Part 13

In The Same Storm

         A month since Kim and Pie broke up, a month that Kim lived like a zombie. She’s rarely eat, speak less, and prefer locked herself in her room with a headphone on her ear. She closed her eyes when song “Say It Now” by The Afters played from her iPod. Yeah, say it, like it’s an easy thing to do. Besides that, now Pie with Van. Kim remembered Pie’s big smile when she was with Van and it breaks her heart. It could be a lie if she didn’t hurt.

            Calm down, Kim. This is your choice and this is the best way for her. For her, Kim, for her. Kim repeat that words on her mind, but everytime she repeated it, the more hurt that she felt. She never knew that she would be hurt like this just because a girl. Now, she can feel what Yam’s feels a few months ago. Then her iPod played “Mirrors” by Justin Timberlake. Yeah, maybe she’s my mirror, my other half. Pie…. Tears down from her eyes and more tears come out made her cried out loud. She touched her chest that felt so tight.

            She really want run to her dorm, but Pie’s mom words flying on her mind: leave her. Everytime she remembered that, she’ll canceled her plan to run to her dorm, meet Pie, someone that she misses so much. The thing that she really wanted to do was apologize to Pie and begging to her to be Kim’s mine again, but she can’t do it. Maybe Yam right, she’s coward.


            Again, Pie saw Kim with Jane, even Kim giggling. Pie felt something on her body boiled. Damn, Kim! Broke up with me just because she wants to be with Jane, huh? Even she’s giggling, where her coldness? She didn’t feel jealous seeing me with Van? Gosh, Kim!

            “Still can’t get over from her, huh?” Boy who watched Pie since a few minutes ago, asked her and it hit her.

            Pie startled and blushed, but lying to Boy isn’t a good choice because he’ll know it. “Even you know it, Boy. She didn’t. I miss her. How can she dating Jane after broke up with me?”

            Boy rolled his eyes. “Hello, Pie, talk to my hand, please….” He waved his left hand in front of Pie’s face.

            Pie’s eyes widened, felt offended. “Hey, it’s her suggestion, Boy. She told me to date Van, then I do it. She also said to me that she disagree with girl-girl relationship and look at her now, dating Jane! What the?! I didn’t understand with her. Was she really loves me or not? Why she broke up with me? Why, Boy?!” without her realizing, she raised her tone and it made the others looked at her, including Kim.

            “Ow, you’re too loud, Pie,” said Boy.

            Pie looked back to Kim with full of anger. “Hey, Pie.” Boy called her.

            “What?!” Pie felt annoyed.

            “Are you really ready with this kind of relationship? With the consequences, I mean.” Boy asked seriously. He knew what kind of world that they lived: the world that difficult to accept with the abnormal relationship.

            Pie’s anger immediately disappears. She had a deeply thought before answering. “Actually, I don’t know, Boy. My mom won’t disagree if she knows that I like Kim.”

            “Okay, now listen to me. You know what kind of world that we lived and to have this kind of relationship isn’t easy. For me, it’s a good thing you broke up with her because you can rethink about your feeling to her. Before you walk too far, you need to reconfirm your heart again, Pie. For now, it’d better if you with Van, then ask your heart again. If you didn’t really really love her, then let her go. If you love her and didn’t have courage to walk openly with her, then let her go. Loving someone isn’t an easy thing, Pie. Sometimes you need to let your lovely one go if it’s the only way because love also means willing sacrifices. You get it what I mean, Pie?” Boy stared seriously at Pie who looked quite and lost in her thought.

            Pie nodded. Anger had already leave her eyes and changed to gloomy.  “Okay, I’ll rethink about it again.”

            Boy touched her shoulder. “Choose the path that more regretless, Pie. Just you who really knows what the best to you because it’s your life. Choose wisely. I know you can do it.”

            Pie turned her head to faces Boy. “What if I choose to be with Kim, but when I ask her to comeback to me, she won’t? What should I do then?”

            Boy rolled his eyes. “I told you, Pie, sometimes we need to willing sacrifices. When you choose to loving someone, then you agree to face the consequences, whatever it is. Get it? Like you never fell in love, Pie.”

            Pie blushed. “Well, actually, yeah, this is my first.”

            Boy dropped his jaw. “Seriously, Pie? Like, seriously?! You’re kidding, right?” His tone was rising.

