Going Somewhere

The Nerd and The Queenka
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"Kai? Me and the girls will be taking a day off from practicing today. It has been a very hectic week and the girls looks like zombies already. I'm going to take them out for today, is that okay?" Hyoyeon asked on the phone and Kai said okay so she said thanks and ended the line.

It's Saturday which means holiday. For Kwon Yoona it usually means shopping and hanging out and for Kwon Yuri it usually means reading books and resting on her bedroom, looking outside the window and let her mind wander or walking around the park to find an object to capture. But now it has changed to waking up for dance practice. It was nearing the battle which is only 5 days ahead. The girls had already mastered all of the dances and they just need to polish them. It was such a shock to everybody how the Kwon sisters can fit in so well. The Kwon sisters seems to get along with Krystal very well too, especially Yoona and of course the boys too. Yuri surprisingly dance well with Kai and everyone was awed and Yoona would often dance partner and they would all laugh together.


"Hello girls!" Hyoyeon chirped as soon as she entered the girls house and saw the girls eating breakfast with their dance practice clothes on. "Nope, nope! Today you guys are not wearing those clothes. After breakfast, go back to your room and change for usual clothes okay. Casual ones!" Hyoyeon said as she threw an arm over the very confused Yoona and looked at the as-same confused Yuri. "Why? What happened? Is the battle cancelled again?" Yoona asked. Hyoyeon just shook her head. "No, no. Just hurry up, okay? We're going for a short trip to a resort! Common, hurry up!" Hyoyeon said and winked to Yuri as she tapped Yoona's shoulder and sat down in front of the TV without even turning it on.

"You guys can hurry up and be sure to bring everything you needed," Hyoyeon said without turning her head to the girls who started climbing up the stairs to their perspective room.

Yoona was dressed in a casual but classy clothes. She wear a little bit oversized white t-shirt with black shorts and she wears a black cap matching with her black sneakers. She put on some lotion on her skin before applying it on Yuri's. Yuri tied her hair in braid, well actually Yoona did it for her. She wears an army-colored shorts, gray sleveless top with white shirt on top of it.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Yoona squealed as they sat on the car with Yoona driving. "Hey guys, shouldn't we invite Krystal too?" Yoona suddenly asked. "Oh, it would be great. I'll call her in a while," Hyoyeon said.

I hope she's not in the house or it'll be a total disaster, Hyoyeon thought.


"Krystal's in the cafe shop near our school. Let's pick her up!" Hyoyeon enthusiastically said. "Well, what about her clothes and so on?" Yuri asked. "We can buy on the resort and we can lend our clothes to her too right? At least i do, i bring spares. Common," Hyoyeon said and Yoona turned around the direction.

Phew, at least she's not home.

Krystal waved her hand at us and Yoona stopped the car. Krystal opened the back door and quickly took a sit beside Hyoyeon. "Hi unnis!" She greeted, being cheerful as ever. "Hi, krys," everyone replied. "I've heard you've got no spare clothes with you?" Yoona asked, glancing at Krystal and then back at the road. Krystal nodded. "Yeah. It was so sudden. But i don't want to miss out so yeah," Krystal said and pout. "Aigoo, don't pout. I'll buy you some clothes, okay?" Yoona said and Krystal cheered. Yuri chuckled. 


-Yuri's POV- 

I felt like i have 3 sisters right now. It all felt to beautiful, to real to even came true. Just a month ago i was all alone, being the wallflower and no one, basically no one talked to me. But here I am going on a short trip to a resort with my sister and her friend who apparently became my friend, and Krystal who i felt has been part of my family instead. 

Krystral is fun girl to hang around with. She can seems cold and emotional sometimes but even at those times, I found it cute. She

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Chapter 30: A sequel would be great! Maybe a little bit of intense drama here and there?
Jinela #2
Chapter 30: omg yes!! Yes please make a sequal! I really loved this fic. When i saw that update i was like SWEET! but then got dissapointed that it wasnt an update lol but a sequal is so much more than i ever expected. so yes, please make the sequal (:
dancingmachine09 #3
Chapter 29: Also for the ending, I think Yuri would be the one to say those words not Yoona. Anyway LOVE THE STORY >.<
dancingmachine09 #4
Chapter 29: Even though I'm late reading this but this story is AMAZING!! I love how Yoona is such a caring sister here. Yuri reminds me of me. Being a wallflower, having like no friends at first, being a introvert and all. But obviously she changed throughout the story and got back to her old self before Yoona's accident. There is still something I'm confused about. Why does Jessica despise Yuri here? I was confused why she would do those kinds of things to Yuri and her friends.
Chapter 29: BRAVO!! This is just too perfect! :D And even the story wasn't about love like already incessed which other stories do... it's great and all! I wanna cry though! Fighting~! <"3 (Waiting for more great stories that you'll create! :D)
Chapter 28: I wanna cry! It's really great! And by the way, can I ask? About the font you used for this chapter... what font was it and how big? o.O Keke. I just loved the way it writes... I want to use that font to my fics., too! :D
Chapter 26: Aigoo! I'm sorry I was late to read this... It's great! :D Can't wait to read the next chapter and the ending... I'm gonna miss this... so much! :D
KM_3451 #8
Chapter 29: yeay happy ending.. good that yul not wallflower anymore
mickeydeer12530 #9
Interesting introduction...I wonder how the story will flow,Already hooked on the first plot of you story. I'll keep reading,thumbs up for the foreword! :)
Trackstar #10
Chapter 29: This is more like yoona's high school life with some of yuri part in it...