Part 15

In The Same Storm

            Three months after Kim left, her name became a taboo topic for Pie. She won’t talk about her because just heard her name caused her heart breaks. Boy and Yam also tried not to say her name. She’s trying to look fine in front of her friend, but Boy and Yam really knew what Pie’s feel. Sometimes, without Pie realized, when someone mentions her name, she’ll touch her left chest because suddenly it hurts.

            “Hi, Pie.” Jane, this is the first time talk after she was tried to seduce Kim. She sat in the chair that in front of Pie. A big awkwardly smiles on her face. Boy bent her brows.

            “Hi, Jane,” said Pie with an awkwardly smiles too.

            “How are you?”

            “Fine.” Pie replied while faked a smile.

            “It’s a good then. Anyway, Pie, do you hear anything about Kim?”

            Boy rolled his eyes when heard Jane’s question. Pie stop breathing for a second then touched her left chest. Just then, Yam knows that Pie isn’t fine and it hurts Jane too knowing that Pie still loved Kim.

            “Ah, seems like you’re really loves Kim, Pie. Am I right?” Jane bursts out her curiosity.

            Pie startled. It was like she had a heart attack. Can you stop saying her name, Jane? I’m already dying here.

            “Is it really hurts you just saying her name?” Jane paused, watched the reaction from Pie. Boy looked at her with disagree face. “I’m sorry, Pie, but I’m just purely asking you.” She looked at Pie’s eyes that seemed daze.

            Pie took a deep breath then looked at Jane’s eyes. “Yes, I love her, so much and yes, it’s hurt me so much just hearing her name.”

            “Why loving someone that hurts you? Why you don’t try to forget her, Pie?”

            “Hah! Why I didn’t think like that, Jane?” Pie replied sarcastically.

            “Is it really hard to forget her?”

            Pie snorted. “How about you, Jane? Have you already forgotten her?”

             Jane startled. She bites her lips, nervous. Pie smirks. “So, you also can’t move on from her yet, right?”

            Jane sighed. “For now, yes, but I knew that I can’t have her. She’s too into you, Pie.”

            “Tsk! Yeah, right, she’s too into me that’s why she left me.” Pie replied sarcastically.

            “But she maybe had a reason, Pie,” said Jane tried to convince Pie.

            Pie snorted. “Tsk! Why peoples keep telling me that she had a reason? The only thing I know is she left me, end of period.”


            “Can we stop talking about her, Jane?” Pie cuts her off.

            Jane sighed and nodded. She’s really hurt. Jane hurts too, but not as hurt as Pie.


            Yam took a sip of her cappuccino then stared at Pie that looked like in daze. After Kim left, Pie never be the same person again. She prefers sinking in her mind.

            “Pie.” Yam called Pie. “Drink your hot chocolate before its getting cold.”

            Pie nodded and took a sip of her hot chocolate. “Ah, I curious about one thing, Yam.” Pie paused. Yam paid her attention to Pie. “How can you be her step sister?”

            “Ah,” Yam looked more relaxes. “I became her friend since in the middle school. That’s way I knew her very well. Her mom passed away when she was 10 because plane accident. When we’re in senior high school, her dad and my mom married, but two years after that, my mom passed away because she was sick. So, until now, just Dad, her, and me.”

            “You’re never like her?” Pie tried not to sound like doing an interrogation.

             Yam’s laughing hearing that. “Never. She isn’t my type, Pie. To be honest, there was another friend. So, we were the best three when in the middle school because our looks and brain. I love this third person, so much, but she didn’t brave to walks openly with me, you get it what I mean, right, Pie?”

            “Seems like I know another person that had that problem too,” replied Pie sarcastic.

            “No comment, Pie.” Yam chosen not to speak anything about Pie and Kim problem because until now, she didn’t know the real reason why Kim left Pie.

            “So, who is she, Yam? The one that stole your heart.” Pie’s shifting the conversation.

            Yam blushed. “She’s Zee. I don’t know where she is now, but I really hope that someday she’s get courage to walks openly with me.”

            “Then how about Peach?”

            Yam suddenly lost her interest then took a sip again of her cappuccino. “I can’t be with him, Pie, just like you with Van.”

            Pie giggled. “Seems like we’re in the same boat, Yam.”

            Yam bursts out laugh. “Yeah, right, Pie. Poor us.”


            A year since Kim left, Yam already met again with Zee since a few months ago. Finally Zee had courage to walk openly with Yam. Pie a bit jealous with her, but she’s happy for her too. Kim still dominated her mind and heart and it’s still caused hurt on her heart when talking about her. Sometimes, Pie’s also crying out loud because she misses her so much.

            Pie tried to enjoy the conversation with Boy, Yam, and Zee at their favorite coffee shop when suddenly her ears heard a melody from the song that played on that shop. She felt familiar with the melody.

            “She said she never had a chance

            To look at the sun in different ways

            Ever since she’s been here

            She said she’s never coming back

            Her soul runs like river with no destination~”

            This is her song, but I forget the title. Pie talked in her mind.

             “You don’t realize

            We’re in the same storm

            You don’t realize

            We’re in the same storm

            Don’t go away my love

            There’s nothing new for you

            Don’t go away my love

            There’s nothing new for you

            If you’re the same

            Everyday is the same~”

            Suddenly Pie hard to breath and her left chest’s hurt so much. Her eyes also got teary. Zee was the first person that realized that something wrong with Pie.

            “Pie, what’s wrong?” asked Zee, worried, then Boy and Yam also paid their attention to Pie.

            “This is the song that she was sung,” replied Pie. “Damn! I miss her so much.” Then her tears down on her cheeks.

            Boy that sat beside her, hugged her immediately. Pie bursts her tears, don’t care with the curious look from another guest on that coffee shop. Yam moved closer to Pie and hugged her from behind. Zee just watched Pie with sad face because she can felt the sadness and hurt that Pie’s felt. She also knew that Kim is the reason of Pie sadness. Damn, Kim! curse Zee on her mind.


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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 19: I love tis story, it was brilliant, nice work, author!! please give us more Tiaom stories!!
yukezuke #2
Chapter 19: I love it.good job author
Mahizaidi #3
Chapter 19: Nice story
bhavana #4
Chapter 19: so nice story:-)loved it :-)
MellBee #5
Chapter 19: Yeah..good job author..
theolog #6
Chapter 19: maybe i just a bit late to read this .. but i really like it :*
Maria_Ulfa #7
Chapter 19: Nice story author, love you
Chapter 19: I enjoyed reading your fanfic and I hope theRe'll be more to come~ even though there's a lot of grammar mistakes but it's ok. Thumbs up! Hope you write more soon
najville #9
Chapter 19: Thanks for this!nice one..can i have some more?
stargalaxy77 #10
Chapter 19: woahhhhhhhhh what the lovely story!!!!!!!!!!