The Bet: Game's On!

‘’No wonder she didn’t pick up, I hope she’s fine’’ Dara positioned herself on her bed while Chaerin sighed on the other line. She found it weird, ever since Bom came back, suddenly EXO was all over them. ‘’I think she is, I hope for Kris to keep his dirty hands off her’’ Chaerin snorted and Dara giggled. ‘’Over-protective umma’’             ‘’What, it’s true. They don’t have the best reputation out there you know’’

‘’It’s all made up, you and I both know that’’ Dara softly spoke, she knew a lot more about them, her fangirling wasn’t just normal. She knew some of them had tough things they went through thus their images we’re built upon the rumours about it. ‘’Well whatever, if one of them does anything to baby Minji or Bom unni, I’m ready to completely beat them up’’                 ‘’Wow calm down there tiger Chaerin’’ Dara laughed and Chaerin pouted, ‘’I won’t let them go that easily’’ she blew a raspberry and Dara nodded. ‘’I doubt they would though,’’ she took a deep breathe and continued, ‘’So which one do you pick out of them all’’ Dara grinned and Chaerin gasped, ‘’Unni not with me!’’


‘’Stop staring’’ Bom pressed her lips on a firm line, looking at the male who sat across her, god knows why. Mother Wu forced her to stay the night and had already called up her father to tell who didn’t mind since he knew her quite well which somehow surprised her but then again…

‘’What if I don’t?’’ The male titled his head to the side, a smirk slowly taking over his lips. ‘’Then I’ll do something real bad’’ Bom frowned, totally not believing she was with the jerk that sent her mixed feelings over the days they met. Honestly she didn’t know what she was doing herself. ‘’Oh really now, what could that be?’’ He teased, the smirk still plastered on his face and she had to look a way before she stared. ‘’Y-yah, are you challenging me?’’ She stuttered slightly, regaining her confidence shortly after and he smiled in amusement.

‘’Maybe I am’’  he grinned. They we’re currently sitting in Kris his room,  Bom curled up in bed while he sat not so far from her on the couch. ‘’You, argh I’ll warn you in advance, you’re going to regret challenging me’’            ‘’Oh is that so, what do you have to offer though’’                    ‘’Stop messing!’’ she pouted, annoyed by the male who was completely amused by her. ‘’Just so you know, Tao taught me his wonderful wushu skills’’ she proudly crossed her arms over her chest and he chuckled. Right, Tao.

He knew they had a history together, but the future is something completely different. The bet, that’s right. He wondered, this was the perfect time to make a move, they we’re in his room, together alone. Bom  on the other hand wondered, the male was silent and in deep thoughts. She could only just stare at him, with her heart fluttering as she mentally took notes again of his sharp facial features.

‘’I know you fell for me’’ the husky voice spoke up after a long silence, interrupting Bom’s thoughts. How long did she actually stare? How long was she actually gone for, in her own world? Her cheeks instantly flushed red as she slowly got his words in her head. ‘’N-no, w-way, s-stop being so f-full of yourself’’ She managed to get out and he smirked. ‘’So why are you stuttering’’ he slowly got up, slowly pacing towards the king sized bed and her eyes widened. ‘’Yah, you angry bird stop there!’’ she squealed, while he continued grinning. Not even the angry bird remark ticked him, right now it was his moment.

‘’I’ll give you.. candy?’’ she softly whispered, looking at him innocently and he laughed. ‘’Candy.. meaning yourself?’’ he his lips slowly and Bom tensed up, where was thing going!?

‘’No stop, Kris I take everything back’’ she fiddled with the blanket, slowly moving backwards while he continued walking towards the bed until he reached it. ‘’Stop right there!’’ she whined and he grinned, somehow he loved this, the teasing.. her reaction amused him completely. ‘’What if I don’t?’’ he smirked, one of his legs already on the bed and she gasped. ‘’Yah, Kris my wushu! Remember Tao taught me!!!’’ she got her hands ready in a fighting position and he laughed, completely on the bed now.

‘’My wushu skills are dangerous, I’ll karate chop you!’’ she moved backwards again, and he laughed. ‘’STOPPPP’’ she squealed, panicking while he titled his head to the side, ‘’What… if I don’t…’’ he whispered and Bom stared at him. He turned into serious mode and her heart started racing, what was going on? She didn’t know but all she knew was she was on his huge king-sized bed, with him inches away from her looking completely like a hot mess with his messy hair. If anyone walked in on us right now, she knew she’d die right then and there.

‘’Stop’’ she whispered and thought of an idea. His knees we’re on the bed sheets, a slight tugging would make him loose balance and fall from the bed right? She grinned as she hurriedly grabbed the sheets, tugging it with all her left over strength while his eyes widened and so did Bom’s, she did not expect this, her plan did not just backfire!!!!!

 ‘’What the-..’’ Kris grunted, and a scream was heard in the background.


, screwed.


