Chapter 11

Falling For Choi Minho
(Your POV)
You both walked into the dance hands together which caused many to stare. The glares were digging into your soul so you tried best you could to hide behind your new boyfriend. "Why are you hiding?" He asked. "Everyone's staring. It's kinda creepy." You say. "Let them stare. Actually, now that we have everyone's attention I can do this." He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a kiss. Gasps, awes, and silent shocked faces occurred around the gymnasium. The kiss ended and he looked at you. "Now everyone knows your mine." He said smirking. "Idiot.." You whisper. Then out of nowhere, Marylin popped up. "Finally! Jane, my friend, you are really slow when it comes to love." She stated. "Do you know how long Minho waited for you? I'm surprised he didn't give up." "I was about to but I'm glad I didnt." He says as he smiled to you. "Now imma feel like the third wheel. Ugh I need to find a boyfriend."Sooooo, congrats on becoming a couple.  Besides that, we're having a party at my house if you want to come." Kibum says as he, jonghyun, jinki and Taemin met up with us. "I can't. I promised to take minseok trick or treating later." Minho states. "But Jane, you can go if you want. Or maybe you might want to come with me and minseok." He says. Everyone stared at you. "I think I might just go home." You say. "Awwww. Okay I guess. Would you like to come?" Kibum asked marylin. "Mmkay!" She replied.  See ya!" They say as they waved goodbye. "You squeezed Minho's hand a little and both of you left the dance. "Why don't you go to the party with them?" He asks. "Because I don't have a costume and because I bought a lot of candy and I need to give it out. You don't expect me to eat all that by myself do you?" You say. "Yea I guess. It would've been nice to have you come with us though." He stated. He brought you to your house and waited until you opened the door. "Umm so...bye" you say. "Bye Jane." He said before kissing you. It was a full one minute kiss that left you gasping for air. "Love you." He says as he left. "Love you...too." You whisper as you closed your door. You changed into your pajamas and took the bowl of candy and waited by your door. Little kids in cute and adorable costumes rang your doorbell. As the amount of knocks decreased, and the candy was running out you waited until 11 before you started to put the leftover candy away. You were about to head upstairs to sleep when a knock came at the door. You opened the door to find emptiness. "Hello?" You ask the darkness. Suddenly two power rangers jump in front of you causing you to jump back in surprise. The power rangers took their masks off revealing the choi brothers. "Minho you son of a- oh hi minseok." You say from Minho to minseok. "So your nice to him but yell at me. Ugh I feel so excluded." Minho says sarcastically. "Trick or Treat!" Minseok says excitedly. "I just put my candy away but I'll get some for you right now. Come in." You say as you went to the kitchen to grab candy. You went to the living room where Minho was helping minseok count his candy on the ground. Actually Minho was more like trying to mess up minseoks counting. "24, 25, 26,27-" "56,57,38-" "MINMIN STOP!" Minseok yelled before counting again. "27,28,29,30-"  "32,31,31". "32,32,33,34- MinMin! I messeded up." Minseok says. "Minho your so mean. Stop picking in your brother." You say handing minseok the candy and sitting on the floor next to Minho. "Well he made me dress up in this ridiculous costume and walk around in it." Minho says as he tugged on the sleeves of the power ranger costume. "Haha it's fine. You look good." You say laughing. "Ohh so do I look y?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows. "You wish." You say pushing him a little. "Shouldn't you both be going home. We have school still tomorrow if you haven't realized." You tell minho. "Well I'm sorry for wanting to spend more time with my girlfriend." Minho states making you blush like crazy. "Just go home." You say throwing a pillow at him. "Okay okay. Minseok lets go." He says. The little boy grabbed all his candy and stuffed it back in his bag. You walked them outside. "Bye jane!" Minseok says. "Bye minseok."  "Bye
babe." Minho said kissing your forehead. "Bye." You reply blushing a little more. When they were out of sight, you closed and locked the door behind you as you went up to your room. When you got in there, you fell on top of your bed. Thinking of how you and Minho ended up together and why you didn't notice until now. What is love? You thought. Is it an feeling? Emotion? Action? What is it? How do you know you're in love?  LOVE IS JUST INDESCRIBABLE. There is no specific meaning or definition to it. Love is just something that appears at a point in your life and you will know for sure it's love once you're hooked.
(Sorry for the late update my children. SCHOOL HAS BEEN KILLING ME!!! I never have time and it stresses me out. I still love you guys though so please don't hate me. ALSO IM REALLY SORRY ABOUT THIS CHAPTER. I had a conversation with my really close friends about what really is love, and it just came to mind when I was finishing this chapter)
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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~