Part 10

In The Same Storm

Part 10

Kimhan Jittaleela

            Dad was said that she met with Pie’s dad and Pie transferred to my campus. I got excited because after long time, I finally meet her again. I wonder how she is now. She’ll recognize me or not. Gosh, I really can’t wait to see her. It has been 10 years since I was saw her, since that accident. I still remember clearly that day, when I and Pie almost died because we were drowned.

            I, who can’t swim, played too far from the beach, Pie tried to save me. She can swim, but she can’t drag me to the beach. She cried out loud when saw me became a half unconscious. When I opened my eyes, I was in the hospital, but I wasn’t seen Pie. My dad was told me that her parents moved Pie to another hospital. I was sad because of that. I got a trauma with the sea, but I forced myself to learn how to swim so in the future, I’ll not caused trouble for Pie. I also learned how to fight. I forced myself to be as though as I could. So, I can protect peoples around me.


            Pie’s here. She comes with her parents, on my birthday. Ah, she’s become a pretty young lady now. ! My heart beat can’t stop racing. Look, she walks toward me. I need to take a deep breath.

            “Hi, Kim.” Her voice. Ah, I miss her voice so much. “I’m Pie, your dad friend’s daughter. Nice to meet you.” She smiles brightly.

            She’s forgetting about me. It hurts me, very much. I’m waiting for nothing. So, I just stares her coldly and replies, “Hmm.” for her then leave her.

            Yam’s going nearer me and takes a glance to Pie. “So, that’s Pie, huh? Hmm… pretty, but still can’t beat me.” She is giggling. “Anyway, how’s she? Why you look upset?”

            “She’s didn’t recognize me.”

            Yam burst out laugh. “Seriously?”

            I nod.

            “Well, poor you, my handsome.” Yam pats my back.

            “Stop it, Yam.” I become sulky and leave Yam.

            A sweet reunion that I imagined before with Pie didn’t become reality. Birthday should be makes people happy, but I’m not. She was my best friend, even though her mom didn’t allow her to play with me, she always found a way to played with me. I became unsocial person from I was a kid. When the others wasn’t aware with me, Pie approached me, wanted me to play with her and others. Pie was a type of girl that lovely, she can make someone to fall in love with her easily. No wonder my cousins’ wants get her attention.

            “Kim, she’s your friend? Can you introduce me to her? Please, Kim.” Bas, one of my cousins and older than me, is begging to me.

            I stared him with my cold eyes. “I don’t know her.”

            “Eii… don’t be like that to your brother, Kim.”

            Like I would. I leave him too who still begging crazily, but he’s not the only one, almost of my cousins begging to me to introduce them to Pie. Suddenly, Pie becomes a popular topic in my cousins.

            I stop in our pool because no one’s here. I sigh. How can Pie do this to me? Did she still mad about what happen 10 years ago? Or she was kidding? Gosh, I don’t know what she is thinking.

            “Hey, Kim, happy birthday, but sorry I don’t have a gift for you.” That’s her voice again.

            “No problem.” I answer her coldly, even I didn’t look at her, but seems like she’s really forget about me. You make me sad, Pie. Then I leave her again.


            When I walked in to the class that morning, Pie’s voice heard by my ears. “What are you doing here?”

            Stupid question, Pie. I, who still mad with her, again, answered her coldly. “Study.” Then sat in my favorite chair, beside the window, looking through the window is the best thing when I’m in class. I put my headphone, means I won’t like if someone disturbs me.


            “Hey, Kim, why you didn’t sleep at your dorm?” asked Yam who just walked in to my room at my house without knocked the door.

            “Pie’s becomes my roommate.” I answered her with no passion.

            “Really? It’s good then.” She looked happy. “Don’t you miss her too much?”

            I sighed. “But, she didn’t remember me at all, Yam. She’s too much.”

            “Then just makes her remember you. Stupid, Kim. Anyway, I was talked to her, I was said I was your friend and she thought that we’re enemy. She was so funny and full of curiosity too. I must acknowledge your taste on liking someone, Kim.”

            “She’s just a friend, Yam. I don’t like her over than that.”

            “Yeah, yeah, whatever, Kim. You’d better sleep at your dorm, Kim. It’s a suggestion, you know. Now, let me sleep.” Yam lied down on my bed.

