Chapter 24

I love you, Kris Wu

I Love You, Kris Wu


 Chapter 24

Claire walked down the unfamiliar street to her new house. Kris followed beside her in silence. She was so excited to see the new house in person she completely ignored him.

She dug into her jean pocket for the set of keys her mother had given her.

“Little Miss. Excited?” Kris chuckled as he walked into his own house. The two turned and looked at each other.

It’s ironic how a few years back, the teenage version of them stood in the same places glaring at each other with eyes full of hatred.

Claire would stick up her middle finger and call him names while Kris would stick out his tongue and mention how short she was although she was the complete opposite of that.

The two stared at each other and chuckled while memories of them from adolescence flashed back into their heads. “We’ve come a long way, Kris Wu.”

“Do you still hate me?” Kris laughed.

Claire shrugged and said “Maybe.” Before winking and going into her house.

“Ya!” Kris shouted before shaking his head. “Crazy girl.”  He said, and then he paused and smiled. “I used to call her that…”



“Mom! Dad!” Claire’s voice echoed through the halls. She found her parents opening packages in the living room. “Oh I see you got my Christmas presents.” She smiled.

Her mother stood up and hugged her tightly. “Aww, how come you didn’t tell us that you were coming…I could’ve made some food.”

“We can always cook now! Dad, I want your kimchi stew.” Claire said. “I’ve been eating sandwiches and chicken soup back in L.A for the longest time.” She whined.

“Alright hon! Glad to have you home.” His eyes crinkled as he smiled.

“Where’s my room?” Claire asked.

“On the third floor, the third floor’s all yours honey. The only thing that’s remained the same is the way your room is set up.” Her mother said.


Claire looked around and chuckled, her room was set up the same and her desk was left untouched. She sat down and opened up one of her old textbooks. She blushed at the little notes Kris left at the side of each paragraph. They cheered her on during finals week.

Study hard baby!

You can do it!

Just one more paragraph!

You get a kiss for every amendment you can recite!

Go Claire Bear!

She laughed as she read his messy hand writing.

Her phone vibrated making her flinch. “Look to your right. It’s the prettiest girl in the world.”

Claire looked to the right and ended up looking at herself in the mirror. She chuckled.

“Then lean all the way back.”

Her long legs pushed her chair all the way back. Claire stared out the window and saw Kris holding up a bag of gummy bears. She suddenly remembered the first time they met in Seoul. Kris moved back and the first thing he did was eat her gummy bears.

“Kris Wu.” She frowned. “You have gummies and you don’t share?” She crossed her arms.

Kris laughed. “You know, the only person who calls me by my full name is my mom and she only does that is when I’m in trouble.”

“You’re in trouble for hogging all the gummies.” Claire snapped. She was getting antsy. Memories of them floated her body giving her butterflies. She remembered how much she wanted to come over at ungodly hours during school nights just to be in his arms.

“You know who else would call me by my full name?” Kris asked.

Claire tilted her head as if she was waiting for the answer. “Hm?”

“Mom always calls dad by his full name.” Kris grinned. “My wifey would call me that.”

“Kris Wu.” She sat up. What was he implying?

“Come over baby.” Kris held the bag of gummy bears.

She groaned as she stood up.

“Wear a jacket!” Kris shouted.

Claire smiled. “Fine.”


They snuggled together under a blanket as they watched one of Joe’s movies. “He’s pretty good.” Kris commented.

Claire nodded. “Not as good as me.”

“Whoa, a little conceited there eh?”

“Wait till my movies come out.” Claire snapped her fingers.

Kris laughed. “Alright.”


He woke up the next morning with his sweater on top of him. It looked familiar. It was the same sweater he had sent to her four years ago.

He put it on and smiled as he realized Claire’s scent was there. He looked down at his phone.

“Flight at 5 AM. You were knocked out, sorry babe I didn’t want to wake you up. I know you don’t get enough sleep anyway. I won’t be back until the end of February; I have a week off in March then I’m back in L.A for a fashion show. I think I can make the concert…maybe? Kai asked me for a special stage again. Hah, remember my first special stage? Hehe, look forward to it!”

Kris scrolled down and opened the next text.

“I’ll call you when I land! Tell Joe I said bye; he’s leaving next week.”


“So this time she’s the one leaving.” Kris sighed. Then he got up. “That only means I got two whole months to plan the proposal.” 

✎Author's note 

❝ 2014 is literally around the corner...Thanks for this year guys! You were all by my side supporting me haha. Thank you so much! I love you all!

Expect lots of Klairis Fanfics in 2014 with the same crew! 

Find me on Facebook | Tumblr |Find me on instagram: @heyitsivysaur

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22 streak #1
Chapter 3: Lol I was so excited for the sequel that I didn’t even left a comment on the first story
22 streak #2
Chapter 30: And it's a cycle! Love it!
Chapter 32: Why Lay being a gay TT____TT
Btw nice story, they were so cute together
Queenka94 #4
....You know, I really want a gay housemate now..specifically Joe :)
Queenka94 #5
Chapter 29: :3 I wanted her to be named Kara.
Kara (Juliana) Wu. :P
Oh well. Love this story! I finally finished it~
Queenka94 #6
Chapter 21: Finally! Aww, I hope Joe and Lay's ship sail too
Chapter 32: Omg so cute! Can you please make one for Jayden and Laura? Please? PLEASE? PLEASE?!
Chapter 21: OMG!!! You have no idea how much i love your story right now, i cant just stop reading it
Chapter 1: Re-reading this and i'm still crying a river in chapter one! How can that giant be this romantic! Ugh hate krease bear! And random playlist on my phone was lost in love what a timing-.- I MISS KRIS BYTHEWAY ANYONE AGREE?:(( his read hair is seriously.. Is he trying to be angry bird or what? Wkwk hebstill handsome tough:( well handsome peep could do anything.