Part 14

In The Same Storm

           Pie covered up her body with her blanket, even the sweats filled her body. Boy looked worried. He tried to persuade her to go to the hospital, but she refused it.

            “Pie, you need to go to hospital, okay?”

            “I’m fine, Boy. I just need to sleep. Don’t worry and you can go to your room, Boy.” Pie faked a big smile on her face.


            “It’s okay, Boy.” Pie cut his off.

            Brak! Pie and Boy were startled when someone slammed the door. Kim with her chest up and down, walked in. She stared Pie that looked at her in daze.

            “Are… are you okay, Pie?” Kim breathe wasn’t steady yet.

            Pie looked back at Kim with her cold eyes. “I’m okay. Why you’re here?”

            “I heard you’re sick, so I run here.” Kim sat on Pie’s bed, touched her forehead. “Oh my! You’re hotter than yesterday. Why you didn’t go to the hospital?”

            Pie glared at Boy. “Are you the one who told her, Boy?”

            Boy cleared . “I need to go now. See you, Pie, Kim.” then Boy ran from their room, leaved Pie alone with Kim.

            “Whatever that Boy told you, it isn’t right. I’m okay, so you can go back to your home.” Pie laid her body and faced the wall.

            So, she runs to see me, huh? Well, I’m so happy to hear it, but I’m not gonna to be nice to her. I ha—

            Pie startled when Kim hugged her from behind. “I miss you, Pie. Don’t be sick, please.”

            What was she said? She missed me? Oh my! Relax, Pie, breath.

            “I know I may sound so selfish right now, but today I just wanna be with you. I miss you, Pie. Miss you so much. Let me stay just tonight, Pie.” Kim hugged her more tightly.

            It was like there were so many fireworks inside Pie’s body. She was extremely happy. Her heart felt like jumped off her body. Kim gave a kiss to Pie’s shoulder, neck, and her hair.

            “You don’t know how much I miss your scent, Pie.”

            Pie can’t hold in anymore. She turned her body and faced Kim. Kim gave her a warm look and smiled. Pie touched her cheek and closer to her face. When their lips touched, Pie closed her eyes. Their kiss showed how much they missed each other. Kim moved to Pie’s neck to give her a chance to breathe.

            “Kim….” Pie moaned and it made Kim crazy.

            Kim put in her arms inside Pie’s shirt. She’s sweating. Kim felt her skin and she tried to pull off her shirt. When Kim finally succeeds to pull out Pie’s shirt, she amazed when looked at Pie’s body. She gulped and it made Pie embarrassed. Pie kissed Kim to hide her embarrassment. Their kiss so passionately and deep.

            “Gosh, Kim. God!” Pie moaned again when Kim gave her chest deep kissed.

            “I miss you, Pie,” said Kim, looked at Pie’s eyes.

            “Me too, Kim. You don’t know how much I miss you. Now, kiss me again.”

            Kim giggled. “Okay, Princess.”

            They’re kissed passionately again. That night became the best night for them. Pie suddenly forgot the fact that she was sick. The pain that she felt before, disappeared when Kim with her. The argument that she had before with her mom also disappeared. With Kim, she can forget the things that made her upset. Now, she knows that she can’t live without Kim.

            “I love you, Kim,” said Pie when Kim busy gave deep kiss on her stomach.

            Kim lifted her face. “I love you too, Pie. So much.”


            Pie opened her eyes and had realized that Kim wasn’t beside her. “Kim?” she called her name, but no one responded. She woke up, checked the bathroom, but Kim wasn’t there too. She started to panic. “Kim!”

            She called Kim’s phone, but her phone was off. Pie can’t reach Kim. That day Pie can’t reach Kim’s phone at all, even she didn’t come to class. Pie’s mad, really mad. The next day, Kim didn’t go to class again and Pie got news that Kim got transferred to another campus. Pie shocked. She was thought that Kim didn’t dare to let her go again.

            Boy that knew Pie’s hurt, tried to convince her. Pie tried really hard not to cry in the class. She calling Kim’s phone again, but it’s still off. Inside of her was boiling because she’s too angry. Boy pats her back, trying to calm her down. She got up from her seat and walked out from class, ignored the lecturer that was spoken in front of class.

            “Excuse us, Mr. There’s something emergency,” said Boy to the lecturer that looked angry and then went after Pie.

            “Where’re you going, Pie?” asked Boy while walking on her side.

            “It’s not your business,” answered Pie coldly.

             Boy grabbed her hand, stop her step. “You need to calm down, Pie.” He looked at her eyes that full of anger.

            “I can’t, Boy! I need to go to her house. I need to hear her reason.”

            Boy sighed. “Okay, but you need to calm down, Pie.”

            Pie glared at him with narrow eyes. “If you were in my shoes, can you calm down, Boy?” Boy didn’t respond her question because he didn’t sure that he can calm down. “You can’t, right? So, don’t stop me.”


