The mother

A Different Beginning

Kibum was pulled to the surface of consciousness by a finger gently drawing on his back. He didn’t open his eyes or move, continuing to lie on his stomach, but his mouth pulled at the corners and he let out a contented sigh.

“I hope you don’t have paint on your finger.” He mumbled sleepily.

Jonghyun chuckled, continuing to draw whatever he was drawing. Kibum turned his head to the other side, opening his eyes slowly to look at him. The other was propped up on one elbow, hair tousled and head resting in one of his hands while letting the other explore Kibum's back, his eyes following his finger. He met Kibum's gaze with a small, blissful smile and the finger was exchanged to a warm palm, along his spine.

“Hey.” Jonghyun murmured.

Kibum gave him a sleepy smile and turned his body so that he could snuggle closer, slipping an arm around Jonghyun's waist and placing his face in the crook of his neck, head resting on Jonghyun's now outstretched arm. He took in the smell of the other and let out another content sigh, feeling fulfilled. Jonghyun continued to let his fingers travel languidly up and down Kibum's spine, almost lulling him back to sleep.  A small glimmer caught his attention, however, and Kibum blinked to get the sleep out of his eyes, pulling back slightly.

“You’re really wearing this.” He noted as he came face to face with the pendant, letting his finger it. Not that he wanted Jonghyun to ever take it off. It was the very reason he was able to be in the other’s arms at the moment.

Jonghyun nodded. “Well, since it is a gift from you and you said it was important.”

Kibum pulled back a little more to look him in the eyes and Jonghyun met his gaze steadily, the hand on Kibum's back coming up to cup his face instead before he leaned in, letting their lips brush.

“Thank you.” Kibum whispered when Jonghyun pulled back to take up looking at his face.

The other frowned a little in confusion but smiled, dragging his thumb over Kibum's bottom lip.

“Are you feeling okay?” He asked.

Kibum wrinkled his nose. “I think I’m a bit sore, but otherwise I’m good.”

“Sorry.” Jonghyun mumbled sheepishly and Kibum laughed. “Do you want to eat breakfast?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” Kibum smiled. Then he blushed slightly. “But first I’d like a shower, because… yeah...”

Jonghyun blushed as well.

“O-oh, right…” He sat up. “I’ll go get everything ready for you. Just go to the bathroom.”

Kibum nodded and felt his cheeks get even hotter, not quite able to look at the other when he stood up as he remembered that they were both actually completely .

Jonghyun scrambled about for a few seconds, getting out a towel and some clothes to borrow before he returned to the room, thankfully wearing boxers and a shirt. Kibum was finally able to fully look at Jonghyun and the other gave him a small smile.

“I left a towel and clothes on the counter.” He said. “You can use whatever shampoo and stuff you find in the shower.”

Kibum nodded and gathered the covers around himself to shield his body before standing up. Jonghyun chuckled slightly and raised his eyebrows amusedly when Kibum took a step forward, the covers trailing slightly behind him. He stopped though, wincing as pain shot up his back. Gritting his teeth, he took another step, wincing again and sighing in frustration.

Jonghyun let out another laugh and walked over to him, scooping him up into his arms, princess style, covers and all. Kibum squeaked and if his face had been red before it was nothing compared to now.

“W-wait… what a-are you doing?” He stammered and put his arms around Jonghyun's neck, afraid to fall down.

“Escorting you to the bathroom, your highness.” Jonghyun teased.

Kibum squeezed his eyes shut. “Kim Jonghyun, I swear if you drop me…”

Jonghyun laughed again and finally let Kibum safely get back onto his feet inside the bathroom.

“Do you need help with showering as well?” He smirked, although Kibum could see his cheeks were slightly tinted. It didn’t make him feel any less embarrassed, though.

“I’m fine, thanks!” He huffed and started pushing the other out of the room.

Jonghyun continued laughing as Kibum shut the door behind him and leaned against it with a sigh.


He smiled to himself as he let the covers fall to the floor and stepped into the shower while blushing madly, having caught sight of the hickeys on his body in the mirror. He decided not to think about it as he let the warm water calm him.

Jonghyun was humming to a song on the radio as he was preparing breakfast when Kibum exited the bathroom, moving about the kitchen to the beat of the music, smiling to himself. Kibum stopped in the doorway to watch him amusedly, involuntarily thinking of the old Jonghyun again.

He sighed silently.

