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A Different Beginning

“So… something happened, didn’t it?”

Kibum, who was standing by the cash register counting up everything they had sold that day, threw a sideways glare at Minho, who was cleaning the coffee machine and nonchalantly ignoring the look he received. However, Kibum could see the corners of his mouth tugging ever so little.

“What is your problem?” He muttered, turning his gaze back to the numbers his fingers were pressing with tinted cheeks.

Minho chuckled. “My problem is that I have eyes that can’t miss the very obvious happenings between you and my best friend.”

Kibum's shoulders sank and he let out a tired sigh.

“I feel sorry for you, then.” He grumbled sarcastically.

Minho turned to look at him fully now, a wide grin on his face. “I never thought this would happen.”

Kibum looked at him as well, a frown on his forehead. “What? That I like a guy?”

“No.” Minho shook his head. “That Jonghyun showed so much interest in someone, be it guy or girl.”

Kibum's frown deepened and he punched in a few more numbers absentmindedly.

“But he hasn’t?” He said uncertainly.

Minho laughed. “If only you knew. He’s been asking a bit about you ever since I introduced you two.”

“He has?” Kibum gaped at the taller, his back straightening slightly and his full concentration directed at him now.

“Yeah,” Minho chuckled, “he tried to be discreet about it but discretion is not one of his strongest points. He hasn’t even noticed that I’ve already caught on.”

Kibum rolled his eyes, shaking his head and blushing at the same time. “Apparently.”

“So… care to share?” The other asked. Then he added quickly: “But not any gory details, thank you very much.”

Kibum stuck out his tongue at him as the taller laughed. “I just gave him a pair of clean pants and told him I would wash his until next time.”

Minho raised his eyebrows at him and crossed his arms. “Yeah right and the moon is purple.”

Kibum glared at him. “What?”

“Kibum,” Minho sighed, “anyone could tell that something happened by the expressions on your faces when you came down the stairs.”

“So what are you asking me if you already know?” He grumbled.

Minho beamed. “I just want to know if I’m going to be an uncle!”

Kibum choked on his own breath as it stuck in his throat and started coughing violently at the absurdity of that comment.

“Excuse me?” He forced out in huffs between coughs.

Minho was too busy laughing his head off at his own joke and Kibum's reaction to answer him. Kibum crossed his arms, involuntarily getting a slight pout on his lips, turning back to finish adding up the items.

“The register is closed!” He said loudly and angrily, when Minho still didn’t stop laughing. “You clean the tables and lock up, I’m leaving.”

Kibum stomped past the other to the stairs leading up to the apartment, but was stopped by a hand around his wrist just as he was about to climb the first step.

“I’m kidding.” Minho wheezed, breathless from his lunatic laughing.

Kibum turned halfway and gave him a venomous look. “And for that you’re doing the rest.”

Minho nodded and rubbed his stomach to lessen the laughing cramps. “I can accept that if you’re going to give me the cutest nice or nephew on the planet!”

He started laughing again and Kibum growled, freeing himself harshly and continuing his stomping up the stairs. He banged the door behind him and kicked off his shoes so angrily that they flew further than he expected, almost hitting Jin who had hesitantly approached Kibum, feeling the emotions in the air, but was now putting distance between them as fast as he could. Kibum glared at the tail that disappeared behind the corner to the living room.

“Yeah, you go hide!” He said loudly. “And if you dare mock me, so help me!”

He made his way to the bed nosily and threw himself down on it, glaring up at the ceiling and grumbling in irritation, making up a plan to get revenge on the taller.

But he forgot about being angry as he fully realized what had actually happened earlier, in the very apartment he was now laying, and he blushed intensely.

He hadn’t planned it and it had more or less been an in the moment sort of thing. However, he couldn’t say that he regretted it. Jonghyun clearly felt something and that something was allowing Kibum to touch him and kiss him.

He hadn’t seemed as if he was in pain either…

Kibum felt relief spread in his chest about something he hadn’t been aware he feared. Only now did he remember what Sekyung had told him and he was beyond happy that it didn’t seem to go the bad way.

Feeling elated Kibum jumped to his feet, taking a quick shower and brushing his teeth, glowing at himself in the mirror. There was just this happy feeling filling him at the moment and he couldn’t stop its effects on him.

That night he did something he had never done in his entire life. He fell asleep with a small smile on his lips.


