Part 5

In The Same Storm

               “Hey, Jane, what’s wrong?” asks Pie when seeing Jane walks in to class with sad face.

            “The housemaster didn’t give me permission to change room,” says Jane. She’s really looking sad, even her eyes get teary.

            Yeay! She didn’t get the permission, Pie shouted on her mind. She almost smiling, but she tries to control her face expression, but Pie don’t know that Boy pay his attention to Pie.

             “I’m so sorry to hear that, Jane.” Pie pats Jane’s back.

            “Can you do a favor to me, Pie? Please….” Jane’s begging to Pie.

            “What is it?”

            “Ask Kim her type of girl that she likes, will you?”

            “Ah, okay, I’ll ask it later.”

            “And ask her too what she thinks of me.”

            Pie gives Jane a smile of encouragement. “Sure, I’ll ask that too.”

            “Thank you, Pie.” Jane smiles to Pie and Pie smiles back to her.

            Sorry, Jane, but I can’t allow you to be Kim’s roommate, even if I don’t know the reason why I behave like this, Pie says on her mind.


            “Hi, Kim.” Pie smiles widely to Kim as she sits beside Kim. The next lecturer isn’t arriving yet.

            Kim takes a glance to Pie. “What’re you doing here?” she acts cold again.

            “Just wanna sit here. Problem?”

            “Yes.” Kim nods.

            Pie glares at Kim. “Why you must act cold to me, Kim?”

            “Fyi, not just you.”

            “Yeah, I know, but I’m your roommate, be nice, please….”

            “I won’t. You’re too noisy. I hate noisy people.”

            Pie glares become murderous. “Noisy?”

            “Yeah, you’re asking too much. Maybe if you can stop talking to me, I can be nice to you.”

            “You’re so mean, Kim.”

            Kim nods. “I knew that.”

            Kim startled when seeing Pie tears on her face. Pie doesn’t wipe her tears. She want Kim know that she’s hurt.

            “Stop crying.” Now, Kim is on panic mode.

            “I’m hurt, Kim, because of you.”

            “Sorry, but I had my own reason. So, please stop crying.”

            “Promise me that you’ll be nice to me.”

            “I can’t. Stop crying, Pie, or I’ll kiss you.”

            “If you dare, then do it.” Pie closes her eyes.

            Again, Kim startled. “You’re insane, Pie,” says Kim. “Okay, I’ll try to be nice to you. Satisfied?”

            Pie opens her eyes, wipe her tears, and nods happily. “Thanks, Kim.”

            Kim takes a deep breath, trying to calm her down. “I assume you want to ask something to me, right?”

            Pie giggles. “How can you know it? I just wanna know your ideal type.”

            “Tall, I like tall people and not noisy type.”

            Jane’s tall, also Yam, says Pie on her mind. Suddenly, Pie becomes sad.

            “What do you think about Jane?”

            “Who’s Jane?” Kim’s asking with her innocent face.

            “You don’t know her?” Pie’s a bit surprised and a bit happy.

            Kim nods. “I never remember someone that isn’t important to me.”

            Pie smirks. “But you remember me, Kim.” Pie’s enjoys teasing her.

            Kim rolls her eyes. “How can I forget a noisy girl like you?”

            Smirks on Pie’s face disappear and switch to pout. She looks sulky now. Seeing Pie like that makes Kim’s laughing so hard and it also makes peoples on their class is paying more attention to them. This is the first time they saw Kim laughing like this. It’s so weird and rare. It could be lies if they doesn’t envy, including Jane and Van whom also watch them. Maybe just Boy who is smiling seeing that scene.


            Pie walks toward Jane and Boy with her happily face, still don’t know that Jane envy her.

            “So?” asks Boy when Pie sits in front of Jane.

            “Well, Kim likes tall girl and quite type. You’re tall, Jane.” Pie’s trying hard to smiling.

             Jane smiles brightly. “So, there’s still a chance to makes her like me, right?”

            Pie nods. “Maybe.”

            “But don’t hope too much because hoping too much can hurt you if the result isn’t good,” says Boy.

            “Fighting, Jane!” Pie’s trying to give Jane encouragement.

            “Thanks, Pie.” Jane gives Pie a smile.

            “You’re welcome.”

            “Hey, do you know where we’re going this holiday?” asks Boy, divert the conversation.

            “We?” Pie point herself, Boy, and Jane, in confused face.

            “Not just three of us, but all of peoples in our class. Our class always has a holiday together. Last semester we were going to the mountain,” says Boy.

            “All of us?”

            Boy nods. “All of us.”

            “Including Kim,” adds Jane.

            “Even Kim?” Pie looks surprised because she’s so sure that Kim dislikes this kind of event.

            Jane nods. “Yeah, it’s a must, you know.”

            “Ah, I see…. So, where we’re going this holiday?” Pie’s kinda excited because this is her first holiday in new campus.

            Boy lifts his shoulder. “Still don’t know. I hope we’re going to the sea. I loved sea.”

            “Me too. Ah, you make me wanna go to the sea now, Boy.”

            Boy giggles. “Let’s go, Jane.”

            Jane stares Pie. “Let’s go, Pie.”

            Pie smiles awkwardly. “I really hoping we’re not going to the sea.”

            Smiles on Boy’s face and Jane’s disappear. “Why?” asks Boy.

            “You dislike it?” Jane asks too.

            Pie nods. “Yeah.”

            “Poor you. Sea is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.” Boy pats Pie’s back with his sad face, but his expression makes Pie laughing.



            Pie wakes up with her chest up and down, sweats over her body, and pale face. She just had a nightmare and that nightmare always success made her depressed, like now. She can’t control her tears. So, she’s crying.

            “Are you okay, Pie?” Kim who just look at Pie from her bed, going nearer her and sit in front of Pie who crying crazily.

            As Pie sees Kim, she hugs her. A little bit surprised, but Kim hugs Pie back, trying to calm her down. Kim also pats lightly Pie’s back over and over again.

            “You’re okay now, Pie. You’re okay. Calm down.”

            After an hour crying, Pie gets tired and she’s back to sleep. Kim still sits on Pie’s bed, pats Pie’s hand lightly, and stares her intense with her warm eyes. Then she wipes Pie’s hair and kiss Pie’s forehead.

            “You’re safe now, Pie. So, don’t cry like that again.” Kim’s saying in lower tone.


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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 19: I love tis story, it was brilliant, nice work, author!! please give us more Tiaom stories!!
yukezuke #2
Chapter 19: I love it.good job author
Mahizaidi #3
Chapter 19: Nice story
bhavana #4
Chapter 19: so nice story:-)loved it :-)
MellBee #5
Chapter 19: Yeah..good job author..
theolog #6
Chapter 19: maybe i just a bit late to read this .. but i really like it :*
Maria_Ulfa #7
Chapter 19: Nice story author, love you
Chapter 19: I enjoyed reading your fanfic and I hope theRe'll be more to come~ even though there's a lot of grammar mistakes but it's ok. Thumbs up! Hope you write more soon
najville #9
Chapter 19: Thanks for this!nice one..can i have some more?
stargalaxy77 #10
Chapter 19: woahhhhhhhhh what the lovely story!!!!!!!!!!