Thirty-Fourth Letter

Even If I Put In My Whole Heart


Well no duh you can't write with your feet. I'm not an acrobat either. I can, however, write left handed. It looks like ancient Sanscript, but I can physically do it. Whether or not you can read it is another story.

I've never really danced before, unless you count grinding at parties, but I guess you must know what you're talking about. Why would you try such a risky move? You were pretty much asking for trouble, you know.

And my drawers are a disaster zone because literally everything goes in there. I have... Let me check. Why did I just write that? It's not like you'll know... Whatever. I'm going to go check.

Okay, in my drawers: Papers I failed. Tests I failed. Gloves. Dirty clothes. Sunglasses. A permission slip I never got signed. A couple of shiny things... What are these? Give me a second while I go to decipher them. Not like it'll make a difference on paper...

Oh, they're tinsel. Okay, I have tinsel in my drawers... That's normal...

My heart's not lopsided. It's vertically challenged. And I'm not trying again. You're not getting another heart. I've been immasculated enough.

What happened during Christmas? Well, you don't want to talk about it anyway... You know what, I'll just scribble it all out.

And you have a nice smile. You absolutely do, or else I wouldn't feel like a e looking at it. You're only 17, right? And I'm 19. I'm a total pedo bear. Actually, most of my friends say that I look like a frog, so... Pedo frog...?

And if you don't want to send me any more coins, then have fun eating that Pocky knowing that you've broken my heart for all of eternity. Nah, just kidding. Have fun with the Pocky.

I'm glad you got the cast off. Doe you arm look skinnier now because it's been cooped up so long? And I'm glad you like writing to me. And I'm glad that we're closer. Just to add to the gladness, Glad Force Flex trash bags.

I will do whatever the I want! It's my noose and I need it now! Well, not so much anymore because you didn't shun me for my unforgiveable lameness. And of course I try to be nice to you. You're my friend.

Bye, Minnie.


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Sorry guys, will update soon! So busy with work these days. :( -Rin


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elektriklily #1
Chapter 42: I wish you would update. This was really enthralling
Chapter 42: update please!!!!
mayajay #3
Hi I wish you'd update please. I keep rereading this ...not that its boring or anything but I want to know how they take it forward :)
RubyRosez #4
Chapter 29: Perfect picture for Taemin.
Please update this is cute n fluffy
Chapter 36: Aww that's so adorable,Onew Jonghyun and Key are mice
Chapter 42: Please update. I know it's sounds annoying, but I've been rereading a lot. So update or I will unleash my army of quarters with bazookas on you! JK, it would be nice thought
SehunsWoman #8
Chapter 42: Please update
ShineeMaril10 #9
Please please please update~! I love this story soooo much and I don't want it to end here! Also what's wrong with taeminnie!?...Amazing and adorable story!:) please update soon!Byeee:D