            Pie shook her head. “Nope, I’m being serious. I was had many relationship with boys, but I never felt what I felt with her. Like many butterflies on your stomach and flying to your chest. Ten years ago, just her that can bear my character. Just her that can make me comforted. My mom disagree with our friendship you know, but even if met her was prohibited, I was still met her. That’s why when suddenly she disappeared from my life, I felt so lost and it made me trauma.” Pie paused for second to take a breath. “Or was I that suddenly disappeared from her? Well, anyway, I know she was hurt because I didn’t remember her. I felt sorry, but I didn’t do it with purpose.

            “When I finally remembered everything, she left me.” Pie snorted. “What kind of life is this?”

            Boy was watched the expressions that Pie’s made. Her eyes shining so bright when talked about her past with Kim then changed to sad eyes when she talked about her reason why she got amnesia, and her eyes showed anger when talked about Kim that left her. From that day, Boy knew what the truly Pie’s feeling. He knew it, but he didn’t say it to Pie. She needs to find the answer herself.


            “Hey, stupid! You’re still here, huh?” asked Yam to Kim that swam on their pool. Yam wore a white shirt and blue colored pants then she sat on the bench that side the pool. “So, you’re gonna leave her forever, huh? Sure? Your heart okay with it?”

            “You’re too noisy, Yam,” said Kim coldly.

            “I was meeting with her anyway.” Yam said it calmly and she watched Kim’s reaction.

            Kim suddenly stop swam and glared at Yam. “Why were you meet her?” she sharpen her eyes.

            “I wasn’t planning it, okay. When I was met with Peach, I met her too. She was going out with Van. Seems like that two dating for real, am I wrong?”

            Kim walked to the side and out from the pool, took the towel. She wore a shirt and short pants. Yam widened her eyes.

            “If Pie’s seeing this, she’d be faint for sure. You’re so hot, Kim,” said Yam, teased Kim.

            Kim rolled her eyes. “If ‘she’ or Peach seeing you with that pants, I think their nose gonna bleeding for sure.” Kim teased Yam back.

            “Ha-ha, yeah, whatever,” said Yam sarcastic.

            Kim sat in the bench that beside Yam. “So, tell me, how’s your date?”

            Yam stared at her. “Oh, please, Kim, I know that isn’t your question. Just ask me directly.”

            Kim sighed, gave up. “How’s she? What’re you talked about with her?” She stared at Yam with full of curiosity.

            “Just this thing and that thing.” Yam continues teases Kim and that made Kim sulky.

            “Aw, Yam, seriously. I’m dying of curiosity now.”

            Yam giggled. “Okay, okay. Calm down, my handsome. Answer me first, she now with Van, right?” Kim nodded. “I see… that’s why you looked miserable.”

            When Kim was about to protest, Yam cut her off. “No protest, please, or I’m not telling you.” Then Kim shut . “Good girl.” Yam chuckled. “She was sat not far from my table. At first, I didn’t realize it, but because she was stared at me all the time, then I realized it. When I went to the bathroom, she followed me.”

            “I thought you’re with Kim,” said Pie, tried to not sound so curious.

             “Huh? She’s home, I think. So, now you’re with Van, huh? You two do look together,” said Yam tried to calm, in fact, she’s so curious about Pie relationship with Van.

            “Well, just like you see.” Pie answered with flat tone. “How about the guy with you, your boyfriend?”

             Yam faces her seriously. “He’s not. I heard you broke up with Kim, what’s happen?”

            Pie snorted. “Maybe because she can’t forget you.”

            Yam’s laughing. “Pie, she’s my sister, okay. Well, my step sister for exactly. Before she’s became my step sister, she was my friend at junior high school. We’re not having ‘that feel’ you know. FYI, Pie, she’s so in love with you. I never saw her like this before. After she broke up with you, she lived like a zombie, even she rarely eats. For several times, I heard she cried at her room. She—”

            “Wait the minute, Yam,” Pie cut Yam off. “If she’s so in love, why she broke up with me?”

            “Why you don’t try asking to your mom? She really knows why Kim left you.”

            “My mom?” Pie bent her brows. “Did my mom get involve?”

            “Just ask her yourself, Pie. Anyway, I need to go, Peach become impatient now. What a guy! See ya, Pie.”

            Kim looked angry when Yam finished her story. “Why you must tell her about that, Yam?”

            “Because I hate saw you like a zombie, Kim. It’s so annoying, you know.”

            “But, Yam, I promised her mom.”

            Yam rolled her eyes. “C’mon, Kim, be brave, please. Are you really wanna lose her for the second time? You didn’t love her that much, right?”

            “I love her and it enough to leave her.”

            “You’re such a coward, Kim.” Yam became emotional, her eyes teary. “You don’t know how much people like me and Pie, really wanna people like you and her, fight for us. Why you’re afraid when you didn’t even start it? Stop being chicken, Kim! For once, fight for your love.” Kim didn’t speak anything and that made Yam angrier. “Ugh! Whatever, Kim! You know what? I just realized that my sister is a chicken.”