            Pie presses the Kim’s house bell when she and Boy arrived at Kim’s house. Pie presses it again and Aunt In came out to open the gate.

            “Ah, Miss Pie. Can I help you?” asked Aunt In with smile.

            “Aunt, I need to meet Kim,” said Pie, serious.

            “I’m so sorry, Miss Pie, but Miss Kim isn’t home right now.”

            “Where is she?” Pie became impatient.

            “Singapore if I’m not mistaken. I’m so sorry, Miss Pie.” Aunt In looked guilty.

            Pie widened her eyes. “Singapore?! Serious, Aunt In? Why?”

            Aunt In shook her head. “Sorry, I don’t know either, Miss.”

            Pie’s chest up and down because too much anger that Pie holding in. Boy pats her back. Yam that just arrived, coming closer to them, followed by Peach.

            “Pie?” called Yam to make sure. “Let’s go inside.” She turned her head to Peach. “Thank you, Peach. See ya again.” Peach nodded and then went to his car.

            Yam holding Pie’s hand and walked into her house, followed by Boy and Aunt In. Aunt In went to the kitchen to make some drinks for them, leaving Yam with Pie and Boy. Yam knows from Pie’s eyes that she’s mad. So, she pats Pie’s back, calm her down.

            “Kim isn’t home now. She’s in Singapore. What for? I don’t know either, really. She didn’t tell me, but I’m sure that she had a reason. She didn’t tell you at all, Pie?”

            Pie nodded. “She was telling me that she loves me, but now she left me? I hate your sister so much, Yam.”

            She’s hurt. Well, I knew that feeling when the person that you loved so much, left you without a word. It’s so impossible if she isn’t hurt. Yeah, Kim’s so mean, but I knew her so well, she wouldn’t do a thing without a reason.

            Tears came out from Pie’s eyes: anger, hurt, and sadness became one. Yam hugged her and rubs her back. Boy and Yam can felt how hurt Pie was. Pie cried out loud until her chest felt so tight and can’t breathe.


            “Are you the one that made Kim went to Singapore, Mom?” asked Pie to her Mom that taking her dinner. Pie was straightly going to her house from Kim’s house after left Boy at the dorm.

            Pie’s mom looked surprised when saw Pie. “What do you mean, Pie? Kim went to Singapore? It’s a good thing then.”

            “This is your plan, right? How can you do this, Mom? What we’re doing wrong? I love her and—”

            “What do you say, Pie?” Pie’s mom cuts her off. She looked at Pie’s eyes seriously.

            Pie also looked into her mom’s eyes. “I love her. I love K—”

            PLAK! A slap from her mom cuts her off.

            “She’s a girl, Pie. Wake up!”

            “So what? Is it wrong to love a girl? Is it a sin to love her? Why I can’t love her?” Pie raised her tone.

            “That’s not love, Pie! You can’t love the same gender. It’s so wrong.”

            “Wrong for who? I don’t think this is wrong and I know for sure, this is love. I love her with all my heart. I can’t live without her again. Just accept it, Mom.”

            “Accept what? Accept that my only daughter is a dii? Or that my precious daughter loving a girl? How can I face the others, Pie? Forget her, Pie. She left you means she didn’t love you.”

            “You’re the one that told her to left me, Mom!” Pie shouted in frustration. “You don’t know how much I love her, Mom.” She reduced her tone and her eyes got teary.

            “You also don’t know how much I love you, Pie.”

            “I can’t live without her again, Mom. She’s too precious to me.” Her tears came out again.

            Pie’s mom grabbed her shoulders. “You need to forget her, Pie. Listen to me! If you still saying love her, you’re not my daughter anymore. Remember that!”

            Pie dropped her body on the floor and burst out her tears. Pie’s mom leaved her and went to her room, don’t care how hurt Pie was. Pie’s hoping that she’d amnesia again and forgotten her heart that got broken. She can’t take the hurt anylonger. Kim, comeback for me, please…. Pie’s begging inside her mind, hoping Kim’s hearing that.


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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 19: I love tis story, it was brilliant, nice work, author!! please give us more Tiaom stories!!
yukezuke #2
Chapter 19: I love it.good job author
Mahizaidi #3
Chapter 19: Nice story
bhavana #4
Chapter 19: so nice story:-)loved it :-)
MellBee #5
Chapter 19: Yeah..good job author..
theolog #6
Chapter 19: maybe i just a bit late to read this .. but i really like it :*
Maria_Ulfa #7
Chapter 19: Nice story author, love you
Chapter 19: I enjoyed reading your fanfic and I hope theRe'll be more to come~ even though there's a lot of grammar mistakes but it's ok. Thumbs up! Hope you write more soon
najville #9
Chapter 19: Thanks for this!nice one..can i have some more?
stargalaxy77 #10
Chapter 19: woahhhhhhhhh what the lovely story!!!!!!!!!!