Just Another Girl

The Nerd and The Queenka
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She was just another girl, outcasted, overlooked. No one ever cared about her existence, except for her sister and her father. A girl who had no love from a mother who left the house when she was just seven. A tragic story of a girl named Kwon Yuri.

People said she is cold. She never smiles, she rarely talk to people. But no one knows. No one knows how she feel, why she did that in the first place. No one ever see her holding a camera, because she never want to show anyone. She likes being left alone, being outcasted. She likes it when no one talks to her. She likes it when she can go in peace and take photos.

She just need her father, her sister, and her camera. She never open her heart to a guy. No one ever likes her, at least everyone thinks so, and she never like anyone, at least everyone think so.

Kwon Yuri would tied her hair every morning, wear her specs, wear her baggy t-shirts and pants or her over-size and over-long school uniform. No guys would turn her way, girls won't even care.

"Yah! It's her. The nerd. What's her name again?" A girl whispered to the other as Yuri walked along the corridor and pull up her glasses. "Don't you even expect me to remember her name," another girl said. Yuri didn't care. She's used to it. She hears it every time she's outside.

"Look who's there!" A guy booed her from afar and his friends laugh. But Yuri didn't care, she just keep looking down. "Yah! I'm talking to you, nerd!" A guy said and pulled her wrist forcefully. Yuri flinched in pain but she kept quiet. "Junhyung, she will not listen to you and you know that," a friend of him said. "Can you shut up Junmoo? You want to end like her?" Junhyung said. Junmoo shook his head and stay quiet.

"What does she did in the past to receive such a treatment? Yes she's not pretty, yes she's a nerd, she's a wallflower. She never smiles, she's cold but no one deserved to be bully," Hyunsoo tought. But he just keeps it to himself because he know it isn't going to help even if he try to defend the girl. But yes, who's her name again? No one remember.


The bell rang and the corridors are suddenly empty with the students walking back inside their own class.

She took the most secluded chair as usual, at the corner of the class. No one wanted that seat. Not because it's far and secluded but because they said it's the "Sacred Nerd Chair". They said that if you went to sit there you'll become a nerd in no time. But Yuri didn't care. She did this for it, didn't she? She want this. She couldn't turn back.

"Good morning class!" the math teacher went in. She was a nice middle age woman. "Today, I will be telling you about our first project this semester," the teacher said. The students keep quiet. "You guys will be working as 3. I will divide the groups since I know you guys are too selective," the teacher said, looking at the paper. The students sighed and started to complete, wishing they weren't in a group with Kwon Yuri. "The project will be a presentation made by the three of you. I will give you one month time to prepare for the presentation before you go pr

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Chapter 30: A sequel would be great! Maybe a little bit of intense drama here and there?
Jinela #2
Chapter 30: omg yes!! Yes please make a sequal! I really loved this fic. When i saw that update i was like SWEET! but then got dissapointed that it wasnt an update lol but a sequal is so much more than i ever expected. so yes, please make the sequal (:
dancingmachine09 #3
Chapter 29: Also for the ending, I think Yuri would be the one to say those words not Yoona. Anyway LOVE THE STORY >.<
dancingmachine09 #4
Chapter 29: Even though I'm late reading this but this story is AMAZING!! I love how Yoona is such a caring sister here. Yuri reminds me of me. Being a wallflower, having like no friends at first, being a introvert and all. But obviously she changed throughout the story and got back to her old self before Yoona's accident. There is still something I'm confused about. Why does Jessica despise Yuri here? I was confused why she would do those kinds of things to Yuri and her friends.
Chapter 29: BRAVO!! This is just too perfect! :D And even the story wasn't about love like already incessed which other stories do... it's great and all! I wanna cry though! Fighting~! <"3 (Waiting for more great stories that you'll create! :D)
Chapter 28: I wanna cry! It's really great! And by the way, can I ask? About the font you used for this chapter... what font was it and how big? o.O Keke. I just loved the way it writes... I want to use that font to my fics., too! :D
Chapter 26: Aigoo! I'm sorry I was late to read this... It's great! :D Can't wait to read the next chapter and the ending... I'm gonna miss this... so much! :D
KM_3451 #8
Chapter 29: yeay happy ending.. good that yul not wallflower anymore
mickeydeer12530 #9
Interesting introduction...I wonder how the story will flow,Already hooked on the first plot of you story. I'll keep reading,thumbs up for the foreword! :)
Trackstar #10
Chapter 29: This is more like yoona's high school life with some of yuri part in it...