Jonghyun was everything he wanted, even more, and that’s why Kibum hated himself for thinking back to the past, wondering if the other Jonghyun had been like that, too, before the curse. He didn’t want to keep comparing them, he didn’t want to have to wonder and he didn’t want to chance hurting Jonghyun by thinking about the past him.

Kibum shook his head, feeling a little guilty, and walked up to the other standing at the stove, planting a kiss on his cheek. Jonghyun started slightly and turned to look at him, his face breaking out into an enormous grin as he put an arm around Kibum's waist and pulled him closer.

“I would very much like one on the lips.” He chuckled.

Kibum laughed and grabbed Jonghyun's face with both hands, pecking his lips. Then his stomach made a loud churning sound and he blushed.

“Hungry?” Jonghyun teased.

“Yeah.” Kibum wrinkled his nose.

Jonghyun pushed him towards the table. “Sit down. I managed to prepare everything while you were in the shower.”

Kibum did as he was told and sat down in one of the barstools, watching Jonghyun as he took out the last things he needed from the fridge before sitting down himself, telling Kibum to dig in.

Kibum had never talked so much during breakfast, or any meal actually. But somehow he and Jonghyun managed to talk about anything and everything they could possibly think of. Kibum got to know that Jonghyun was an only child who almost never saw his parents except for when they came to give him an order about something they wanted done. Minho had become like his little brother, someone that kept him company, and he had spent a lot of time with his family, holidays and all. He hadn’t had the time to go to college since his parents thought he could manage the company just fine and he hated not being able to walk normally on the streets.

Kibum in turn told Jonghyun about his parents, his life before and after they had died, about how he came to live in the apartment above the café (although leaving out why he had been thrown out in the first place), that he wanted to study architecture and how much he wished to repay Sunny for what she had done for him.

However, when Jonghyun started asking questions Kibum couldn’t answer truthfully since his answers would involve the happenings a year prior, he tried changing the subject. He could see suspicion and slight hurt pass Jonghyun's expression even if the other brushed it off with a smile. He knew Jonghyun still believed he had had another boyfriend who he didn’t want to talk about, but Kibum couldn’t help it. If he could, he would have already told Jonghyun everything. So, he stood up to gather the dishes and wash them instead, managing to avoid the subject for the time being, although he was sure it would resurface again.

“I would like to visit your parents grave.” Jonghyun said after a while of washing the dishes in silence, only the sound of the radio in the background.

Kibum blinked at him in surprise, taking the plate Jonghyun handed him to dry it off.

“Well… okay… why?” He said slowly.

Jonghyun blushed slightly and gave an embarrassed pull of the mouth.

“It’s just that…” His voice died out and he looked down at cup he was now holding.

Kibum leaned in a little to hear him better.

“Just…?” He asked.

Jonghyun glanced up at him, chewing on his lip.

“Don’t laugh.” He sighed. “I haven’t really… dated anyone before… you’re my first real relationship… a-and I thought I should pay my respects.”

Kibum gaped at him.

That was unexpected.

“I-I’m your first?” He stammered. He thought Jonghyun would have had a lot of experience.

Jonghyun wrinkled his nose. “Well, given my position and image I couldn’t really afford to do anything like that. Probably still can’t, but I don’t care.”

“But… but…” Kibum stared at him, blushing as he remembered their night together. “Yesterday?”

Jonghyun laughed, looking even more embarrassed. “It’s not that I’ve never been with other people, I just haven’t dated since it’s easier to cover if they try to create a scandal. And besides, I did some… uh… research before yesterday.”

Kibum stared at him incredulously for a moment before he burst out laughing.

“Research?” He giggled. “Really?”

Jonghyun let out a short laugh. “Yeah, well, since I haven’t been with a man before I just… didn’t want it to go wrong.”

Kibum was heaving with laughter. “But you didn’t have to do research!”

“Believe me, I wish I hadn’t.” Jonghyun grimaced.

Kibum started laughing even more, grabbing his stomach and Jonghyun chuckled embarrassedly as well.

“Seriously, Jonghyun.” He panted once he had calmed down. “Research…”

“But…” Jonghyun added, looking embarrassed again while staring into the sink. Kibum dried the tears that had escaped while he was laughing and watched him curiously. “I… didn’t ask you about… uh… our positions…”

Kibum felt his face heat up and saw Jonghyun's do the same.

He was worried about that? It wasn’t like it had felt bad… and he was sure it had shown…

He cleared his throat awkwardly.

“Oh…” He started, trying to find something intelligent to say. “Well... I don’t mind.”

