
A Different Beginning

Five nights later Kibum woke up to a loud crash and the sound of glass-splitters hitting the floor accompanied by a loud banging. He shot out of bed, sending Jin who had been lying right beside him flying across the room, and looked around wildly, his heart beating hard against his chest. After a moment of disoriented confusion and another loud crash he silently tiptoed over to the front door to press his ear against it.

There were extremely loud bangs coming from downstairs in the café and he almost jumped out of his skin when one sounded closer than the other, on the verge to go lock himself in the toilet.

He jumped again when his phone started ringing in the next second and scrambled towards his room to turn it off, not wanting the intruder to know he was there. However, his eyes caught on the name lighting up the display. A small relief spread through his chest and he immediately answered.

“Kibum, whatever you do stay in your room right where you are.” She said as soon as he had picked up.

Kibum frowned. “What?”

“Do not under any circumstance leave the apartment, do you hear me?” She continued.

“Sekyung, what is going on?” He asked worriedly, feeling a shiver of fear go down his spine at the intense worry in her voice as he made his way back to the front door.

Was there a murderer down there?

“I’m not completely sure, but I do know that if you open that door it will not end well.” Sekyung explained. “I have already called the police so they should be on their way.”

“And Sunny-Noona?” Kibum whispered now that he was close to the door again, having ignored Sekyung’s warning slightly.

“Yes, I have called her too.” There was the sound of keys jingling. “I’m on my way as well.”


“Now, I want you to stay in your room and keep talking to me until I arrive.” She ordered and Kibum heard the engine of a car as he re-entered his room and sat down on his bed. “I’ll be there in five minutes. And I repeat again, do not open the door. Even for the police. Wait until I get there.”

“Okay.” He said again and Jin’s fur to soothe him down. The cat had curled up beside the pillow again but Kibum could see the worried flicks of his tail, its irregular rhythm matching his breathing and heartbeat. “What should I talk about?”

“Anything, just something.”

“Okay, um… I haven’t seen Jonghyun in five days.” He started. “He’s busy with god knows what.”

“Okay.” Sekyung said. “Who else?”

“Jinki-Hyung called earlier and apologized because he is intending to keep Taemin away from the café after he heard what happened with Jonghyun's mother.” Kibum continued with a grimace, hearing sirens going off some distance away.

He didn’t blame Jinki. He would have done the same. If he could he’d get everyone away from the danger Jonghyun's parents were now posing. He would ship them off to the other side of the world if he could.

He heard Sekyung sigh. “That godforsaken woman.”

Kibum managed to chuckle slightly, worriedly glancing at the door as he heard another loud crash. “Is that the best insult you have?”

“I don’t usually insult people, so yeah.” Sekyung laughed a little as well. “But Jinki-Oppa didn’t forbid you to be with them, did he?”

“No.” Kibum shook his head. “He made it clear that I am still very much welcome to hang out with them, he just wants to keep Taemin where he can see him.”

“That’s probably a good idea.” Sekyung agreed. “I’m here now, and the police as well. I’ll come up and get you.”

“Yeah, sure.” Kibum let out a small breath of relief and hung up.

He hadn’t really realized how scared he actually was so hadn’t really been aware of the state his legs were in until he stood up and they started shaking, his breath starting to come out even more irregularly than it had before.

There was a knock on the door followed by Sekyung’s voice and he wobbled over, noticing his hands starting to shake as well as he fumbled with the handle and lock. He finally got it open and revealed a worried looking Sekyung on the other side.

“H-hi.” Kibum said shakily and gave her a small smile.

She grabbed his hands, rubbing her thumbs into his palms.

“You’re having a late realization of what happened.” Sekyung mumbled. “This is why I told you to keep talking to me. I didn’t want you to get a panic attack when you were alone.”

Kibum drew a deep, shaky breath and nodded. She started rubbing up his arms and gave him a reassuring smile.

“Take ten deep breaths and think of something nice.” She instructed him gently.

He nodded again and frowned in concentration as he thought about Jonghyun and the calm, warm moments they had shared. Sekyung smiled when his breath evened out and the tension in his body left.

“Okay?” She asked in a low voice.

“Yeah.” Kibum whispered back.

She grabbed one of his hands and dragged him with her to the stairs before he had a chance to ask what exactly was happening.

“Let’s go down. The police will want to question you.” She said over her shoulder.

Kibum bit his lip and followed her silently, feeling a little nervous, not sure of what he would find. A few images of dead bodies and pools of blood floated into his mind but he quickly tried to get rid of them. And to his relief all that met them was overturned tables, crashed chairs and gaping holes where the windows once had been. No signs of bodies or a struggle anywhere. Well a struggle of life and death at least.

He glanced at Sekyung who looked at him sadly before dragging him to the kitchen and he let out another breath of relief seeing it still intact. Sunny was sitting down at the table where he usually ate breakfast, head in hands and her short hair hanging like a curtain in front of her face. Kibum's heart fell a little.

This was his fault, wasn’t it?

“Noona?” He murmured and she looked up at them, a little disoriented.

“Oh, Kibum, Sekyung.” Sunny said in a slightly raspy voice and cleared . “The police just left. I told them to call and ask questions later since it is in the middle of the night right now.”

The other two nodded and silence fell. Kibum fidgeted slightly, feeling extremely guilty.

“Noona-” He started but she cut him off.

“I want you to leave, Kibum.”

He drew in a sharp breath and both his stomach and heart seemed to drop to the very core of the earth.

“I-I…” He stammered, tears slowly clogging up his throat and chest twisting. “I’m s-sorry.”

