Twenty-Seventh Letter

Even If I Put In My Whole Heart

Dear Minho-hyung,

I made a pun?  Oh...I didn't even notice.  Nickelback, huh?  That's pretty funny!  Ani, it didn't get too lame.  How many times do I have to say I love your lame humor?  Because if I have to, I'll keep saying it over and over and over and- yeah you get the idea.  I'll keep saying it until you get it!  I don't care if it annoys you~ you'll get over it I think.  I hope.  If not I'm sorry.

Ahaha...dear hyung, you are so funny, but I don't think math is something that you can actually burn.  It's too...well, it doesn't have enough of an actual...substance.  I'm sorry I can't be more helpful to you.  I wish I could tutor you or something.  Although I think that would be embarrassing for you, having a student younger than you tutoring you in math.

Okay, I won't deny it anymore then!  But I'm not going to agree either.  I'll just be passive on the subject~ ^-^  Thank you though.  The compliment means a lot.  I'm not used to it, so I'm not sure how to react in this situation,

Never hurt anybody?  I wouldn't be so sure about that.  Honesty can hurt people sometimes too.  But at least it's not the filthy kind of pain, only the...aching kind I guess.  I don't know, I'm not good with words.  You're the one who likes languages and stuff, so maybe you get what I mean anyway?  I hope.  If not, just pretend you do, okay?  Okay.  Thanks.

You aren't stupid and you're not an , hyung.  You shouldn't put yourself down like that.  If you say bad things about yourself, eventually you'll start believing them, and that generally doesn't end well.  So please don't.  I don't think badly of hyung, and I don't want you to think badly of yourself either. :)

People matter a lot to me.  They don't realize it though.  Sometimes I wish they did, but I guess I don't need them to.  I should just be content with what I have, right?  That's what my halmeoni always used to tell me, anyway.  I've never forgotten a word halmeoni told me.  Everything she said was like a gem of wisdom, or really encouraging.

Oh, twenty-six?  Or twenty-seven with this one.  Yeah...I knew that.  I've been keeping close track, I just didn't want to I didn't want you to think I'm a weirdo for paying attention to things like that. >.>;;

I've changed you?  Jinja?  Well I'm really glad you think so, though I couldn't take the credit for something so big.  I mean, really it's you who changed you, right?  Because you could have just ignored me in the first place.  I'm really glad you didn't though, hyung.  I like our letters.  I'm really glad we got paired up for this penpal project.  Even though we had a rocky start, I wouldn't trade you for any other penpal in Korea, or the world even.

Yes, I'm happy now!  VERY happy!  I love smileys! :) :) :)

I'm glad you enjoy my letters at least somewhat then, even if I'm not very funny.  I love reading yours.  I don't know if I said that already...but if I did, I'm saying it again anyway.  I love reading your letters.  You're fun. :3

No, I don't have a girlfriend.  I had one once, a few years ago, but...well that ended sort of...badly, to say the least.  I guess that's an understatement.  But it's in the past, so there's no point dwelling on it.  Does hyung have a girlfriend?

You're so demanding.  Why should I give you another nickel?  I see no reason to.

...but I will anyway. X)

Your smiling dongsaeng,


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Sorry guys, will update soon! So busy with work these days. :( -Rin


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elektriklily #1
Chapter 42: I wish you would update. This was really enthralling
Chapter 42: update please!!!!
mayajay #3
Hi I wish you'd update please. I keep rereading this ...not that its boring or anything but I want to know how they take it forward :)
RubyRosez #4
Chapter 29: Perfect picture for Taemin.
Please update this is cute n fluffy
Chapter 36: Aww that's so adorable,Onew Jonghyun and Key are mice
Chapter 42: Please update. I know it's sounds annoying, but I've been rereading a lot. So update or I will unleash my army of quarters with bazookas on you! JK, it would be nice thought
SehunsWoman #8
Chapter 42: Please update
ShineeMaril10 #9
Please please please update~! I love this story soooo much and I don't want it to end here! Also what's wrong with taeminnie!?...Amazing and adorable story!:) please update soon!Byeee:D