            “No! Go to your room, Yam.” I pushed her from my bed.

            “Tsk! You’re so mean, Kim.” Yam pouted her lips and walked out from my room.


            Finally, I backed to the dorm. I took a deep breath before entered my room. I got nervous because Pie’s now my roommate. As soon as I opened the door, her eyes glued to me. I tried to act cold like usual. Again, she asked a stupid question to me: what am I doing here.

            I lied and tried to sleep because I knew that she’s stared at me. Gosh, Pie! You made my heart beat went crazy. It was so hard to control myself when she’s stared like that.


            So, Van likes her, huh? Well, Van is so handsome, but I dislike him to be with her, even though I don’t know the reason. I just dislike it. I talked to Yam about this through the phone and her respond was like:

            “So, you get jealous, huh?” then she giggled.

            “No, I’m not. I just dislike it, Yam.”

            Yam chuckled. “Deny it as many as you can, Kim.”

            “I’m not denied it, I just saying the truth.”

            “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I gotta go now. See ya, Kim.” then she hung up.

            I got jealous? Such nonsense. It’ll never happen to me.


            Oh, ! My body’s burning like hell. Yesterday, I got wet because of rain and now, my body’s trembling. Where’s Pie? Where she’s go when I need her?

            “Pie….” I call her name in desperate, but she doesn’t show up. I really wish she’s here right now, but then I remember that she’s going on date with Van today. I’m sick to death, but she’s dating, what the? Pie, you’re so mean. First, forget about me. Second, going on date when I’m sick. Now, I really mad with you, Pie. I sigh then force myself to sleep.

            I hear someone opens the door and walks in. It’s Pie, finally she’s home after went on date. She’s must be happy. She asks me, but I don’t have energy to answer her. Stop asking, Pie. My phone is ringing and she moving nearer me and finally realizes that something wrong with me. She’s trying to take care of me while put on a towel on my forehead, but I throw it. She’s mad. She keeps insisting to put that towel on my forehead, but I throw it again then walked out from our room.

            Damn fever! My head so dizzy and feels heavy. Pie blocks my way, she want to take care of me. Tsk! Just take care of your boyfriend, Pie. Her eyes become teary. So, she stills a crying baby, huh? Whatever, Pie. You’re the one who started this.

            I calls Yam and meet her at a minimarket that open 24 hours. Again, Yam’s laughing when I told her about this day.

            “Oh, please, Kim, you’re so childish, you know. She was just wanna take care of you. It’s a good thing, Kim, because even if she doesn’t remember you, she’s still care to you.”

            “I’m childish?”

            Yam nods. “Yeah.”

            “But how can you not mad when your best friend didn’t remember you?”

            “Well, that part I agree with you, Kim, but you also mad with Pie because she was dating? It calls jealousy, Kim.”

            “It’s not, Yam.”

            “Yes, it is. Just admit it that you’re jealous.”

            “No, I’m not, Yam. Stop talking nonsense.”

            “Jealousy isn’t nonsense, Kim. It’s a normal thing to feel.”

            “Whatever, Yam.”

            “Lose your words, huh? Be nice to her, Kim. She had a reason, I’m sure of it.”

            A reason? What’s reason?

            “Now, it would be better if you back to your dorm and be nice to her because no matter what she was your best friend.”

            I sigh. She was my best friend. Those words really hurt me.


            When I arrived to my room, Pie still awakens and she said that she was worried. You’re such a liar, Pie. How can you worried about me when you don’t know who I am? I slapped a bowl of porridge that she offered to me. She went to sleep after brought another bowl of porridge to me. Be nice to her, Kim. I sighed then started to eat that porridge, took my pills, and went to sleep too.

            In the next morning, she checked on me. I can felt her warm hand on my forehead. She was also offered to massage my head, but I refused it. I think too much ego on me because to be honest, I want her to massage my head.


            Where’s Pie? Why she isn’t come home yet? 23.10 o’clock, where’re you, Pie? I’m mooning on my room, she’s make me worries then I decide to walks out from the dorm. I don’t know where I should go. So, I just go to the minimarket that open 24 hours. I buy a hot chocolate and a cup of noodle and then my eyes find her. Pie sit on a chair that on the second floor, not far from the door. I sit behind her, but she doesn’t realize it. She’s busy eating her late dinner. 00.02, she’s walked out from the minimarket and I walk behind her, but I keep the distance. She screams when seeing two men that look drunk approach her. I can feel the bad intention from them. Pie walking backward, don’t know that I’m behind her. She’s scare, I know it. In a flash, I take those men down. Finally, my fighting skill becomes useful to her. I’m so proud that all this years I wasn’t spent my time for nothing.

