
Lighted Fireflies

"I think we are good. Let's continue." Soo Ra said and stand up. Luhan nodded. When they were about to leave the hut, Luhan received a phone call. He motions Soo Ra to wait and to sit back down in the but. Soo Ra obeyed as she listened to the conversation between Luhan and the caller. Soo Ra feels weird to hear the language he is saying. It is not Korean, for sure. Maybe Japan or Chinese. Soo Ra looks at him and plays with her fingers. He can speak the language fluently while Soo Ra is sitting there, not understanding one word of their conversation. After a few minutes, Luhan hangs up the phone. "What language is that?" Soo Ra asked, curious about the language she doesn't understand at all. "Chinese." Luhan said and drops his phone into the pocket. "You know how to speak Chinese?" Soo Ra asked. Luhan eyed her weirdly. "I am a Chinese." 

"You are a WHAT?" Soo Ra asked quite loudly. Luhan jerks back a little. Her voice is a little too loud for him. "Let's go." Luhan said and leaves the hut. Soo Ra follows behind quitely. "You are a Chinese?" Soo Ra asked to make sure. Luhan nods his head. "You don't look like one." Luhan stops suddenly making Soo Ra hits her nose on his back. "And you don't look like a lady." Luhan stated. Soo Ra tsk-ed. "I didn't know you are a Chinese. I thought you are a Korean. You speak Korean so fluently!" Soo Ra said, semi shouting. Luhan turns around and looks at Soo Ra. "Stop shouting, you look like a mad woman." Luhan flicks her forehead, earning a small groan from her. "How come you are in Korea? Chinese should be in China." Luhan sighed. "My dad went here to work and met my mother. I am half a Korean. I am in Korea because my grandmother wanted me to stay with her. Satisfied?" 

Soo Ra nods her head. "Good, now stop asking questions." Luhan turns back and starts to walk again. "Are all Chinese this good looking?" Soo Ra muttered. She then quickly covers with both of her hands when she realized she just said something stupid. Something really idiotic. Luhan chuckles. "So you are saying I am good looking." Soo Ra choked on her own saliva. Luhan chuckles again. "I didn't." Soo Ra stated. "You did, idiot." Soo Ra tsk-ed. "I didn't!" Soo Ra whined. "It's okay. You don't need to admit. I know I am good looking myself." Soo Ra looks at his back and made a face. "You are one mad man." Luhan smiled. "And you think this mad man here is good looking." 

Soo Ra wants to slap his face to stop him from teasing her more. "You need to learn Chinese." Luhan said, back is facing her. "Why? I don't want to. Korean is enough for me to survive my whole entire life." Soo Ra said. First, she needs to go to university. Now, she needs to learn freaking Chinese? "You need to. Chinese is one of the langage our clients speak." Luhan explained. Soo Ra shakes her head. "It's your clients. I won't need to comunicate with them. Therefore, I don't need to learn Chinese." she shoot back. "Why can't you understand? You need to go to company parties, events or even ceromies." Soo Ra stopped her track. "Why do I even need to go?" 

Luhan crosses his hands and turns around to look at Soo Ra. "As my wife, you need to." he said as he leans towards Soo Ra. Soo Ra backs away a little as his head leans towards hers. "I got it." she mumbles. Luhan pats on her head like a owner patting his dog. "Good." As they make their way through, Soo Ra kept playing with her tongue while Luhan just walk casually. "Oh, you are here." Jae Sook said. Luhan looks up and sees the group members gathering at one hut, resting maybe. "I checked the weather forecast. It was said that it will rain soon. I called YoonMi so that they can catch up before the rain starts to pour. Maybe we need to wait for awhile here." Luhan nods and leans on one of the pole since the seats are all occupied. 

Just like as Jae Sook said, rain started to pour after a few minutes. Some parts of the hut's roof are leaking so they need to move a litte to avoid the raindrops. The roof on Soo Ra is leaking as well. Soo Ra wanted to move but seeing that the others are having a hard time finding a comfortable spot, she stands up and walks to Luhan. "Since there is nothing to do, why don't you teach me some basics?" Luhan opens his closed eyes and looks at her weirdly. "Now?" Soo Ra nods. "Here?" Soo Ra nods again. "Why don't you wait until we reach home?" Luhan asked as he closes his eyes again. He barely got to sleep last night since the light from the torch was keeping him from doing so. 

