Chapter 14

Falling For Choi Minho
(Your POV)
You woke up to a handsome, shirtless guy whose arms were wrapped around your waist. You examined his face and found his little drooling completely adorable. You peck his lips and his eyes slowly opened. "Good morning." You say. He kissed your nose and replied, good morning to you my beautiful angel." You scrunched up your face and hold your nose making him question. "What's wrong babe?"  "Morning breath." You giggled. "Oh stop overreacting. It's not that bad." He says flipping you on top of him and kissing you on the lips.  You smiled into the kiss then sat up. "Wake up your brother and brush your teeth. I'll make breakfast." You say jumping off of him and skipping out of the room.
(Minho's POV)
I watched as she cutely skipped out. When she was out of sight I laid down feeling happy. Thank you god for this awesome life.i thought.  "MINHO DONT YOU DARE THINK ABOUT GOING BACK TO SLEEP!" I heard her yell from downstairs. "YEAH YEAH I KNOW!" I replied getting up and going to minseok's room. He was sleeping so soundly. Being the great brother that I am, I jumped on top of him but making sure not to hurt him. "MINNIE ME WAKEY WAKEY!" I say. He opened his eyes and squirmed all over the place trying to get out from under me. "MINMIN GET OFF!" He yelled. "Oh no minseok,'s taking over!" I say sarcastically as I put more of my weight in him. "AHHH JANE! HELP ME!" He screamed. I quickly got up and hid behind the door. "What is it?!" Jane asked worriedly coming through the door way. "BOO!" I yelled. A sudden pain was felt on my cheek and I found myself sitting on the ground. "Oh my gosh minho. I am so sorry. You scared me and I panicked." She said. I started rubbing my hurting cheek but she pushed my hand away and started planting kisses on my face. "Don't do that again. I don't know what I'll do if that happens again. I don't want to hurt you." She says caressing my cheek. I smiled pushed her down so I'm hovering over her. "How about for every time you hurt me, I get to kiss you when ever and where ever I want for as long as I want." I state smirking. She wrapped her arms around my neck and replied, "you know, you can do that already so what's the point."  I grinned and placed my lips on hers. Our lips melted together and we started a full on make-out session. It didn't last long because of a little clueless turd who pushed me off of Jane.  "Eww MinMin! Stop eating Jane's face. You weirdo!" He says. Jane laughed and hugged him. "You are sooooooo cute!" She said squeezing the boy. I pouted. "If I don't get Jane's attention, neither can you." I said as I lifted minseok over my shoulder. "Where are we going?" Minseok asks. "Let's go brush our teeth" I stated.
(Your POV)
You laughed as they left to the bathroom so you went back downstairs and set up the table for 3. A few minutes later, they happily came down. "Let's eat. I got the entire day planned out!" You say cheerfully. "What's happening today?" Minho asks. "it's a surprise so you have to get ready and were leaving at 11." I state with a smile. After breakfast we all got ready to leave. You were brushing your hair when Minho appeared. "Babe, what should I wear? Blue or this cool poopy green one?" Minho asked holding up two shirts. "Hmmm. Well I like the blue on you but the poopy green would go well with your stink." You teased. He threw the shirts onto the bed and embraced you. "For your information, I smell delicious and you know it." He stated. You chuckled, kissed him, then pushed him lightly to get ready. You were finishing brushing your hair, you saw his in the mirror as he took his shirt off to put another on. So muscular and fit. I can't believe were dating. "Come on Jane, you've already seen me shirtless before. You don't need to pretend not to be looking at me." He said interrupting your train of thought. You stuck your tongue out at him and went down stairs to find Minseok all dressed and so excited that he was bouncing off the walls. Minho walked down a couple minutes later in the blue shirt. "Looking good Minho." You state. "You too Mrs.Choi." He replies. "We're not married." You say with a blush. "Not yet." He says and plants a kiss on your cheek. "Well let's go guys!" You say. You all got in the car and you started driving. "Jane Jane Jane! Where are we going?!" Minseok asked excitedly in the backseat. "You'll figure it out when we get there." You state. Once the place was in view minseok went crazy. "LOTTE WORLD!!! YAYYYY! LOTTE WORLD!!!" He exclaimed. Minho looked at you in surprise and you smiled. You parked the car and minseok was the first to get out. "You don't have to do this you know." Minho said beside you. "I know. But I want to." You replied. He held your hand in his and you all walked to buy the tickets to get in. The three of you rode almost all the roller coasters except the ones that minseok couldn't and spent the whole day at Lotte World. You loved today. So much fun with the people you cared for so much. It was getting late and Lotte World had on their beautiful lights around the amusement park. Minseok got tired and when he was carried, he fell asleep in Minho's arms. "We should probably go now." You suggested. He agreed but as you both were headed for the exit, a park staff asked to take a picture of you all. "Would you like to take a picture of your lovely family? It's free, no charge." The guy asked. "Sure. Why not." Minho says moving closer to you. You stood beside Minho and minseok and posed cutely for the picture. "Such a young couple. Your family is beautiful." The guy said and handed you the photograph. Then you guys headed to the car. Minho put his brother in the backseat and strapped him down before getting in the passenger seat. "Jane, you know I love you. I really love you." He stated on the drive home. "Hehe I know. I love you more." You replied. The rest of the ride home was in silence except for the radio. When you guys got home, you sat on the couch while Minho left to put minseok in his bed. You were watching tv when a presence sat beside you. You look over and Minho was staring at you. "What?" You ask. "You're just so beautiful." He stated. You blushed and he kissed you. Suddenly, the kiss was becoming more intense. You pulled away and whined, "no makeout sessions tonight Minho.  I'm exhausted."  But that didn't stop him. He conitinued kissing you passionately. "Okay stop." You said about 5 minutes later. "Nope." He said your ear and tickling you. "Hahahahaha stop please stop." But he didn't and kept on going. You laughed so much pleaded him to stop. Apparently neither of you heard someone come in the house. A few seconds later, the stranger punched Minho unconscious to the ground. "MINHO!" You yell.
(OMG I think this is a new record! The last few chapters took a long time for me to update but this is a bit faster. I at writing blerg. Well practice make perfect am I right?! Hope you peeps liked this chapter. Sorry for everything. I'll try harder to update sooner and stuff like that. I LOVE YOU ALL! until next time. BAIZ!)
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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~