            Kim sighed. Yeah, I’m a chicken, Yam. Sorry, I made you disappointed because you had a chicken sister, but I can’t break my promise. Promise is promise.


            Pie got headache. She tried to massage her head to lessen the pain. She can’t concentrate with her lectures that day, too much pain in her head. Boy realized there’s something wrong with his friend.

            “Are you sick, Pie?” Boy whispered when Mr. Jirayu explained about classical musicians.

            “I’m fine.” Pie faked a smile.

            “Just go back to your room, Pie. You’re looking pale.”

            “I told you, I’m fine, Boy.”

            Boy sighed. “Fine. Whatever.”

            When finally the lectures that day ended, Pie stood up from her chair and almost made her fell. Van who saw that, run to her with worried expression on his face. Fortunately, Boy grabbed her body in the right time.

            “Are you okay, Pie?” asked Van, panic.

            Pie faked a smile, again. “I’m fine, Van. Just hungry. Let’s go to the canteen.” She tried so hard to looked happy and didn’t anything wrong with her. She grabbed Van arm then walked to canteen and Kim saw that.

            “Kim, let’s go to the canteen,” said Jane as she grabbed Kim’s arm and dragged her.

            Fight for her. How can I fight when she looked happy with Van? What a silly suggestion.

            Kim didn’t realize that Jane made her sat in the same table with Pie. Pie didn’t look at her, she was busy to chat with Van. A few times, Kim took a glanced to Pie. Look at me, Pie. Kim said that over and over again in her mind, but Pie still didn’t look at her. Jane also tried to get Kim’s attention, but Kim not in mood to be nice with Jane.

            Kim bent her brows when saw how pale Pie’s face was. “Are you sick, Pie?” she can’t hold herself to not asked to her.

            Pie startled. “Huh? I’m fine,” said Pie without looked at Kim.

            Kim stretched her left arm to touch Pie’s forehead and it surprised everyone. “You’re burning, Pie.”

            “I’m fine.” Pie removed Kim’s hand from her forehead. Her heart already beat fast. She faces Boy. “Boy, go with me. Van, I’m going first. See ya.”

            “Take care, Pie. Call me if you need anything,” said Van. Pie nodded then she grabbed Boy’s arm and went with him.

            Kim just could saw her back. Pie’s sick. Kim’s so sure about it. Pie, don’t make me worried, please.


            “How’s Peach, Yam?” Mr. Jittaleela asked Yam when he, Yam, and Kim had a dinner.

            “Well, he’s impatient. I dislike it, Dad. I told you, I can’t like guy like him,” said Yam sound protest.

            Mr. Jittaleela giggled. “Just try to be his friend, okay, Yam?”

            Yam rolled her eyes. “You were told me just once met him and now, you’re asking me to be his friend. Seriously, Dad?”

            “Oh, c’mon, Yam. What’s wrong with be friend with him? For me, Yam.” Mr. Jittaleela sound begging to Yam now.

            “Dad….” Yam’s also begging.


            Drrt! Kim’s phone that on the table, vibrates for a long time. Kim picked up. “Halo?” then she stood up and run out from her house, made her dad and Yam confused.

            “What’s wrong with her, Yam?” asked Mr. Jittaleela who bent her brows.

            Yam shook her head in dazed. “Don’t know, Dad.”

            “So, be friend with Peach, okay, Yam?” Mr. Jittaleela brought their old topic.

            “Oh my God, Dad! I’m outta here.” Yam also stood up and went to her room that on second floor.

            “Yam!” Mr. Jittaleela shouted her name, but Yam pretended not to hear.


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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 19: I love tis story, it was brilliant, nice work, author!! please give us more Tiaom stories!!
yukezuke #2
Chapter 19: I love it.good job author
Mahizaidi #3
Chapter 19: Nice story
bhavana #4
Chapter 19: so nice story:-)loved it :-)
MellBee #5
Chapter 19: Yeah..good job author..
theolog #6
Chapter 19: maybe i just a bit late to read this .. but i really like it :*
Maria_Ulfa #7
Chapter 19: Nice story author, love you
Chapter 19: I enjoyed reading your fanfic and I hope theRe'll be more to come~ even though there's a lot of grammar mistakes but it's ok. Thumbs up! Hope you write more soon
najville #9
Chapter 19: Thanks for this!nice one..can i have some more?
stargalaxy77 #10
Chapter 19: woahhhhhhhhh what the lovely story!!!!!!!!!!