The first thing Kibum did the next morning when he woke up was to wash Jonghyun's pants thoroughly. He had a lot of time since his shift didn’t start until after noon and he spent every bit of it on getting every thread in the pants shiningly clean. Then he made his way down the stairs, anticipating the arrival of the owner to the pants with a pounding heart. He knew it was still a few hours until Jonghyun would dare appear in the café, if he even decided to come that day, but he still held his breath every time the bell over the door tingled. He was glad Minho wasn’t there to .

But Jonghyun didn’t come that day.

Neither did he the next day.

By the third day Kibum grew a bit anxious. It wasn’t like Jonghyun had been frequenting the place, but he had a feeling something wasn’t as it should be. Sekyung still came everyday, but she didn’t have any more information than Kibum had. She voiced her concerns about her theory yet again once she had successfully forced Kibum to spill everything (which he had done everything in his might to avoid), but had also told him it wasn’t set in stone. He hadn’t really felt like asking Minho and since he couldn’t muster up the courage to text or call Jonghyun, Kibum was left wondering if what had happened wasn’t so good after all.

On the fourth day he’d had enough and decided to just ask. Minho could however much he wanted but he had to know.

“Uh…” Kibum said hesitantly as he and the taller were making sandwiches together in the kitchen, having no customers at the moment. “W-when is Jonghyun-Hyung coming again?”

Minho looked up at him but the mischievous smile Kibum was expecting didn’t show. Instead he had a concerned frown on his face, turning back to the bread he was cutting before he answered.

“He’s been feeling unwell.” He said. “He caught some kind of flu.”

Kibum felt panic starting to stir in his stomach. “But it’s spring… almost summer.”

Minho shrugged. “Yeah. I thought idiots didn’t catch colds but apparently I was wrong.”

Kibum bit his lip and returned to cutting vegetables. His hands were shaking slightly and his breathing was irregular.

Could this be what Sekyung had warned him about?

He took a deep breath and told himself to calm down. He didn’t even know yet what it actually was. What if it really was the flu? Then he’d be panicking for nothing.

“I’m actually going to his place after work.” Minho added in a ‘by-the-way’ tone and Kibum looked at him again. The teasing glint to the other’s eyes was back. “You could come too. I’m sure he’d feel cured in no time.”

Kibum blushed but still managed a grimace at Minho. Then he became serious.

“Do you think I can?” He mumbled.

Minho gave him a surprised look. “Why in the world wouldn’t you?”

Kibum shrugged.

“What if he actually regrets-” He cut himself off feeling an uncomfortable and dull pain spread through his chest.

Minho tilted his head a little. “Believe me, he doesn’t.”

Kibum swallowed, his heart pounding hard in his chest.

“How do you know?” He almost whispered, not entirely sure when and how Minho suddenly had become his relationship advisor.

“Because,” Minho smiled, “I’ve been forced to listen to his delirious ramblings about you for the past three days.”

Kibum breathed out slowly and Minho watched him curiously.

“You really have fallen for him quite hard?” He stated, but it was said like a question.

Kibum didn’t know what to answer. There was both the answer ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to that.

Yes, he had. This Jonghyun was making his head and chest fill with fuzzy, fluffy pink stuff that he had never experienced before.

No, he hadn’t. He was still very much in love with the old Jonghyun who was not as obviously gentle and considerate as the one now.

Kibum wanted to bang his head on the kitchen counter.

“I just…” He croaked. “Well, I am in love with him. I just don’t know how much.”

Minho raised his eyebrows at him. “Apparently it’s enough to make you blush, get all flustered or completely brain-dead around him and actually kiss him in the end.”

Kibum gasped. “How did you know that?”

Minho laughed. “I already told you. It was clearly visible on your faces.”

He blushed again.

“So, are you coming or what?” Minho pressed.

Kibum contemplated for a moment before he nodded. He didn’t see any reason as to why he shouldn’t except for his own cowardice that threatened to hold him back.

“Okay.” He mumbled his face heating up a little but was set in a determined expression.

“Great!” Minho laughed at the ‘stop-it’ look he received from the other.

Kibum had a hard time concentrating on work after that. Not only because he was worrying about Jonghyun but also because he was nervous.

What would happen if he had completely misjudged the situation?

Even if Minho had said that Jonghyun was interested it might not even be in that way.