Sunny looked at him for a second before standing up and pulling him into a hug.

“I didn’t meant it like that, Kibum.” She soothed. “I meant that I want you to be safe, okay?”

Kibum blinked rapidly to keep the tears from falling and swallowed harshly.

“You could have been seriously hurt tonight and I don’t want that possibility to exist so you have to leave the apartment until all this is over.”

Kibum's thoughts immediately went to Jonghyun, but a cold feeling spread through his chest as he realized what could happen if Jonghyun's mother made another visit, or any of his other relatives really. He knew Jonghyun would have told him to come at once, however making the chance of Jonghyun getting beaten bloody higher wasn’t a risk he was going to take.

“O-okay. But I don’t have anywhere to go and what about Jin?” He said uncertainly.

Sunny let go of him and tilted her head slightly in thought. It looked like she was about to offer her place and Kibum was already finding arguments against it when Sekyung cut them both off.

“Come to my place.” She suddenly said from behind him.

He turned around to look at her with wide eyes. “Sorry?”

“Normally you would have stayed at Jonghyun's, right? But with the situation as it is it wouldn’t be the best. So come live with me for a while.” She explained.

“That would probably be best, wouldn’t it?” Sunny agreed.

Kibum looked between them a few times before nodding slowly. “O…kay… but… what if Jonghyun's mother finds out?”

Sekyung waved her hand nonchalantly. “She doesn’t even know me that well so I’d say she would be on very thin ice.”

Kibum frowned at her and she winked, smiling mischievously and wiggling her fingers slightly, making what seemed like small sparks fly around them. Kibum's eyes got as wide as saucers and his mouth fell open. Then he worriedly glanced at Sunny, but the other woman hadn’t seemed to notice anything.

Suddenly Kibum felt like laughing. Sekyung was slowly getting her powers back and it made him feel a little safer to know that.

“Okay.” He said again, more determinedly, and smiled. “I’ll go get my things.”

“I’ll help!” Sekyung smiled back at him.

They went back upstairs, packed some of Kibum's clothes and got the necessary cat equipment before they hurried downstairs again and piled everything into Sekyung’s car, feeling a little uneasy about leaving Sunny, who was keeping watch over the café while they packed, alone. Then they helped tape plastic over the windows before leaving, locking all the doors again and giving the café a sad last glance before going their separate ways.

“We should call Jonghyun tomorrow.” Sekyung said when they had unpacked the few things Kibum had brought with him and were sitting on her couch which she had magically turned into a bed in her living room, watching Jin tentatively creep around the open apartment and sniff every corner.

“I don’t want to worry him even more.” Kibum mumbled and sunk a little deeper into the cushions pushed up against the headboard, his eyelids drooping a little. He was feeling the tiredness of everything that had happened creep over him.

“You can’t keep everything away from him.” Sekyung said sternly. “You haven’t told him about your supplier or his mother’s visit, have you?”

Kibum shook his head tiredly and she said something else, but it was lost to him as he slipped into dreamland where everything was peaceful and harmonious.




A/N: Dubble update! :D So go to the next one!!

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And with soon, I mean maybe two days? *shrug*


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Chapter 40: Just finishied this and beautiful people in 48 hours ><
And i really enjoyed reading these~
I really like the way you write and you seem to be really cute too~
I really liked the ending of beautiful people but thank u for sharing this happy ending it healed my broken heart<3
And wow even the chapters you weren't satisfied with, were really good in my opinion. :)
Keep writing please~ <3
Chapter 40: Wow.. im so glad i discovered this story. Finished this as well as Beautiful People. i really love the way u write ur stories. reading this was enjoyable and i hope u'll write more jongkey in future. well done!!!♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆☆
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 40: This story was awesome. It'll be cool if the a third story but it's totally up to you.
lylwizz #4
Chapter 40: Wahh im so late to find the story but i gotta comment cuz i love them. I tell u i read both beautiful people and this for in a week and m drench. Im glad u made squeal cuz beautiful people is just so sad, they just found love just to be saperated at the end.
Chapter 40: Thank you for the stories! I read the original, and I'm very glad that I read this sequel ^-^
This sure was a nice ride <3 Thank you <33
Chapter 40: Awwww it's over >< im seriously happy with the ending! Kekeke everyone got their happy ending! Even Onew and Minho got their happy ending too keke xD i really didnt expect that though knowing you i should've expected that coming xD
Chapter 19: Hello, K author nim! I usually will always comment on the last chapt but i just need to comment on this chapter.

I'm so sorry that you had to receive that kind of comment but well, people are different. Maybe the commenter suits with an oneshot story better. I just want to know that i think what she called with dragging a heartbreak actually makes sense.
There are people who cant deal with rejection and dark past. Considering to see what kind of background Kibum does, it's just natural for him (and for other) to reacts like they did.
My point is i dont see that you are 'dragging the heartbreak' just to get a long chapters or smthng..

I hope you wont stop writing this kind of story just because you afraid that people wont like it or smthng. It's all about preference. I hope you'll write your stories without pressure ^^ hwaitinggg \^o^/
mushroomonew #8
Chapter 13: oh my!!!!!!! they kissed!!!!!! after the heart wrenching process and finally !!!!!
Chapter 40: I seriously do love this story! Oh my! It's really nice of you to give Kibum a happy ending! :D My heart broke a bit from Beautiful People because they had to leave Kibum alone. :( At least the story already has a happy ending. And I swear I love it. And a third story would be great! You should write it someday when you feel like it. ^^