First Love

Between Love & Friendship
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 • Chapter Twelve • 



At the midst of the stroll, Myungsoo saw two familiar figures from a far having some fun strolling at the bricked floor while eating some cotton candy and ice cream. As they walk nearer, Myungsoo and Eunji are recognizing each other little by little...closer by closer...Their eyes met and they're both startled at the same time.









Eunji's POV:



I was startled to see Myungsoo here at Lotte World too. Small world isn't it? I thought he'll be spending some quality time with Infinite or his other school friends but look who's with him. Taehee. She looks at me like some kind of dust. She's bringing her body closer to Myungsoo. Is she that desperate? I'm trying my best to still avoid Myungsoo but let's look forward about what can happen today. Probably a double date. 


"Woah. So you are here too Eunji? and you're with Kai?" she smirked. Can't you see Taehee? Ughh her voice is damn annoying.


"Uhh yeah. Spending some fun time with Kai. I'm pretty bored and sick at home so we decided to go here."


"You are sick? Why didn't you call me?" Myungsoo butted in. It's kinda unexpected. Why would I call him? Is he that concern? I really don't know.


"My real plan is to really stay at home because I'm sick but Kai visited me and cooked food for us. I somehow felt better. Thanks to him."


"Wow. Kai has this sweet side? You are so lucky. You deserve a boyfriend like him." That thought made me think something. He's really my type of guy. He's been a good friend of mine who went with me through sad times and the one who is really comforting the fragile me. I don't have any idea if he likes me or not. But friends can be better, for now.


I can see Myungsoo shoot death glares at Kai. I can see the sudden change of his expression as Taehee said that. Why? He doesn't want Kai for me? Is he jealous? Probably not. He got a girlfriend. He loves that so much and why would he still worry about me?


"So...since we are all here do you want to come with us?" Taehee proposed. What? Come with them? Like a double date?


"No. We can have fun by ourselves. Just come with Myungsoo." Kai said coldly. As what I've said this Jongin don't want girls like Park Taehee. Is she crazy? She probably know that I really like Myungsoo but why is she still insisting this stupid plan of hers? Will she display some kind of public display of affection in front of me? Doing some cuddling with Myungsoo? I don't want to see them together.


"Kai is right. We can go by ourselves." I smiled a little to convince her.


"Taehee's right. Go with us." Myungsoo said while staring coldly at Kai. I can feel some deathly atmosphere between them as if like they want to kill each other. I don't know why Myungsoo is being like this nowadays. Just last week he don't even care for me but now he cares for me a lot. Why is he being like this to me? Strange.


We agreed. We have nothing to do. Me and Kai decided to leave Kanghee at the play station wherein he can play with other kids and will never get bored. The four of us went to a nearby cafe since it's not lunch yet.  We walked by pairs. Myungsoo and Taehee, Kai and me. The bell hanging at the cafe entrance rang indicating that there's a new customer. We sat nearby the window to see the vivid view of Lotte World.


"Good morning ma'am and sir! What do you want for today?" the young guy waiter smiled showing his left dimple.


"What do you want Eunji?" Kai asked and faced me.


"Umm I like..." I said tapping my chin while scrutinizing the menu offered by the waiter.


"She wants Choco mocha frappe and cinnamon roll with brown sugar and butter." Myungsoo butted in. Kai and Taehee were startled because Myungsoo uttered my order straight and firm without even facing the waiter. Uhhh his memory is quite sharp. We've been into this cafe before. Remember we celebrated our friendsary here last year and we're so happy like kids until Taehee came.


"Ohh y-yeah he's right. That order for me. How about you Kai?" I asked him.


"Black coffee and toasted bread is enough for me." he smiled. I faced the waiter and nodded. Woah~ he looks so cute upclose....


"L.joe ah! Can I get the order?" the pretty flower boy asked while mixing the hot and cold beverages like a bartender. Cool.


"Ne Chunji hyung!! I'll be there in minutes." he shouted and get back his attention to us.


"Is that all?" L.joe assured our orders while reading the order form.


"Cold cappucino drink for me." Myungsoo said coldly at L.joe guy. Why is he being like this? Really peculiar.


"Strawberry frappe for me and vanilla crepe with banana, apple and lychee fillings together with chocolate cream." Taehee said that made L.joe write so fast. Does she even think that L.joe is a plain human too? She spoke in a rush and stated her order like someone is chasing crazily after her.


L.joe stated our orders once again. I nodded and gestured the money sign that tells everything is okay. He then smiled at me again and left. Uhh I'm kinda melting. He's too cute..and squishy.



After several minutes, L.joe came back with our orders. I eyed their name plates pinned at their aprons. There are three other guys scattered at cafe to get the order of the other customers namely Ricky, Niel and CAP. The two other guys were at the counter. One is at the cashier, Ricky while the one is in charge of the coffee and beverages mixing is Chunji. Seems like that Chunji guy is great in that. He did it cooly. These guys really look good wearing aprons.


"Here is your order. Enjoy!" L.joe said ecstaticly and smiled especially at me. No wonder why there are so many customers continiously stopping by here at their cafe. Who wouldn't come here frequently? You'll be welcomed by 6 smiling handsome cafe workers. Mood makers too should I say.


I stared the two guys with me, Kai and Myungsoo. I can feel the hot tension between them and with the...L.joe guy? Why is he even involved and why are they being like this? Weirder and weirder and weirder....


"Yah bipolar bear. Why are you not eating? Your drink will become cold. You'll regret." Kai shooked my arm and bring me closer at him using his arm. The cafe is not that big nor small. It's just an average sized place but it's interior design and ambiance is superb. Really that best.


Oh yeah I see. Why did this bag of mine is occupying much of my space and seat? I placed it on the side of my chair and moved at his side. 


"Oppa, can I borrow your handkerchief? I left mine at your place last night." Taehee gave a sly smile and eyed me. I c'mon. She's using her y skills again. Whatever. I don't care. The more I care, the more my heart breaks. Honestly, I don't want the idea of this double date. But I was startled when he spoke coldly at Taehee. Not his usual tone when he's talking to her. Somehow serious.


"Get a tissue." What? Is that Myungsoo? Where is the sweetness of those two? Well as what I've said I don't care again. Taehee's face was dumbfounded. Well seems like my 'great bestfriend' is not in mood to cuddle with you .


"Umm..would you mind if me and Kai would go first? I forgot that we'll do something.." I excused myself, hoping to convince them.


"No. Just stay." Myungsoo said again. No one could beat this oh-so-weird guy. Last week he almost want to throw me up and slapped me because of Taehee. After 4 days he felt sorry and sent me SMS that he really feel guilty. After a day when I drowned and almost died he acted and saved my life like I'm his most precious thing and now I'm insisting to leave them to have some personal space but he doesn't like? What the actual Myungsoo. Don't make me feel and think that you are falling for me. No Eunji, you feeler. You're just his bestfriend. Capital B-E-S-T-F-R-I-E-N-D.





It's 6 PM in the evening already. This is really an irony. It's getting dark but still more amount of people are flowing inside. Probably for the firework

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Pls add naeun
I love yr fanfic
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 41: Good job i like it .
Chapter 41: Hehe goodjob . Like it so much
Sonja_Nguyen #4
Great Story ^^
Chapter 38: this is goood author-nim!!! aaahhhh daeebakkkkk.... feeels all over me❤️❤️❤️
your story is awesome!!
Chapter 6: The best ff i ever freakin read!! OMFG keep a good work author-nim! Love you >w< ♡
marisaintn #8
Chapter 38: Ah...this is so good!!! Thank you!!