‘’You seem pissed’’ Luhan looked at the younger male while he frowned. ‘’Now why would I be pissed?’’         ‘’Maybe because Kris might be ahead of you?’’ He took a bite of his apple and Tao grunted. ‘’You know, I wonder are you the evil genius behind this all, who actually do you support?’’

‘’No one, I just whoever I want whenever I want’’ he grinned and Tao frowned once again at him. ‘’You are a weird one, honestly sometimes I really don’t understand what goes through your head’’        ‘’It’ll take you a long time to understand my friend’’ he patted the younger one’s head and he grunted. ‘’I’m not a kid’’             ‘’But you are the youngest’’       


‘’See’’ Luhan laughed and Tao sunk down on the table, the cafeteria was quiet maybe because his class was the only class with a free period in between. Tao was completely lost, he didn’t know what he felt, what was going on and he suddenly regretted accepting the challenge.

He remembered Chen’s words and sighed. He wasn’t that easy to back off, Tao wasn’t like that.


‘’You actually spent a night there!?’’ Dara gasped, almost yelling while Bom hurriedly covered . ‘’Doofus, why don’t you take a mic and announce it for the whole school to know’’ she grunted, glaring at the lady who innocently laughed. ‘’Sorry, I’m just surprised…. I mean Kris Wu, wow’’ She stared dreamily ahead of her and Bom pouted. ‘’You actually captured the hottest wolf out of them’’ she sighed with her dreamy gaze stil there and Bom smacked her arm, ‘’what the hell are you on?’’

‘’Im on the drug called ‘’love’’ involving the twelve wolves’’ she sighed and Bom gasped. ‘’I’m kidding silly, but seriously how did all of you manage to capture such a cuties, my luck is so bad’’ she frowned and Bom laughed this time, ‘’Right, if you would just pick one it’d be easier’’         ‘’Oh my god, how can you pick one that’s like.. attempting suicide!!’’        

‘’You’re such a drama queen’’ Bom rolled her eyes before they both broke into a fit of giggles.

‘’So, you spent a night in Kris his house’’               ‘’Yeah, well his mother made me though, she’s actually such a sweetheart, she’s sort of like my mother’’ Bom smiled and Dara nodded, she could never forget Bom’s mother, she always took care of her whenever she had troubles back then. ‘’Which reminds me, how is she doing? And Go Eun unni?’’

‘’They’re doing great, busy with their things as usual.’’


‘’Phew..’’ Bom breathed out, taking a seat in class. It had been several days, and she ignored everyone completely from EXO, even Tao. The main reason was Kris, after that night she couldn’t stop thinking about him and whenever she saw him her cheeks flushed a deep red. She could never forget that day, never ever. It was the most embarrassing ever, and if she could at that moment she would’ve dug a grave right then and there to hide herself in it and never ever come out.

‘’Stop’’ Bom whispered and thought of an idea. His knees we’re on the bed sheets, a slight tugging would make him loose balance and fall from the bed right? She grinned as she hurriedly grabbed the sheets, tugging it with all her left over strength while Kris his eyes widened and so did Bom’s, she did not expect this, her plan did not just backfire!!!!!

 ‘’What the-..’’ Kris grunted, and a scream was heard in the background. ‘’KRIS WU, THIS IS NOT HOW I RAISED YOU’’ Mother Wu gasped, staring at the two and Bom would’ve dug a hole right then and there to hide.

He was hovering on top of her, anyone seeing this would think that the two teenagers their hormones went wild. His face was close to hers, scratch that their cheeks collided with each other, his lips slightly on the edge of hers, and right now she wanted to scream. She felt like she was going to die any second now, her heart beat skipped several beats and it pumped against her chest, she felt like she ran a marathon for several days.

Realizing that Mother Wu still stared at them, she hurriedly gathered all her courage and pushed the male away with all her strength and mentally cheered in her head as she succeeded. She hurriedly got up, not meeting Mother Wu’s eyes before rushing out the door leaving a slightly grinning son Wu and a dumbfounded mother Wu in the room.


‘’What’s the matter, you seem frustrated’’ Baekhyun laughed looking at the taller male that ruffled up his hair. ‘’No sh*t sherlock’’ Chanyeol sat far away from the two, rubbing his arm. He, being the goofball decided to joke around with Kris but it was the dumbest thing he ever did in his life, as Kris his fist was tightly connected to his arm, and he could’ve sworn his arm was dislocated for a couple of seconds. ‘’That giraffe deserves whatever he’s going through’’ Chanyeol stuck out his tongue and Suho laughed. ‘’It’s always you two, seriously’’               

‘’Anyone would do the same, what kind of lame joke was that!? What did 0 say to 8? Nice belt!?’’ Kris groaned and the few males bursted out laughing. ‘’I thought it was pretty funny’’ Kyungsoo blinked innocently and he groaned once again.