            My lips bleeding and she’s insisting to take care of it. Gosh! Seeing her so close like this makes my heart flutter. I don’t know why I can’t take my eyes off her. I just realize that she’s so pretty, like a goddess. What’s wrong with me?


            “So, you’re upset because Pie didn’t ask you to join to going out with her gang?” asked Yam when I called her from my dorm.

            “It’s not like that, Yam. Why you’re always made nonsense conclusion?”

            “I’m not, Kim. I’m just talking the truth, not like you who always lying.”

            “I’m not lying, Yam.” My tone was higher.

            “Yeah, keep denying, Kim because I’ll be the first one that laughs out loud when you’re finally admit it. I must go now, see ya.”

            I sighed. Admit what? That I like Pie more than just a best friend? It never happens. Yam said I was lying? She’s so silly. Maybe my appearance like a guy, but it didn’t mean that I like girl too.

            I startled when heard someone opened the door of my room. It’s Pie. Honestly, I was so happy saw her, but I didn’t show it; too high self-esteem. She said she dislikes the sea, but she didn’t know the reason. Just dislike it. Why she dislike the sea? Sea was her number one favorite place. Was it because of me? Because that accident? She even said that she can’t swim. It’s totally nonsense. I can’t understand her well now. She’s like a stranger. What’s wrong with her?


            Pie was late and because of that she must perform as soon as she arrived at the class. She was singing a Thousand Years by Christina Perri used a piano. Her piano skill is much better than from years ago. I was like saw a beautiful goddess. Gosh! She’s so perfect. Again, my heart beat acted crazily. You’re overreacted, heart.

            When I was perform, she just paid attention in the beginning, the rest of it she was so busy talked to her friends. What the?! I tried to perform as best as I can, but she didn’t saw it. Wait the minute, why I must concern whether she’s watched my performance or not? I was overreacted.

            Can I repeat that sentence once more? I was overreacted. Somehow I became mad when saw her talked to Van and that two peoples seem likes had a close relationship. So, I took a random box meal from the girls that surrounded me and walked out from the class. I didn’t eat that box meal, I thrown it at the garbage and back to my room. Not in mood to eat. I was about to called Yam, but I didn’t do it because she’ll talked nonsense thing again.


            Pie asked me a silly question: why I didn’t date one of the girls that surrounded me today. It was totally a silly question. I didn’t like those girls, so why I must date one of them? Then she asked me about a boyfriend. Yam was right; she’s full of curiosity. She also said that she’s straight and her mom won’t agree if she had a girlfriend. Her mom, yeah she won’t like it if Pie become a dii, even her mom didn’t like me, until now, like I’m a disease.


            Pie is crying in front of me! What the? Just because I was saying that she’s too noisy and won’t be nice to her. Such a crybaby, but I dislike seeing her crying like this.

            “Stop crying, Pie, or I’ll kiss you.” I’m trying to threaten her.

            “If you dare, then do it.” Then closing her eyes.

            What the hell, Pie?! Are you trying to test me or what? Damn! Her face is so cute. Maybe if we’re not in the class, I’ll kiss her. Eh, what? What was I said? Kiss her?! Oh my God! My brain isn’t well working now.

            Yeah, my brain isn’t well working now. I’m bursting out laugh in public for the first time since I became a student in this campus and it’s because of her. Pie, the reason of my laugh, since years ago.



            I woke up because got surprised. I looked at Pie that seems weird then she cried. I moved nearer her and she hugged me. I can felt her fear. Seem like she had a nightmare. Poor Pie. I tried to calm her down with gave pats on her back. After she slept again, I kissed her forehead. I didn’t know why I did that, but at that time, I thought it could calm her and it was the right thing to do.



            Oh-my-God! Pie was only used a towel on her body and I had realized that she was so hot and gorgeous in the same time, even I gulped. My heart felt like jumped off my body. That stupid Pie moved toward me and didn’t realize that she made me hard to breath. She asked a silly question again: was I sick. Yeah, I was sick because of you, Pie.