Kibum wasn’t really aware of what he was doing the rest of the day with his mind too occupied by if he had misread Jonghyun and completely made a fool out of himself. He didn’t really dare take Minho's words for granted, either. He was so out of it that he didn’t even remember if Sekyung had come or not. It took him until he was standing outside the entrance to a blindingly white building to get his brain back in full working order, watching Minho punch in the code to open the glass door and lead the way to the elevator. Kibum fidgeted nervously as the doors closed and they started moving upwards. Minho patted him reassuringly on the shoulder.

“Jonghyun's as meek as a lamb,” he said with a smile, “he won’t be angry or anything.”

Kibum nodded. They finally arrived at the highest floor (Kibum couldn’t really say he was surprised) and stepped out of the elevator, which was situated in the middle of a well-lit corridor. There were only two doors on that floor, each on the short end, meaning there were only two, very big, apartments there, one of which was undoubtedly Jonghyun's.

“Ah,” Minho said and put a hand to his forehead, “we should have stopped by Jinki and Taemin.”

Kibum blinked at him.

“They live one floor down.” Minho explained at Kibum's clear, unspoken question.

“Oh.” He said and nodded, remembering the other had told him they were neighbors with Jonghyun. “Maybe on the way back?”

Minho nodded. “Might as well. Taemin would bite my head off if he knew I just passed together with you without stopping at their floor.”

Kibum let out a small laugh and Minho rolled his eyes. Then the taller made his way to the door on the left, opening it unceremoniously before Kibum even had the time to get his thoughts and emotions in order.




A/N: Uuh... so yeeeaaahh... I don't really know what to say about this chapter :/ No Jonghyun in it I guess, sorry :(

I hope you liked it anyway, since Jonghyun is very much going to be in the next chapter! xP

Comment if you like! ^_^ Whatever you want to say is fine!

Bye~! <3

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And with soon, I mean maybe two days? *shrug*


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Chapter 40: Just finishied this and beautiful people in 48 hours ><
And i really enjoyed reading these~
I really like the way you write and you seem to be really cute too~
I really liked the ending of beautiful people but thank u for sharing this happy ending it healed my broken heart<3
And wow even the chapters you weren't satisfied with, were really good in my opinion. :)
Keep writing please~ <3
Chapter 40: Wow.. im so glad i discovered this story. Finished this as well as Beautiful People. i really love the way u write ur stories. reading this was enjoyable and i hope u'll write more jongkey in future. well done!!!♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆☆
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 40: This story was awesome. It'll be cool if the a third story but it's totally up to you.
lylwizz #4
Chapter 40: Wahh im so late to find the story but i gotta comment cuz i love them. I tell u i read both beautiful people and this for in a week and m drench. Im glad u made squeal cuz beautiful people is just so sad, they just found love just to be saperated at the end.
Chapter 40: Thank you for the stories! I read the original, and I'm very glad that I read this sequel ^-^
This sure was a nice ride <3 Thank you <33
Chapter 40: Awwww it's over >< im seriously happy with the ending! Kekeke everyone got their happy ending! Even Onew and Minho got their happy ending too keke xD i really didnt expect that though knowing you i should've expected that coming xD
Chapter 19: Hello, K author nim! I usually will always comment on the last chapt but i just need to comment on this chapter.

I'm so sorry that you had to receive that kind of comment but well, people are different. Maybe the commenter suits with an oneshot story better. I just want to know that i think what she called with dragging a heartbreak actually makes sense.
There are people who cant deal with rejection and dark past. Considering to see what kind of background Kibum does, it's just natural for him (and for other) to reacts like they did.
My point is i dont see that you are 'dragging the heartbreak' just to get a long chapters or smthng..

I hope you wont stop writing this kind of story just because you afraid that people wont like it or smthng. It's all about preference. I hope you'll write your stories without pressure ^^ hwaitinggg \^o^/
mushroomonew #8
Chapter 13: oh my!!!!!!! they kissed!!!!!! after the heart wrenching process and finally !!!!!
Chapter 40: I seriously do love this story! Oh my! It's really nice of you to give Kibum a happy ending! :D My heart broke a bit from Beautiful People because they had to leave Kibum alone. :( At least the story already has a happy ending. And I swear I love it. And a third story would be great! You should write it someday when you feel like it. ^^