Part 18

In The Same Storm

           “Attention! For Pie Mannaying please come to the receptionist.” A voice from the speaker at the class surprised Pie.

            She bent her brows. “Why they called me?” it’s like a question to herself.

            “Did you do something wrong, Pie?” asked Boy who looked worried.

            Pie’s thinking for seconds then shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

            “Hopefully it’s not something bad, Pie,” said Boy while pat Pie’s shoulder.

            Pie chuckled. “Don’t worry. I think it’s not something bad.”

            Pie walked out from her class and goes to the receptionist that on lobby floor 1. From there, she escorted to the dean’s room. She widens her eyes. Dean? Why the dean wants meet me?

            “Pie Mannaying?” asked the dean when Pie came.

            With a confused look, Pie replied. “Yes, I’m Pie, Sir.”

            “There’s someone that want to meet you.”

            Pie had realized that there’s another person on that room. An old lady, but still looked beautiful. She looked at Pie from head to toe with judging look.

            “So, you’re Pie? The one that Kim talked about?” she asked Pie with dislike tone.

            “Yes, I’m Pie, madam.” Pie tried to be polite. Kim? Why she mention her?

                “What’re you doing with my Kim? Why she’s so in love with you? You must be force her to be with you, right? Are you really like her? Or you like her just because she’s rich?” that an old lady which is Kim’s grandma bombard Pie with questions.

            Pie shocked and confused with her question. What am I doing to Kim? She thinks that I used a black magic or what? Force her? Just because her rich? Seriously, who is she?

            “I’m sorry, Madam, but can I know who you are?” Pie still asked in polite way.

            “I’m Kim’s grandma. So, tell me your answers.” Kim’s grandma still gave Pie judging looks.

            Pie startled and without she realized, she gulped, but then showed her poker face. “I never force her to be with me, Madam. Yes, I love her so much and it’s not because she’s rich. She’s my childhood friend and just her that can make me felt like in hell without her.”

            “You’re girl, Kim too. What are you expect for? This isn’t right. Are you out of your mind?”

            “Yes, I’m out of my mind. I just wanna be happy. Is it wrong? Is it a crime to loving someone?”

            “Why you must love her?”

            Pie’s laughing in sarcastic way. “Like I can choose. Have you ever love someone, Madam? If yes, then you know how it felt, right? When like thousands butterfly flies from your stomach to your chest, when that person existence influence your mood, if you isn’t see her, you becomes sad, but if you see her, feel like fireworks blown out inside your body. I love her. I love Kim, your granddaughter, Madam. I can’t be without her. It’s so hard to live without her by my side. Just give us chances to be happy.”

            “Are you sure that she love you too that much?” Kim’s grandma looked her with disgust look.

            Pie took a deep breath, tried to control her emotion. “I don’t know to be honest.”

            Kim’s grandma smirks. “What if she doesn’t love you that much, Miss Mannaying? Will you leave her in peace?”

            “But from what you said before, Madam, she’s so in love with me, right?” Pie really wants to smirk or laugh, but she’s holding in.

            Kim’s grandma face changed. She wasn’t expected that Pie will be this strong, even she fight back.

            “Leave her or I’ll make you out from here.”

            “Are you threatening me, Madam?”

            “Whatever you say. Don’t you know that Jittaleela family had a huge influence in this campus?”

            “Sorry, I don’t know about it, Madam.” That’s why Kim can do whatever she wants here, like didn’t get punish because not stayed at dorm. Pie took a glance to her wristwatch. “Sorry, Madam, I have another class, are we done?”

            “What?” Kim’s grandma got surprised.

            “I need to attend another class now, sorry, I leave first, Madam. I won’t leave Kim anyway. Good day.” Pie bowed her head to the dean then leaves that room.

            Pie released a relief sigh. Her heart beat racing so fast. It was so nervewrecking. She wasn’t expecting that Kim’s grandma will come to her campus. Gosh! Her grandma so scary.


            Pie startled when suddenly Kim appeared in front of her. She smiled, but her eyes looked tired. “What’re you thinking? Me?” then she smirks.

            Pie rolled her eyes then walked passes her, ignoring her.

