




Bom was able to come to school the next day. We went on pretending that nothing happened. That it was just another day at school.


I was trying hard to maintain my composure. Somehow, I feel as if I’m hearing a clock ticking, counting time away. I had to hurry.


She was extra cheerful when Ji joined us, I noticed. It firmed my resolve but I don’t know if it will lessen the hurt I’m going to cause on me and Ji.


“Why don’t you ask Ji, now” I whispered.


“Ah JI? Would you be my date for the dance?” Bom asked.


“That’s perfect!” I interjected. “Weren’t you saying Ji that you don’t have a date yet?” I said and looked at him meaningfully.


He looked surprised, probably by Bom’s suddenness and my change of plan. I don’t know what he’s thinking but it’s probably going to be bad for me. I saw him clench his fist and his jaw tighten. But out of respect for Bom, I know he won’t reject her.


“Of course, it will be my pleasure” he said, smiling at her.


I exhaled slowly, not realizing I was holding my breath.  I was grateful for Ji.


“Just pick me up at our house around 7pm.” Bom said. “How about you, Dara? Have you asked anyone yet?”


“No, seems like all the good guys are taken. Besides, I’ll be fine” I said. It’s one thing to share Ji with Bom but I am not going to hurt him by going out with another guy.


“That’s okay, you could always hang out with Ji and me.” Bom offered


“No, don’t mind me. I don’t want to cramp Ji’s style.” I said.


Bom and I spent the afternoon after class, shopping for a dress. She chose a red strapless gown which complimented her fair skin and showed her curves. I chose a black gown befitting my mood.





All throughout the week, people were busy talking about the dance. And I was getting sick of it. I know I must endure it for Bom. Good thing she wasn’t as chatty as the other kids about it, keeping mum about her date with Ji.



I avoided spending time alone with Ji. I only hang out with him when we’re at school and when I’m with Bom. I have even stopped answering his calls and text messages. I’m such a lousy girlfriend. I don’t know how to face him, knowing I’ve broken my promise.


I love him but I love Bom too, and she needs him more. I just don’t know how to tell him that.




The day of the dance came. Bom and I agreed that I’d sleep over at her house. We’d fix each other’s make-up and do each other’s hair.


Bom’s hair was really pretty put up and with the make-up on. I left my hair down and put minimal make-up. I did not care for looking pretty anyway. This was Bom’s night.


Bom’s mother announced that Ji has arrived. We went downstairs and saw Ji waiting looking at us expectantly. I saw him glance at me before he looked at Bom and smiled.


God! I miss his smile. I saw him place a red rose corsage on Bom’s wrist before giving me a white one. The brief contact of his hands on my wrist sent shivers down my spine.





As we reached the school gymnasium, we noticed that it was beautifully lighted and decorated. The DJ is spinning a catchy beat and most of the kids in our class were dancing.  We joined in the fun and grooved to the music. I was at awe that Ji could pop some moves.


When we got tired we headed for our table and Ji grabbed some refreshments for us.


“Are you having fun?” I asked


“Yes!  This is the best night ever!” Bom said.


“I’m planning on asking Ji to be my boyfriend, do you think its okay?” she asked.


Do I think its okay? Of course not, not with me. But do I think it’s the right thing to do? Yes.


“It’s up to you, just do what makes you happy” I said.


“Then I’ll be asking him before the night ends” Bom said.


“Hey, I’ll just go to the restroom, okay?” I excused myself.


“Sure. I’ll just wait for Ji to come back” she said.


As I walked away, I made a detour for the refreshment table to find Ji. I saw him standing over the cooler grabbing some sodas, and approached him.


“Hey, Ji” I said giving him a small smile.


“Hey yourself. I should be the one angry but you’re the one avoiding me. Are you speaking to me again?” Ji asked, scowling.


“Yes. And I’m sorry but you’ll find out the reason soon but first promise me one thing, if you love me like you say you do, whatever Bom asks you, just say yes” I said.


“Do I always have to prove myself to you? How much I love you?” Ji said angrily.


I was glad that the music was loud and that no one was minding us.


“No, it’s not that. Please just do this for me.” I pleaded.


“I’ll think about it.” He said before walking away.





I went to the restroom and pretended to fix my hair before I returned to our table to see Bom and Ji talking animatedly. I grabbed a soda and drank some.


By the next song, we were up again from our seats and dancing to the music. Many boys would come over and ask me but I refused.


As the night progressed, the DJ started to play lovesongs. And I suddenly felt awkward. Bom would naturally dance with Ji, and I being partnerless sulked away in the corners, hiding.


 I just don’t want to see them, and be jealous thinking it should’ve been me.





The dance finished without me noticing it, I was wandering outside trying to pass time not thinking about them but failing miserably. Bom and Ji found me sitting by the benches at the parking lot.


“Hey, we were looking all over for you. And you were just here sitting. Was the dance too much for you?” Bom asked concerned.


“Yeah, too may people. You know how uncomfortable I am with crowds.” I said.


“Ji was worried you were missing that we spent the last hour searching for you” she said.


I looked at Ji, who was looking relieved and angry at the same time.


“I’m sorry for making you worry” I said looking back at Bom.


“It’s okay. Let’s go home” Bom said.






Later that night, Bom recounted what happened after I left them. She and Ji danced to about 3 slow songs before she asked Ji to be his boyfriend.


 “He seemed kind of distracted but he said yes, anyway. So after that I kissed him. I sort of missed and kiss him on the corner of his mouth. But no biggie since there’ll be a next time” Bom finished, before she fell asleep smiling.


I was lying on the pull-out bed beside Bom’s, mentally thanking Ji for going through with my request. But I felt a pinch in my heart knowing that they almost kissed.


Then it hit me. She had every right now. From this day on, she’d be the one people will recognize. And I’ll become the other girl.



I looked at Bom, peacefully sleeping, while I lay awake fretfully. I cannot undo what I’ve done.




My bestfriend’s boyfriend was mine.



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Tariki_inday #1
Chapter 24: Bom ?
crabbybatty #2
Chapter 24: This is heartbreaking in the most beautiful way. I am crying but not with a heavy heart.
Unixai21 #3
Chapter 24: Oh my this is so beautiful... Thanks authornim
3shhaaa #4
Chapter 24: Reading this for the second time!! It still gets to me.. love this story..
3shhaaa #5
Chapter 24: Love the story!! Thanks!!! ❤️❤️❤️
ddublin #6
Chapter 24: Well written stories is YOU! Simple but heartwarming. I can say you really like poetries. Godbless you and more stories to come. Im a fan.
TOPalmond #7
Chapter 24: Sorry unnie, I spammed every comment sections in your fics bcs after a year not reading any fic on aff (bcs I need to graduate), I re-read your fanfic all over again. Thank u for ur beautiful stories :)
TOPalmond #8
Chapter 24: I love your statement in every fic that u wrote, "Daragon love will always continue..."
wenkie0414 #9
Chapter 24: what a lovely story, and it made me cry a lot...
Gotcha101 #10
Chapter 24: Finished!! And I love it <3