            The best part was when she bitted her lips. I was almost died. I tried to seduce her back and she got scared. I was laughing, but that just made her mad, even I got slapped on my right cheek. She was the one who started that joke, but she was the one too that mad. It could be a lie if I’m not mad too.


            “What’re you doing here, Kim?” asked Yam when I want to had a breakfast. I stayed at my home since last night because the fight with Pie. It seems better for her if I’m staying away from her.

            “This is my home, Yam.” I took one piece of bread then spread the strawberry jam and ate it.

            Yam giggled. “What’s wrong? Did you fight with her?” Sometimes, I felt that Yam can read my mind.

            “Some kind like that.”

            “I told you to be nice with her—”

            I cut her talked. “I’ve been tried like that, okay? It wasn’t my fault.”

            “Tell me first the story. So, I can decide it’s your fault or not.” So, I told her the whole story and she listened my story while ate her fried rice as breakfast.

            “Hmm… well, that wasn’t full of your fault and not her too, but yes, she was the one who started it, but you made her scared too. I can understand her position, but slapped you too overreacted. I guessed it was just reflex.”

            “So, in the end, you’re on her side, huh?” I said sarcastically.

            “This is not about it, Kim. I’m just trying to objective, okay?”

            “Really? Are you like her?”

            Yam burst out laughed. “Why? Are you being jealous now, Kim?”

            I glared at her. “I’m not, okay?”

            Yam chuckled. “Okay, okay, whatever, Kim. Anyway, you had realized that Pie is hot, right?”

            I choked and quickly drink my water. “I-i-i—”

            She cut my talked. “Enough, I get the answer.” Then she giggled.


            “You’re still sleep here, Kim? Don’t you miss her?” asked Yam while watched the television in the family room.

            “It’s not your business, Yam.” I walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and took a coke, then sat beside Yam.

            “It’s been hmm… six days, right?” I nodded. “Well, if I were you, I miss her, don’t you?” She stared me in her serious looked.

            I didn’t respond to her because I didn’t know what to say. Well, it could be a lie if I didn’t miss her at all. I even ignored her at the campus and it was so hard to keep it.

            “Hey, Kim, want me to help you?” Yam smirked and I can felt that she had something on her mind.


            She nodded. “Just trust me, okay?”

            I raised my eyebrows. “What should I trust when I don’t know your plan, Yam?

            She giggled. “Just follow me. I need to check on something.”

            “What?” I became more curious with her plan.

            “Later, Kim, when I’m sure enough to tell it.”


            I felt someone stared at me. I turned my face and found Pie’s eyes. She stared at me. I said it again, she stared at me! Gosh! I felt so happy. She didn’t turn her face and it made us looked at each other. I missed her so much.

            “Kim!” I knew that voice. Yam. What is she doing here?

            “Why you’re here?” I asked to her when she stood in front of me.

            She smiled. “Just see, Kim.” She turned her face and looked for someone then she grabbed my hand and dragged me.

            “Where we’re going?”

            She glared at me. “Don’t asking too much, Kim. Just follow me.”

            She stopped at Pie and her friends table. Forced me to sit there too. Until now, I still didn’t know her plan. I didn’t dare to take a glance to Pie which busy eating. I got surprised and mad when Van wipes Pie’s lips. Reflex, I stood up and leave them, ignored Yam that called me.


            “What’s your plan for exactly, Yam?!” I burst my anger to Yam when we were at home.

            “I need to make sure something,” answered Yam with no pressure, ignored my anger.

            “What is it?!” I became impatient.

            She sighed. “I wanna know if Pie likes you or not. I was trying to make her jealous. Satisfied?”

            “It doesn’t make sense, Yam. We don’t like each other more than just a friend. It’s so impossible for her to likes me, me too, okay? So, stop your silly plan. I’m not doing it again.”

            “Silly plan? Impossible for you two to like each other? Why impossible?” Yam looked serious. “Is it a mistake to liking someone?”

            I sighed. “It’s not like that, Yam.”

            “Then what?” Yam folded her arms in front of her chest. She was being mad.

            “It just….” I can’t find the right words to say.

