and that anyone who causes problems for you will die then made out with you on the last day before spring break in front of the school. Now though, Minho has been spending less time with you and minseok because playoffs are the last week of school and if they win, the final playoff is on Saturday. The basket ball team needed lots of practice. He would come home later than usual but you didn't mind waiting for him. As long as he was the last person you see before you sleep and the first person when you wake up, everything is fine. That busy week came up fast like the switch of a light. You watched his games with minseok after school and of course you both were cheering him on. Minseok even made posters, banners, shirts, and headbands that said Choi Minho. They've won every game and at the end the end of those games, he would put minseok on his shoulders and hold your hand as you three go back home. "MINMIN! YOU WERE SO COOL PLAYING BASKETBALL! YOU JUMPED AND THREW THE BALL AND RAN EVERYWHERE!" Minseok exclaimed as he ran around the house when you guys got home. "I was wasn't i." He replied. "Yupp, you did amazing." You say pecking his lips. You were gunna pull away but he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in closer for a deeper kiss. You kissed him back but then pulled away. "You my handsome hunk, smell like sweat. Imma make dinner so go shower." You say. He took off his shirt and pulled you close to him by your waist but not too close to be touching. "How bout you shower with me?" He smirked and tried kissing you. You blushed and put your finger on his lips. "I'm not gunna kiss you unless you shower." You say. He pouted and walked to the bathroom. Dinner was done and you three say on the table talking about how tomorrow Minho will win the finale and get the first place male basketball team trophy for the school. 
Soon enough, that day came. People filled the stands and the gym was crowded. You and minseok were lucky enough to get a spot. You two sat down and watch Minho and his team practice. Afterwards he would search the crowed for you and minseok and when he find you, he makes a heart with his arms and points to both of you. Girls around you would squeal as if he pointed to them. You would chuckle at their obliviousness. The game was crazy. It was tied for a while but someone got injured so our team was down by 2 and time was running out. 
(Minho's POV)
This team was really good. The co-captain of the team got injured and he was one of our good players. Time was running out and we really want to win this. Scratch that. WE HAVE TO WIN. My plan won't work if we don't. Still down by 2 and a few seconds left. I finally got the ball but was on the other side of the court and no one was open. I dribbled around some guys but I knew I couldn't make it all the way to the hoop. There was 10 seconds. From the crowd, 2 voices stood out. "MINMIN YOU CAN DO IT!" "MINHO, YOU CAN DO IT! I LOVE YOU!" The yelled. I smiled and Y.O.L.O it. I threw the ball from half court and just as the bell buzzed the ball swished in. I couldn't process what just happened until screams filled my ears and the team ran towards me. "Minho you did it man!"  "I CANT BELIEVE YOU MADE THAT!" They started chanting my name. I felt proud. The coach came up with some guy holding a mic and they awarded me with a scholarship for basketball and put a medal around my neck. I thanked everyone and cheers erupted again. I looked over to my universe and she waved with miseok beside her. The guy gave me the mic and I told everyone I had a speech to make. "First of all, I want to thank you all for supporting me but mostly my soulmate,my girlfriend Jane. And my best friend, my brother minseok. Thank you both for always being there and for loving me endlessly. Can you two come here." I say as I watch minseok pull Jane into the court. I bent down to minseoks level and put my medal around him. "I love you Minnie and I will always be beside you so whatever problems you have, don't be afraid to tell me." I say. He nodded and I ruffled his hair. I stood back up and walked towards Jane. "What are you doing? This is so embarassing." She whispered. "im about to do something even more embarassing." I say. I yelled some names and they came out. Key, Jonghyun, Onew, marylin, and Taemin. Each one holding a letter behind them. "What are you doing?" She asked. "You'll see." I whispered back. "Lee Jane, I freaking love you. I don't know what it is but since the first day I met you, I had that feeling that I won't be able to live without you. And I was right. You are my world, my universe, and so much more. I'm glad you love me back and I promise to make you happy. I would never break a promise  with you ever in my life but today I'm sorry to say but a promise will be broken. I promised to be your boyfriend forever but I'm sorry I can't do that anymore so I'm breaking up with you. This is the first and last time I'm breaking promises with you. I love you so much and I just don't want to be your boyfriend. Make me the luckiest man in the world and I promise to never leave you and to make you happy. So I have one question....." At that time, one side of tw crowd yelled "WILL", the other side yelled "YOU", our friends held up the letters M.A.R.R.Y, and minseok ran and gave me a crumpled up paper. I opened it and showed her and asked, "ME?" She was bright pink and tears slowly fell. She embraced me and said, "you're such an idiot." "Is that a yes?" I asked. "Of course it's a yes." She stated. "Kiss her. kiss her." Marylin started chanting. Soon enough the gym was repeating the same thing. She blushed and hid her face in her hands. I smiled and took her hands away and just held it. "I love you." I say before locking our lips together. The crowd cheered and music started playing. Confetti was tossed in the air. Minseok passed me the ring and I slipped it onto her finger. She smiled and kissed me again. That night we went home together. As a family.

(well well well, how do you like dem apples? I actually updated wow! I know you probably didn't like the rush but I was running out of ideas apparently . As you can tell. Either way I hope you liked it. Peace out. Love yallz.)

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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~