Twenty-Fourth Letter

Even If I Put In My Whole Heart

Dear Taemin,

You'd really be so cruel as to deny your hyung a penny? That hurts, Taemin. I shall now proceed to clutch my death and die a dramatic death with violins playing in the background.

Actually, I don't know how to make that last violin part happen, so I guess I'll live, but it'll be in a world of pain and betrayal. How dare you deny me a penny? How dare you, Taemin?

Oh look, a nickel! Okay, you're forgiven. I shall call it Chad Kroger and make it form a band and... That joke died a painful, painful death... But thanks for the nickel anyway!

And seriously, you can make sense of a billion jumbled letters with numbers? Okay, then help me with this: If you put the little 2 above an X but there's a negative sign in front of it, do you square it and then make it negative or take negative X and square that? Does that even make sense? If not, then YOU CAN SEE WHY I DON'T GET MATH.

Don't play the modest game with me, Taemin. You are probably the sweetest kid in your town. I mean, you actually complimented my lameness. That's gotta count for something, right? And words are masks, Taemin. Whether they shield you or show you off, they're masks. I feel like yours show you off, but in a good way. I like them. I feel... I don't know... It's like I can.. You know... Believe you. Your words... They don't seem like lies. It's nice.

It's not that I'm scared you'll judge me... Okay, maybe a little, but it's more just that... It's not something I want to put out there just yet. I haven't found someone I can tell it to, but you're as close as anyone's ever come. You're... Aish, I'm gonna sound so weird, but you're a lot more special to me than a lot of people. Okay, yep, I'm gonna go die in a hole now...

I understand your thing with the bugs. Wow, that didn't sound like a sentence at all. Anyway, I know how you feel. I hate crowds too. They're loud and shovey and sometimes there's the creeps that get all touchy-feely and then it's just like, "LEMME OUT OF HERE!" Once I was in this super packed shop and I actually got so frustrated, I screamed out, "SOMEONE'S TOUCHING ME!" That freaked everyone out enough that they backed away. It was fun. You should try it.

My day? It's usually getting up, cooking breakfast for everyone, running to school with my fly still undone, zipping it up as I hop into first period, an hen going through my school day. I skip the last period and go to work, then go home and take care of stuff around the house. Then I do my homework and write to you. That last part is my favorite :)


Please tell me I didn't just use a smiley face...

ARGH! I'M LOSING MY BADASS-NESS! Geez, Tae, first my letter ity and now my badass-ness? You're just hardcore out to get me, aren't you?

Wow, I'm actually out of paper, so I'm gonna wrap this one up and then go swipe some from the school library tomorrow.

Your hyung,



A/N - Minho being overdramatic is just how he is, okay? And he's not overdramatic as much as trying to be funny. I'm trying to make you people laugh =_=

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Sorry guys, will update soon! So busy with work these days. :( -Rin


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elektriklily #1
Chapter 42: I wish you would update. This was really enthralling
Chapter 42: update please!!!!
mayajay #3
Hi I wish you'd update please. I keep rereading this ...not that its boring or anything but I want to know how they take it forward :)
RubyRosez #4
Chapter 29: Perfect picture for Taemin.
Please update this is cute n fluffy
Chapter 36: Aww that's so adorable,Onew Jonghyun and Key are mice
Chapter 42: Please update. I know it's sounds annoying, but I've been rereading a lot. So update or I will unleash my army of quarters with bazookas on you! JK, it would be nice thought
SehunsWoman #8
Chapter 42: Please update
ShineeMaril10 #9
Please please please update~! I love this story soooo much and I don't want it to end here! Also what's wrong with taeminnie!?...Amazing and adorable story!:) please update soon!Byeee:D