            “You’re still thinking that girl-girl relationship is wrong, don’t you?” I didn’t answer her rhetorical question. “Yeah, it’s wrong in the social, but we can’t choose someone we loved, Kim. Is it a sin to like someone?”

            From a long ago, this topic became a sensitive issue for her. That’s why she became emotional everytime we talked about the girl-girl relationship.

            “We’re not you, okay, Yam?”

            Yam snorted. “You know what, Kim? In my eyes, both of you actually likes each other, but didn’t dare and brave enough to admit it. If you say I’m talking nonsense again, then ask your heart.” Then she went to her room at the second floor.

            I plumped down my body on one of a sofa that in my family room. I closed my eyes then fell asleep.



            It has been two days since me and Yam quarrel. Seem like she’s really mad at me because she didn’t talk with me at all. I got surprised saw my dad still at home, ate his breakfast.

            “Hi, Dad. You’re still home.”

            “Hello, tiger. Is there something wrong at the dorm?”

            “Why you’re asking like that, Dad? Are you not happy seeing your daughter?”

            “It’s not like that, tiger, but seems like you’re staying too long at home. Are you sure you’re okay?” Dad looked really worried.

            “I’m fine, Dad. There’s nothing wrong at the dorm. I just wanna staying at home.” I’m sorry I had told you a lies, Dad.

            “Really? It’s good then. How about Pie? Are you taking care of her? In the past, you two were like glued to each other. You were so happy with her.” Even my dad still remembered that.

            “She didn’t remember me, Dad.” I tried so hard to look cool.

            “What? How could she?” Dad got surprised. “You’re joking, right, Kim?”

            “I wish I’m joking too, Dad.”

            Dad looked at Yam. “Is it true, Yam?”

            Yam nodded and continue ate her breakfast. “Why?” Dad asked me.

            “I don’t know. It’s okay, Dad. It’s not a big deal.”

            Dad stared me with doubt. “Are you sure?”

            I nodded. “Yeah.”

            He looked at his wristwatch. “I’m sorry, tiger, I can’t talk to you for too long. I need to work. Get back to your dorm. I don’t want you to cause a trouble again, okay?”

            “Yes, Dad.”

            “Then see ya, my tiger, Yam.”

            “Aunt, where’s my breakfast?” I asked to our home helper when dad already left me and Yam.

            Aunt In brought a plate full of fried rice with cheese. “Thanks, Aunt In. Don’t forget to eat your breakfast too.”

            Aunt In nodded. “Yes, miss Kim.” then she backed to the kitchen.

            “Not a big deal, huh? I wonder who was the one that became sulky because her best friend didn’t remember her.” Yam talked sarcastically, even she gave a pressure on “her best friend” words.

            “Stop it, Yam. I’m sorry, okay, for being rude to you.”

            She sighed. “I’m sorry too, Kim. Look, I’m not force you to be a girl lover or something, but I just said what I saw and I wanna you to be more honest with yourself. That’s it.”

            “What if I truly like her more than just a friend? I’m not ready with the reactions, Yam.”

            “Just try it first, Kim. I was also like that.”

            I sighed. “Her mom will hate me more.”


            I was hesitant for minutes in front of my dorm. Should I in or not? But I missed her so much. I took a deep breath and walked in. I can see that Pie startled. Relax, Kim. I tried so hard to keep my poker face, even the truth was my heart beating so fast.

            She apologized to me. Ah, you don’t know how much happy I am heard that, Pie. I got surprised when she hugged me from the back. Calm down, heart, you’re beat so hard. I wonder she heard it or not.

            “So, we’re good now?”

            Oh my God! That smile and that bright eyes, how can you be so charming, Pie? Stop being so attractive in front of me, Pie, or I can’t stop myself to not love you.


            What was you thinking, Pie? I got curious as she walked to the bathroom. I know that she had something on her mind and I wanna know that. Ah, Pie, please remember me.


            Pie looked at Yam’s hand that grabbed my arm with her murderous glared. She looked mad. Then my previous conversation with Yam was flying on my mind.

            “Hey, Kim, I’m so sure that Pie like you too, wanna prove it?” asked Yam with a smirk on her face.

            “Whatever, Yam.” I answered with no interest. Well, actually I had curious too, but I won’t hope too much.

            “I’ll do something to you and you must watch her face. As far as I know, she isn’t a type of person that can hide her feeling, including jealousy.”