‘’No but seriously, what’s been biting you in the ’’ Baekhyun turned in to serious mode, scratching the tip of his chin in process while looking at Kris. ‘’Puberty hit him, that’s all’’ Chanyeol murmured and he could’ve sworn a bullet hit right through him with the icy glare Kris gave. ‘’Says the one who still hasn’t hit puberty, it’s still pending’’

‘’You argh!!!’’ Chanyeol groaned, getting up going on a journey and the rest laughed, that seriously was a good one. Kris on the other hand stared at a figure, a familiar female. She was eating and talking happily to Tao and he frowned. He noticed the past couple of days she’s been ignoring him completely and it bugged him, so much he didn’t even understand why.

That day he somehow landed on top of her and he could’ve sworn their lips met but his mind was blank, he felt something incredible he never felt, what was really going on? Luhan on the other hand carefully peered over at Kris and then Tao. He knew very well what was going to happen, and wondered. We’re his two best buddies really that dumb?

‘’Be right back’’ Kris hurriedly got up after seeing his target get up going somewhere and he had to follow, it was now or never.


‘’God, I didn’t think time would fly by that fast’’ Bom whispered, unknown to the shadow standing not far from her. The halls we’re empty, most classes already ended, just a few here and there continued. She closed her locker with a thud and almost got a heart attack as she was greeted by Kris his face, and he didn’t look amused one bit at all.

She her heels, about to walk away until her arm was in a tight grasp not letting her walk away. ‘’Crap’’ she muttered before he spun her around, pinning her on the lockers completely. A silence took place, as they stared at each other. Kris was pissed, he didn’t even know why but his insides boiled. She completely ignored him, while Bom on the other hand chanted several prayers in her head. Please god no, spare me this I promise I wont secretly eat all the corn as a midnight snack. She crossed her fingers with eyes closed, hoping that when she opened them he was gone but frowned when she saw him still there.

‘’Why have you been ignoring me?’’ His husky voice rang through her ears and her cheeks flushed red completely. What kind of game was god playing with her, she did not know but all she wanted to do was scream and run away. ‘’I haven’t?’’ she softly spoke and he groaned. ‘’Oh really now?’’ he placed his fingers on her chin, raising her head slowly so she would face him properly. They stared at each other as several moments passed by, they didn’t understand what was going on in their heart, could it be mostly because they denied the possible options?

‘’You turn around and walk away whenever we meet, care to explain?’’ he whispered slowly, his breathe tickling her bare skin. ‘’I promise, I wasn’t’’ she blinked a couple of times and somehow, someway a flashback popped up and he instantly let her go but the eye-contact was still there. They just stood there, staring and suddenly Kris his eyes landed on her soft plump lips. The urge to kiss her, the damn urge was so bad, he wanted to kiss her real bad, but he had to keep it in, he just had to.

‘’A little more and my face might just completely melt like ice’’ he suddenly spoke and she gasped repeating his words over again in her head. Now how many times has this already happened!???

‘’W-what!? You’re such a conceited jerk!’’ she blurted, groaning and he smirked.

‘’And you owe me a favour’’ He put his lips on a firm line, arm’s crossed over his chest and she gaped at him. ‘’Excuse me, favour?’’           ‘’Yes, don’t tell me you forgot the day I took care of you and your puppy’’ he grinned, his head tilted slightly and she gaped at him, not believing one bit, was this jerk-, no conceited jerk serious?

‘’Yes, you owe me a date’’ He smirked, winking at her before turning around walking away leaving her flabbergasted, standing there with cheeks completely flushed red.

‘’A d-date!?’’










Ohohoho, is the real battle about to start? Ha, how am I doing so far? Is it going good so far? I hope you like the chapters, thankyou for the lovely comments <3 I always end up reading them with a smile haha. 

Please do share ur opinions or ask questions if you don't understand, once again I'd like to thank you all as I reached 61 subs already! Daebak!!

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Chapter 1: Gonna re-read this epic story again ;)
deladelf #2
Chapter 31: omg so sweet I could die happy and I need a sequel of this!!!! probably krisbom marriage life, haha. good job, author!!! luvs!!!!!
Tangkpop #3
Chapter 21: Lubboomm yyy they have be siblings noooo
Tangkpop #4
Chapter 10: My lubooom feellls
murisja #5
totally in love with this krisbom story >_<
nandiiva2 #6
Chapter 31: Haahhh love the ending!! ><
KrisBom so cute yo~ *luhan's style lol ><
Sequel please ;_;
gjie2cute #7
Chapter 31: Such s beautiful ending /cries
So what happened that night w kris n bom???
lalita25 #8
Chapter 31: OMG i can't contain my feels! This is so sweetsweet!
I feel so giddy ahh
Thank you author nim ^^
AkAnExxxAi #9
Chapter 31: Kyahhhhh ♥♥♥♥
Thank you for a lovely story author.nim muakmuakmuak
piper8702 #10
Chapter 31: waaahhh. its the end. sobs. krisbom fighting! love is in the air indeed. love it... mr. & mrs wu sounds amazing. yahooooo. thanks authornim