            “Hey, I miss you, Pie.” Kim walked beside her.

            Me too, Kim. “But I’m not.”

            “Really? How can you not miss me?” Kim tried to tease Pie.

            Yeah, right, how can I not miss you? “Sorry, but I really not miss you.” Pie said as cold as she could.

            “Really? Seems like you really hate me, Pie.”

            Yeah, I hate you, but I love you too. “If you were me, what’ll you do?”

            Kim sighed. “I’m sorry, Pie.”

            I’m sorry too, Kim. “If you leave me now, it’ll be good.”

            Kim stared at Pie’s eyes seriously then sighed. “Okay, but can I hug you before I leave?”

            “Nope.” Pie answered it still tried to be cold.

            “Please, let me hug you, Pie.” Kim begged.

            Pie stared at Kim’s eyes that looked so sad. What’s wrong with her?

            “No.” Pie replied with her stubbornness.

            Kim sighed, no smile on her face. “Okay then.” Then she left Pie.

            “If you wanna hug me, just do it. Stupid!” murmur Pie when Kim already too far too heard her voice. What’s wrong with her? What’s make she looked sad? Her back, ahh… I really miss it. Stupid, Kim! Was that she called fight for me? You must be kidding me. How can I love stupid person like her?


            “Where’ve you been?” asked Kim’s grandma when Kim came home with her eyes looked on the floor.

            “Grandma?!” Kim so surprised seen her grandma in her house, talking with Yam in the dining room. “What’re you doing here?”

            “This is my son’s house,” said her grandma while gave Kim your-question-is-silly look.

            “Ah, right.” Kim’s nodding her head in her flat face.

            “Why you looks gloomy, Kim?” asked her grandma.

            Kim sighed, remembered again the cold Pie. “Pie really hates me.”

            “Hate you?” said her grandma, widens her eyes.

            Kim nodded. Her face became gloomier.

            “From what I’ve seen, she loves you. How can you say she hate you? I don’t understand you, Kim. You were really stubborn against me just to be with her, but now, you want to give up? If you want to give up, why now?”

            “But no wonder Pie hate her, Grandma,” added Yam. “She still loves her, but she can’t back to Kim immediately.”

            “Really? She loves me?” Suddenly, Kim’s face changed. She’s blushing and her eyes sparkling. “But wait the minute,” Kim stared at her grandma seriously. “how can you know it, Grandma?”

            “I was meeting with her,” replied her grandma, calm.

            Kim a bit shocked. “Seriously? Why? You didn’t do anything to her, right, Grandma?” her eyes seems worried.

            “Nope. I just wanna see her.”

            “She’s pretty, right, Grandma?” Kim smirks. She’s happy again. Yam rolled her eyes saw Kim’s act.

            “Well… yeah, a bit, but she’s so stubborn, like you.”

            Kim chuckled. “Yeah, she’s really stubborn.”

            “But I was trying to threaten her,” added her grandma with innocent face.

            Kim dropped her jaw. “You what, Grandma?”

            “I was trying to threaten her.” Again, her grandma saying it with innocent face.

            “Seriously, Grandma?” Yam also shocked.

            “Yeah, but—”

            “Why’re you did that, Grandma? You’re already promised me that I can be with whoever I want.” Kim cuts her grandma off with anger.

            “Relax, Kim, I was joking. I just wanna know her reaction. She won’t leave you, even after I threaten her. Such a stubborn girl.”

            Kim looked relief. “You make me worried, Grandma. Don’t do anything to weird to her.”

            Kim’s grandma rolled her eyes. “You’re so noisy, Kim. I won’t do that. I won’t break my promise.” She yawns. “I need to rest.”

            “Okay, Grandma. I love you,” said Kim.

            “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” replied her grandma as she walked to the second floor.

            “So, she still love me, right, Yam?” Kim blushed and happy overloads.

            “But she need time to believe you again, Kim. She wants you to really fight for her. She’s still hurt and you need to heal her.”

            “Okay, Yam. Just see, I’ll make her back to me.”


            Knock! Knock!

            Pie which reading a book that she bought it not long ago, felt disturbed with the knock on her room. She woke up from her bed to see who the person that came so late to her room. She can’t believe her eyes when opened the door. There’s someone with a big smiles and looked confident.

