






The dance was a week away. I was going to tell Bom about Ji and I, that he’ll be my date. I was waiting for her by her locker but she never came.


The class already started and still she was missing. I was busy glancing at her seat wondering why she was absent.


Ji was also looking behind him, probably thinking the same. He looked at me with question in his eyes and I just shrugged my shoulders.


It was not like Bom to be absent. We were both grade-conscious and had almost perfect attendance in school except for the time I broke my wrist and the time she had chickenpox.


She wasn’t even absent last school year when she was having headaches. I was suddenly plagued with fear that something must be wrong. Maybe it’s her mom. I decided to come to her house later that afternoon.




Ji and I were having lunch together. It was weird having lunch with him alone, without Bom. I felt the other students staring at us, probably wondering why we were eating stiffly and hardly talking.


I could not help it if I was acting strange around him. Eversince school started I could not get him to myself except in secret.


“What are you thinking?” he asked.


“I’m worried about Bom. She has never been absent before without reason. Something must be wrong.” I said, worry etching my face.


“Is it okay if I go to her house later?” I asked, trying to cancel our date.


“Sure, if you want I’ll come with you” he offered.


“Thanks but I think I’ll go alone. And Ji, is it okay if I don’t tell her yet about us?” I pleaded, hoping he’ll understand.


“I understand. But make it soon okay?” he said.


In the midst of everyone in the cafeteria, Ji placed his hand near mine with the tips of our fingers touching.


It was not exactly the sweetest gesture in the world but it was enough for me. I told myself that we will only have to wait a while before we could hold hands freely and before I could tell everyone he is mine.







I went to Bom’s house and rang their bell. Her mom came out and opened the door.


“Oh Dara! Come in” she said, looking surprised.


 “Auntie, good afternoon! You look well.” I said, surprised to see her Mom, up and about.


“Is Bom home? I was wondering why was she absent. I even bought my notes.” I said.


“She had one of her headache attacks this morning and the doctor advised that she rest.” She said sounding anxious.


“Auntie, is it something serious? I asked, worried that something was bothering Bom and was not telling me.


“Haven’t she told you yet?” she asked again, worried that she said too much.


“Told me what?”

I was beginning to feel as if I’m trapped in some sort of drama with all the suspense. Bom hiding something from me as I was hiding something from her too.


“I think I better let her tell you” she said






I entered Bom’s bedroom and saw the familiar yellow walls with floral print. She wanted a yellow room all because of corn.


I saw her in her bed sitting propped on her pillows, with her stuffed animals arranged perfectly by the headrest. She looked a little pale but she smiled when she saw me.


“Hi Bommie!” I said returning her smile as I sat down beside her bed. “I brought my notes and our assignment for tomorrow”


“Thanks Dar, for always being a good friend, not just a good friend but a sister” she said with a tint of sadness in her voice.


“What are you thanking me for?” I asked, perplexed and anxious where this conversation was heading.


“I’m sorry for misleading you into thinking Mom was sick and for not telling you sooner” she started to apologize.


“Tell me what?”  I asked, confused yet dreading what was to follow.


“I have a brain tumor.”




She said it calmly; as if she were talking about the weather or was reciting answers in class.



It was not the answer I was expecting.


I already feared the implications of what she said.





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Tariki_inday #1
Chapter 24: Bom ?
crabbybatty #2
Chapter 24: This is heartbreaking in the most beautiful way. I am crying but not with a heavy heart.
Unixai21 #3
Chapter 24: Oh my this is so beautiful... Thanks authornim
3shhaaa #4
Chapter 24: Reading this for the second time!! It still gets to me.. love this story..
3shhaaa #5
Chapter 24: Love the story!! Thanks!!! ❤️❤️❤️
ddublin #6
Chapter 24: Well written stories is YOU! Simple but heartwarming. I can say you really like poetries. Godbless you and more stories to come. Im a fan.
TOPalmond #7
Chapter 24: Sorry unnie, I spammed every comment sections in your fics bcs after a year not reading any fic on aff (bcs I need to graduate), I re-read your fanfic all over again. Thank u for ur beautiful stories :)
TOPalmond #8
Chapter 24: I love your statement in every fic that u wrote, "Daragon love will always continue..."
wenkie0414 #9
Chapter 24: what a lovely story, and it made me cry a lot...
Gotcha101 #10
Chapter 24: Finished!! And I love it <3