Jonghyun glanced at him and Kibum smiled reassuringly, although he didn’t know if it really seemed reassuring with his tomato-red face.

“Really?” Jonghyun asked.

“Yeah. I just went with the flow and it felt good, so…” His voice died out. Kibum wouldn’t be surprised if his whole body was red at the moment.

Jonghyun stared at him for a few seconds before his face broke into a slightly smug smile.

“It did?”

Kibum nodded, looking at everything but him. The other let out a small chuckle.

“Good, I was a little worried.” He sighed, sounding relieved, and put the last plate to dry. “Okay, so now that that’s out of the way, shall we go?”

Kibum looked at him confusedly. “Go?”

“To your parents?” Jonghyun elaborated.

“Now?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah,” Jonghyun nodded and gestured to the window, “it’s quite nice outside if you hadn’t noticed.”

Kibum looked outside and discovered that indeed, it was nice weather. The sky was blue and the sun cast warm rays wherever it could reach, nice for an outdoors date, even if it would be at the graveyard.

He smiled at Jonghyun. “Okay, then.”

Jonghyun gave him a smile as well and pecked his lips before disappearing to get ready, since he still hadn’t put on pants. It took him mere seconds to finish, not even giving Kibum time to sit down again, and soon he was back in the kitchen, grabbing Kibum's hand and pulling him towards the door like an eager dog. Kibum could almost see a tail wagging behind him.

“Do you have your leash?” He joked as they put on their shoes.

Jonghyun looked at him in confusion, already out the door, and Kibum burst out laughing. The other pouted but a chiming in his pocket interrupted his response and he took it out.

“It’s Taemin.” Jonghyun sighed and Kibum curiously peered over his shoulder at the device, seeing a message that was asking Jonghyun to stop hogging Kibum to himself. “If I didn’t know better I would think he was trying to steal you away from me.”

Kibum chuckled. “Well, too bad I’m more interested in the dog than the sun.”

“What?” Jonghyun looked at him confusedly again and Kibum laughed.

“Nothing.” Kibum sing-songed and closed the door behind him, not seeing the mischievous smile on the other’s face growing as he had his back turned.

“Oh, really?” He heard Jonghyun murmur before he found himself enclosed in his arms. “Are you trying to say I’m the dog?”

Kibum tried to struggle but had to give up as the other only tightened his hold. He felt Jonghyun's breath in his neck and started giggling at the ticklish feeling it created.

“Stop!” He pleaded between giggles.

Jonghyun chuckled and planted a kiss at the nape of his neck making Kibum shake with laughter. “You sure are ticklish. How-”

“What is going on here?” A steely, cold voice asked.

They broke away from each other immediately and turned to the speaker, feeling a hostile tension in the air.

A woman, or lady would be more fitting, with an expression like she was witnessing something utterly nasty was watching them. Her brown eyes were piercing and she had black hair that was tightly pulled into a bun. Her navy blue, one-piece dress suit looked so expensive Kibum was afraid to even look at it and she was wearing jewelry befitting a queen.

“Mother.” Jonghyun choked.


Kibum frowned and glanced at him. It seemed like Jonghyun had become paralyzed at the sight of her, staring at his mother without blinking and swallowing nervously.

“Hello, son.” They lady, Jonghyun's mother, answered icily and Kibum's frown deepened.

She was not acting like a mother should in his opinion. She hadn’t offered Jonghyun a hug or taken a step forward or even changed her expression. All that she had done was emitting a cold, hostile rejection. But then again Jonghyun had told him that he didn’t have much of a relationship with his parents. Kibum had still thought it wasn’t as bad as it seemed to be.

Jonghyun's mother turned her gaze to him and he felt his back straighten immediately, forcing his lips to smile and taking a step forward with an outstretched hand.

“Hello, I’m Kim Kibum,” he introduced himself, “Jonghyun's friend.”

She barely glanced down at his hand and Kibum saw her eyes narrow ever so little. He cleared his throat awkwardly and let his hand fall to his side again, glancing back at Jonghyun once more.

“Um…” He started, his voice threatening to crack. He was starting to feel slightly frightened. All he wanted to do was grab Jonghyun's hand and run, but seeing the looks Jonghyun's mother gave him he had the feeling Jonghyun wouldn’t be going anywhere with him at the moment. “I-I’ll go ahead.”

Jonghyun looked at him then and it seemed like it took him a moment to process what Kibum had said before he nodded. Kibum smiled a little at him and gave a nod back.

