Morning Chaos

When An Anti-Fan Becomes A Manager

A/N: Hey guys before you carry on with the story please read this. This story will run a little sower than real time, the next chapters are BTS having their comeback (when in real life they almost finished their promotion lol) i will try to make it run along with real time as possible so i apologize if the lag makes u confused haha :D

Ok now that day comes. This is the time for you to put all of your effort in working and behaving seriously like a manager.
You yawned and lazily scratched your head. Why are you feeling especially lazy this morning?
Oh well. Better hurry and get ready for the filming. You rubbed your eyes and made your way to the bathroom and did your own morning business.
As usual, daily routine continues. But there's something wrong, something weird.
You're feeling so nervous for today. You wondered why aren't you this nervous on your first day but instead, trembling your knees on the second day?
Ridiculous. you thought. I'm not even the one to film the show. I'll just sit and watch them. Why am I even nervous? You let out a soft groan and palmed your forehead.
Dad notices you doing the forehead palming only when you're feeling nervous and unwell, he rose a brow.
''What's wrong?'' he asked. You turned to him and gave out one of your gorgeous smiles.
''Nothing happened dad. Just a little tired from works and stuffs.'' You tried to make excuses and raced away to the bus stop.
Still grabbing a Caramel Machiato at the nearest coffee shop, you hoped onto the bus and into your favorite seat.

Sitting on a bus with earphones on, taking the last seat next to the window and watch the car passes by, once at a time sipping your Machiato- You have to admit that this is somehow your personal heaven.
You realized you almost reach your workplace. You took out your phone and dialled BTS' Num-


For a moment, you stood still with wide eyes, thinking this is the worst mistake you've ever made out of your clumsiness.
You don't have their number.

Inside of you, you began to panic.
What am i going to do? I don't have their numbers how can i call and wake them up? I'm still not very skilled in driving and i dont even think if i can find their dorm or not.
You let out a small, frustrated sigh. ''DRIVER!'' You shouted, making everyone glance at you and the bus halted a bit.
''Please take me to - '' You told him all you could remember about their address and the driver nodded, getting your offer.
You sighed in relief.
Hope you won't be late for schedule, again.
After some minutes you arrived at their dorm, at least the place that you think it's their dorm.
You hurriedly climbed up to the fifth floor and nervously rang the doorbell. Hopefully I'm right or I will be forever embarrassed.

''Arrgh who rang the bell in such an early time?!''
''Hyung, please go get the door..''
''Why are you using me maknae? You are supposed to go get it since you're the youngest!''
''Just Let Jimin get it since he's closest to the door..''
''Guys if you still won't get up I'm going in and kick your butts'' You hollered from outside, making the boys jerked up from their lazy positions, not really expecting you to visit.
''Haewonnie why are you here so early in the mornninggg~ '' J-Hope yawned.
''Early?! 20 minutes till your filming schedule starts!''
''WHAT.'' You exclaimed.
''I give you guys ten minutes to do your own business and drag yourself out the door or I'm barking inside.'' Jimin pouted and mouthed your words in a mocking way. V giggled at the actions before telling his hyungs to hurry up.
For the Guinness World Record, they managed to do it and hurried outside, not wanting to witness Haewon's bad side again.
''Good thing now folllow me to the car. Hopefully you guys won't be late.'' You murmured and headed down the stairs.

A miracle o f the day is when you managed to call a Taxi and tell the driver to fly to the company in 15 minutes. Every spirit ran out of the boy's body because of the fast&furious speed the ahjusshi was driving them.
You crawled out of the car and paid the driver.
''Get in quick, they're waiting.'' Victoria saw your sick face and gave you an assuring smile, telling you to go to the back where the studio is located.
You nodded as a thank you and dragged the seven lazyheads to the studio.
You stopped and panted, the director and the crew looked weirdly at you.
''Haewon why do you look so worn out?'' the writer asked and gave you a cup of water before the boys followed into the studio in the same state.
''Nothing much, just scared that they will be late for filming schedule.''

She smiled. ''No, you guys are just on time.''

A/N: I'm being lazy again haha sorry and please leave some comments? :) I will try to update more often! ^^

and excuse my grammar or spelling mistakes. :3



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kawaii_anime1004 #1
Chapter 19: this is pretty funny lol
Najiha #2
Chapter 19: author-nim when you will update this fanfic???????? omg i love this so much pls update soon~~~~~
hini-chan #3
Is there going to be a chapter 20 ??? I`m stuck on this story, it`s so good :3 :3 please update soon....
Sialover #4
Chapter 19: Please update soon! I really like this story
Are you guys planning on updating this Fanfiction? It sounds quite interesting and I'd like to read it but as far as I can see this Fanfiction isn't completed nor was it updated for half a year .__.
LuHyunnie #6
author-nim pls update soon! i want to know what will happen next >.<
_sweetblossom #7
Chapter 15: That part where the fangirl kissed V is still bothering me tho
littlesthappymonster #9
Chapter 18: Lol you mistyped it : ahjus xD or not?? trolololol
Great job btw author-nim, hoping new update soonnn