"I thought you hate to waste time?" Soo Ra asked. Luhan opens his eyes again. "Fine. I will start with the basics." Soo Ra nods. "In Chinese, 'wo' means me. 'Ni' means you." Soo Ra tried to pronouce the words. "Ni' means me, 'wo' means you?" Luhan facepalmed. "It's the opposite." Soo Ra nods. "Can you remember?" Soo Ra nods again. "Ta' means he or she. 'Ni hao' means how are you." Soo Ra tried to pronouce the words Luhan gave again. It feels weird to speak a language that was total foreign for her. Luhan taught her some basics greetings and stuffs. Soo Ra wasn't the best learner but she is fast. "Oh, they are here." Jae Sook said with his tired words. Soo Ra follows Jae Sook's eyes and saw Group B. They weren't in the best state. All of them are wet and some were even 'dying'. 

Soo Ra helps them to go into the hut. The hut was too small for all of them so they need to squeeze a little. "Isn't there any hut down there? You guys should have stop there." Jae Sook said while looking at them. "There isn't any." YoonMi said. Soo Ra knew she was lying. Luhan and her were just resting in one of the hut furthur down below. Soo Ra kept quite as she doesn't want to make things complicated. Some of the members were coughing and some were sneezing. Soo Ra takes off her jacket and places it on the back of a female staff who looks really ill. "What about you?" the female staff asked. "I am okay. You need that." the female staff thanked her and gladly tighten her grip onto the jacket. "I think it will be a long day. The rain won't stop until evening. I guess you guys need to squeeze for a while." Jae Sook stated. Some groaned but they were all too tired to argue.

It was already half an hour since the arrival of Group B and the rain hasn't became smaller. Instead, it became heavier. Fortunately for them, the hut's roof is strong enough. Soo Ra sighed as she tries to get some sleep. The loud sound of thunder and the raindrops that kept splashing onto her aren't helping. She rubs both her arms with her palms as it is getting colder. Soo Ra looks at the condition outside the hut and sighed. Almost all of them are sleeping. Only some of them are still talking. They keep their voice as soft as possible to avoid waking up any of the sleeping employees. Jae Sook is sleeping too. Soo Ra shivers due to the coldness and rubs both her arms again. And before she knows it, a jacket lands on her back.

"Looks like you need this more than I do." Soo Ra looks up and sees Luhan. He is still leaning on the pole, the same post he had just now. He is closing his eyes, maybe trying to get some sleep too. "Thank you." Soo Ra muttered. Luhan smiles faintly before closing his eyes again. 

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Chapter 21: already end that it ....i want a sequel authornim ............luhan is so so omggg romantic here :)
Chapter 21: *Fangirl Scream* Greatest story I read! Luhan keeps making me blush for no reason lol.
I like the oc's personality and Luhan here great and awesome job Author-nim! <3
sherrie1999 #3
Chapter 12: Sejarah is like the most suffering subject everrrrrrr!!!!
Chapter 21: OMG!!! I lov
ed this fic soooo muchhhh... thank u for writing such a sweet story.. Made me fall in love with Luhan even moreee
Skullzxc #5
Chapter 21: whaaaatt ? it ended already ? ): anyway goodjob authornim ! i love the story !! hehehe ^^
Chapter 21: Awww such a cute story :)
asianhiphopdancer #7
Chapter 21: Noooo its finished!!! :c
But an awesome and cute read! One of the best arranged marriage fanfics I've ever read!! XD
I like Luhan and Soo Ra too! You did an awesome job authornim! Congrats!! ^_^
asianhiphopdancer #8
Chapter 15: Ooooohhhhhh!!!! Way to bring it up there Soo Ra!!!! Nice! Nice! XD
And I full laughed when she stuck up the finger and said she was just exercising them. HAHAHAHA!!!! Nice joke!! XD
papapipame #9
Chapter 20: aiyoo~ stop teasing her. hahaha
Chapter 19: This is going to be my favourite chapter :D