            “What’re you doing here? It’s late, don’t you have a watch?” said Pie, wroth.

            “I miss you, Pie.”

            Pie rolled her eyes. “So what? Go to your home, I wanna sleep.”

            “I also wanna sleep, Pie, but I can’t sleep if you’re not hug me first.”

            “I told you, no. Go, now!” then Pie closed the door, but that person foot which is Kim, blocked it.

            “Aww!” Kim shouted because her foot squeeze.

            Pie’s face changed, became worried now. “Are you okay?”

            Kim took off her left shoes and her foot looked bruised. She grinned because of the pain.

            “Come in first,” said Pie as opened the door widen.

            “Help me,” begged Kim while pouted her lips and raised her left arm to Pie.

            Pie rolled her eyes. “Gosh!” but she still helping Kim walked inside then Kim sat on Pie’s bed.

            Pie brought warm water and a towel then wrapped Kim’s foot that bruised with that towel. Kim just stared at Pie, although her foot was in pain, but she’s happy. Pie can feel Kim’s eyes on her. She knew it, but she tried to ignoring it.

            “Why you blocked the door with your foot? Such a stupid girl. Are you did it on purpose?”

            Kim’s shook her head innocently. “I’m not, Pie.”

            Pie took a tiger oil on her desk. “Tiger oil, can cure all wounds, even pain in heart.” Kim joking, tried to lighten Pie’s mood.

            “Yeah, I hope this oil can cure pain in my heart,” said Pie sarcastically without looked at Kim’s eyes. She dabbed the oil on Kim’s foot. “Done. Now, go home. I really wanna sleep.” She put the oil on the desk again and facing Kim with her cold eyes.

            “Can I just sleep here, Pie? It’s already midnight and my foot is hurt.” Kim pouted her lips.

            Pie snorted. “Sleep there.” She pointed to old Kim’s bed that still empty.

            “But I wanna sleep on your bed, Pie.” Kim put her puppy eyes.

            “You’re asking too much, Kim.”

            Kim sighed. “Okay, I’ll sleep there, but hug me.”

            Pie gave Kim her deadly glared. Stupid! Just do it.

            Kim stood up from Pie’s bed and dragged her foot to her old bed. Pie laid her body on her bed, wore her blanket, and then faced the wall. She closed her eyes, but she can’t sleep yet. She miss Kim and she really wants to hug her, but she won’t be the first that initiative it. Yeah, she still had pride and ego.

            She bit surprised when there’s arm that wrap her waist. Kim which thought that Pie already sleep, came to her bed and hug her from behind. She really misses her a lot. More than a year without her really felt like a hell for Kim.

            “I love you, Pie,” said Kim in lower tone, but Pie which wasn’t sleep yet, can hear it clearly.

            I love you too, Kim.

            Kim gave light kisses on Pie’s head then her neck, and her shoulder. “You don’t know how much I miss your scent, Pie. Ah, it would be good if I can do more than this.” Then she giggled. “Anyway, good night, Pie.” She hugged Pie tightly.

            Damn, Kim! Are she gonna make me out of breath or what by hugging me so tight? Wait, what she said? Doing more than that kisses? Such a ert. I’ll kill her if she disappears again tomorrow morning, like she did more than a year ago.


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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 19: I love tis story, it was brilliant, nice work, author!! please give us more Tiaom stories!!
yukezuke #2
Chapter 19: I love it.good job author
Mahizaidi #3
Chapter 19: Nice story
bhavana #4
Chapter 19: so nice story:-)loved it :-)
MellBee #5
Chapter 19: Yeah..good job author..
theolog #6
Chapter 19: maybe i just a bit late to read this .. but i really like it :*
Maria_Ulfa #7
Chapter 19: Nice story author, love you
Chapter 19: I enjoyed reading your fanfic and I hope theRe'll be more to come~ even though there's a lot of grammar mistakes but it's ok. Thumbs up! Hope you write more soon
najville #9
Chapter 19: Thanks for this!nice one..can i have some more?
stargalaxy77 #10
Chapter 19: woahhhhhhhhh what the lovely story!!!!!!!!!!