            So, you’re being jealous, Pie? I can’t stop myself to take a glance to her that seemed sulky. Wait, why Yam must talk about that guy?

            “I thought like that too, Yam. They’re looking good together, right?”

            What was you said, Boy? Pie looked good with that guy? Oh, please, I don’t think so.

            “Yeah, you and Van looks good together, Pie. I was thought you two were a couple. Why don’t you two start dating?”

            What are you doing, Yam?! Pie with that guy is being a couple? I prefer Boy than him. Er, what?! You’re considering it, Pie?! What the?! To be honest, I really tried hard to acted cool and put a poker face. Yeah, I had a high self-esteem, but then I saw something interesting; Pie seemed really mad when saw Yam kissed my cheek. I can see the anger on her eyes. Yeah, she’s became jealous.


            Pie wasn’t come home yet when the time already past nine at night. It’s strange because she and Boy were gone from the canteen before me and Yam. Where is she? I tried to call her, but her phone was turned off. I tried to call Boy too, but his phone was turned off too. What’s wrong with these peoples?

            I tried to call her over and over again, but the result was the same: still turned off. Damn! You made me worried, Pie.


            Someone opened the door, Pie. I burst my anger to her and she responded with her sarcastically talked.

            “Worried for what? I’m no one for you, remember?”

            Stupid Pie. How can you’re no one to me? I was saying like that because I was mad. You’re so stupid, Pie. The next thing I did it wasn’t prepared. I just did it because she talked too much. I kissed her in the lips and I think I like it. So, I kissed her again, but more smoothly than before. I was so happy when she kissed me back and then our kiss became more passionate until she pushes me away. It’ll be a lie if I didn’t upset.

            “I-I… can’t-bre-ath.” Pie said with her chest up and down.

            I made her breathless. Hahahahaha. She’s so cute and seemed like I addicted to kiss her.


            I liked Pie’s expression when she got embarrassed. Too cute to be ignored. I also liked to kiss her and made her breathless. Okay, sorry for my ert thought.

            I got a little bit surprised when Pie kissed me first, but then I kissed her back. I kissed her neck too and she moaned. Gosh! She’s so y. How can I stop myself?

            Yeah, I can’t stop myself, but Jane can. She came to our room to borrowed Pie’s book. Like she can’t do it later.



            I got startled when heard Pie’s voice. I stop swimming and looked at the beach and I saw Pie stood right there. I felt something wrong so I swam back to the beach.

            “What’s wrong, Pie?” I asked to her that cried, but then she hugged me tightly.

            I didn’t know what’s wrong with her. She was so weird and it made me worried. I tried to calm her down, but she had fainted. God! What’s wrong with her?”


            I stared at Pie that slept like a sleeping princess. So, she had amnesia, huh? That’s why she didn’t remember me. I sighed. I’m sorry, Pie, because of me you had a really big trauma. I moved toward her and stared her face. Your mom right, Pie, I gave you nothing, but hurt.

            “I’m sorry, Pie, really sorry.” I touched her face then kissed her forehead, nose, and lips.

            I turned my body and walked out from her room, met with her mom at the waiting room. “I’ll leave her, Aunty, but not now. I need time, at least until her fine.”

            “Okay. It’s a promise, Kim. You can’t break it.”

            I nodded. “I’ll keep my words, Aunty,”

            “Okay then.”



p.s: Sorry for the long wait and the long part XD


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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 19: I love tis story, it was brilliant, nice work, author!! please give us more Tiaom stories!!
yukezuke #2
Chapter 19: I love it.good job author
Mahizaidi #3
Chapter 19: Nice story
bhavana #4
Chapter 19: so nice story:-)loved it :-)
MellBee #5
Chapter 19: Yeah..good job author..
theolog #6
Chapter 19: maybe i just a bit late to read this .. but i really like it :*
Maria_Ulfa #7
Chapter 19: Nice story author, love you
Chapter 19: I enjoyed reading your fanfic and I hope theRe'll be more to come~ even though there's a lot of grammar mistakes but it's ok. Thumbs up! Hope you write more soon
najville #9
Chapter 19: Thanks for this!nice one..can i have some more?
stargalaxy77 #10
Chapter 19: woahhhhhhhhh what the lovely story!!!!!!!!!!