“I’ll meet you at the café.” He mumbled before he hurried down the stairs. He didn’t think he could handle standing there to wait for the elevator. The air had been so icily thick that he thought he would choke.

When Kibum arrived at the last step he sat down, taking a deep breath and only then noticing how shaky his legs were from the encounter.

Jonghyun's mother had been intimidating, to say the least, and Kibum felt no desire to meet her again whatsoever. He knew it as rude, but the hostility flowing out of her was unbearable. She was clearly not okay with her son being with another man and Kibum was a little worried for Jonghyun. He hoped his mother wouldn’t be too hard on him or do something that would hurt the other. Kibum never wanted Jonghyun to be hurt again.

He stood up after a while, when his legs felt steady enough, and made his way to the café to wait for Jonghyun.

He should have known something was bound to happen, things had been going too smoothly for him these past days and nothing was ever smooth in Kibum's case.







A/N: And I present to you... Jonghyun's mother!!! Ta-dah! The first unlikable character in the sequel >_< But I wouldn't mind if you actually like her anyway, haha!

So, I'm sorry that this took some time... I still have a lot of stuff happening and yeah... but I gave you a longer chapter than normal!

This sequel is becoming A LOT longer than I expected @_@ I mean, do you guys even feel like continuing to read? (Bad question?) I just thought it wouldn't be longer than 18 chapters at most but as I put this up I realise I'm already up in 25 chapters of this story O_O What?

Okay, I'm dangerously close to starting a ramble so before I say goodbye I'd like to give you a nice piece of information (or not depending on your personality).

I have this friend that is AMAZING at writing songs :) She's already written a few for me, one of which is the theme song to my first fic ^_^ And guess what? She wrote another one for "Beautiful People"!! And it sounds really good!!! It's still in processing mode but once it's done I got her permission to post it!! xD I hope you all will like it as well!!

With that said I'm going to do the usual ;D


Bye~! ^_^


I just remebered... I should probably mark the last chapter M... to be safe and all... gonna go do that now... -.-

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Thank you!
And with soon, I mean maybe two days? *shrug*


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Chapter 40: Just finishied this and beautiful people in 48 hours ><
And i really enjoyed reading these~
I really like the way you write and you seem to be really cute too~
I really liked the ending of beautiful people but thank u for sharing this happy ending it healed my broken heart<3
And wow even the chapters you weren't satisfied with, were really good in my opinion. :)
Keep writing please~ <3
Chapter 40: Wow.. im so glad i discovered this story. Finished this as well as Beautiful People. i really love the way u write ur stories. reading this was enjoyable and i hope u'll write more jongkey in future. well done!!!♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆☆
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 40: This story was awesome. It'll be cool if the a third story but it's totally up to you.
lylwizz #4
Chapter 40: Wahh im so late to find the story but i gotta comment cuz i love them. I tell u i read both beautiful people and this for in a week and m drench. Im glad u made squeal cuz beautiful people is just so sad, they just found love just to be saperated at the end.
Chapter 40: Thank you for the stories! I read the original, and I'm very glad that I read this sequel ^-^
This sure was a nice ride <3 Thank you <33
Chapter 40: Awwww it's over >< im seriously happy with the ending! Kekeke everyone got their happy ending! Even Onew and Minho got their happy ending too keke xD i really didnt expect that though knowing you i should've expected that coming xD
Chapter 19: Hello, K author nim! I usually will always comment on the last chapt but i just need to comment on this chapter.

I'm so sorry that you had to receive that kind of comment but well, people are different. Maybe the commenter suits with an oneshot story better. I just want to know that i think what she called with dragging a heartbreak actually makes sense.
There are people who cant deal with rejection and dark past. Considering to see what kind of background Kibum does, it's just natural for him (and for other) to reacts like they did.
My point is i dont see that you are 'dragging the heartbreak' just to get a long chapters or smthng..

I hope you wont stop writing this kind of story just because you afraid that people wont like it or smthng. It's all about preference. I hope you'll write your stories without pressure ^^ hwaitinggg \^o^/
mushroomonew #8
Chapter 13: oh my!!!!!!! they kissed!!!!!! after the heart wrenching process and finally !!!!!
Chapter 40: I seriously do love this story! Oh my! It's really nice of you to give Kibum a happy ending! :D My heart broke a bit from Beautiful People because they had to leave Kibum alone. :( At least the story already has a happy ending. And I swear I love it. And a third story would be great! You should write it someday when you feel like it. ^^