Twenty-Ninth Letter

Even If I Put In My Whole Heart

Dear most amusing Minho-hyung,

You are so funny.  When I read your letter, I laughed so hard tears leaked out my eyes, and I actually fell off my chair. >_>;;  My brother got mad at me for making too much noise.  I blame you.

I love pocky!  Do you like pocky, hyung?  It's one of my favorite snack foods.  I wish the packages were bigger though...

Hyung, I think you're slightly insane for getting up so early and jogging in the cold weather, just for a simple letter, but I don't blame you at all.  I would do the same thing if I were awake at that hour.  I'm a rather heavy sleeper though, so I'm usually out cold at three in the morning.  That is kind of gross, though I don't see the illogical part of it, and I don't know why you care about the approval of a fictional character from a show that's not even Korean, but I guess that's more of your loveably lame humor, right?  :)

I don't think termites are likely to ever take over the world, hyung, but it's good to know that you'll still be able to write to me if they do.  There is a theory though that cockroaches could take over the world.  Either that or it was something about them being the most likely to be the sole survivors of a nuclear apocalypse...or something like that.  I don't remember, but who cares anyway?  As long as we can keep writing.

Yes, I get it, and I don't want my nickel back, so I'll try my best not to ever annoy you! :)  That nickel is evil though.  Maybe you should bury it.  I am tempted to send you a quarter with a bazooka, but I couldn't find a quarter-sized bazooka, and having one custom-made turned out to be more expensive than my wallet can handle, so I'll just send you a normal quarter instead.  You deserve 25 cents anyway with how much cursing you're doing...perhaps more.  Maybe 50 or so, or even a dollar if you add the previous letters.  But let's stick with a quarter this time.

You should be more careful though!  I don't want you getting hurt.  :(

I don't know where you get the throne idea, but yes I can be passive.  I can and I will.  Mehrong. :P

You like pizza?  I love pizza!  It's one of my favorite foods.  I would say, "Maybe someday we can eat it together," but I just remembered we have a long-distance acquaintance, so that's not really possible.  Oh well...

No, I don't get bullied.  I won't lie and say it's never happened, but that's all in the past, and I doubt it's likely to happen in the future either.  My classmates and I have no ill feelings between us, as far as I can tell.

I told you, you don't need your 'badass-ness'.  I like you better without it, personally.  But then I'm just a kid on the other side of the mailbox so I don't really matter as much as people who actually interact with you in person. ^^

Neh, halmeoni was amazing.  She was my favorite person in the whole world.  But no, we didn't send her to a nursing home.  She died almost ten years ago.

Your helium analogy was hilarious!  I'd love to see that actually happen.  I laughed so hard at the images that flew into my head. XD  There should be a cartoon about it or something.  Do you like cartoons?  I always loved them as a kid.  I haven't watched any in years though...I wonder what they're like nowadays.

I only had that one girlfriend.  Hyung sounds like a lady-killer.  That girl must have liked you a whole lot; it seems like she was pretty attached to you.  I'd really rather not talk about what happened between me and that girl.  It's way in the past anyway, like I said, so it doesn't really matter that much, right?  There's no point stirring up dusty old memories when it's better to face the present anyway.  Live for today.  That's what halmeoni always said.

Of course I'll send you my picture; in return you have to send me yours, okay?  I'm curious about what you look like.  Besides, it's only fair, right?

Amazing (mehrong),


P.S. Here's your quarter. :)

P.P.S. Here's a picture of me.  You can judge for yourself now, and I'm standing by my claims of not-so-greatness.

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Sorry guys, will update soon! So busy with work these days. :( -Rin


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elektriklily #1
Chapter 42: I wish you would update. This was really enthralling
Chapter 42: update please!!!!
mayajay #3
Hi I wish you'd update please. I keep rereading this ...not that its boring or anything but I want to know how they take it forward :)
RubyRosez #4
Chapter 29: Perfect picture for Taemin.
Please update this is cute n fluffy
Chapter 36: Aww that's so adorable,Onew Jonghyun and Key are mice
Chapter 42: Please update. I know it's sounds annoying, but I've been rereading a lot. So update or I will unleash my army of quarters with bazookas on you! JK, it would be nice thought
SehunsWoman #8
Chapter 42: Please update
ShineeMaril10 #9
Please please please update~! I love this story soooo much and I don't want it to end here! Also what's wrong with taeminnie!?...Amazing and adorable story!:) please update soon!Byeee:D