
A Different Beginning

“G-give me one second and I’ll be in the café.” Kibum stuttered and hung up on her, his feet already halfway in his shoes again and his heartbeat going wild.

“Did something happen?” Jonghyun asked worriedly and reached out a hand.

“I don’t know.” Kibum glanced at him nervously. “Sekyung needs to speak with me. You can stay here, make yourself comfortable.”

Jonghyun opened his mouth to protest but Kibum had already opened the door and stepped outside.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He called over his shoulder before he raced down the stairs, taking two steps at a time.

He wasn’t sure what to think and he had completely no idea of what could have caused Sekyung to sound like that except for the things happening to Jonghyun.

He swallowed harshly and jumped the last two steps, managing to time his arrival just as Sekyung burst through the door. It looked like she was ready to jump over the counter in her hurry to get to him. Her eyes were shining like she was a child on Christmas eve and she had a big grin on her face. Something in Kibum relaxed slightly.

“I GOT IT!” She bellowed for the whole world to hear, making Mir who was serving a customer almost drop his tray in their lap. Sunny gave her a stern look and she clasped her hands over mumbling out a: “Sorry.”

Kibum stared at her uncomprehendingly while she made her way over to him, grabbed his arm and pulled him into the kitchen behind closed doors. There she gripped his shoulders firmly and shook him in eagerness, making his teeth clash.

“I had a vision!” She exclaimed happily. “The necklace Jonghyun gave you! Do you still have it? Please tell me you do! And why are you looking like a drenched cat?!”

The pendant? Why?

Kibum continued to stare at her, his brain not completely connecting the dots.

Kibum!” She said exasperatedly this time. “This is not the time to be brain-dead! The necklace! Do you have it or not?!”

He blinked. “I-I do…”

Her eyes sparkled with eagerness. “Great! Where is it?”

Kibum grimaced. He had hid the necklace from himself in the bottom drawer of his wardrobe since it had become too heavy to feel it against his skin when everyone kept popping up and reminding him of the past. He had actually forgotten about it, until now.

“It’s upstairs.” He mumbled and looked at the floor, his cheeks dusting slightly. “But Jonghyun's there, too.”

“Good, because you’re returning it to him.”

Kibum's head snapped up and his eyes widened. “I’m what?”

“You’re giving it back.” Sekyung smiled. “It’s going to stop the process of his past and present merging together caused by you.”

He frowned. “What?”

“That pendant has both yours and Jonghyun's magic in it and once he puts it on it will put up a protective field around his soul.” Sekyung explained.

Kibum's mouth fell slightly open and a small spark was igniting in his chest.

“So if he wears it all the time… I can be with him?”

“YES!” Sekyung shouted happily, but then her face became serious. “But that also means that he will never have the chance to remember.”

“It doesn’t matter!” Kibum said, suddenly so eager he started pacing back and forth, his limbs feeling tingly. “If there’s a very small chance he will anyway without the pendant, it’s better that he doesn’t at all!”

Sekyung grabbed his arm to stop his tracks. “However, if he loses it the shield will also disappear of course, although it fades away slowly. It takes twenty-four hours for it to completely be gone whenever he doesn’t have the pendant on, unless it’s somewhere close by.”

He nodded at her and felt like jumping in joy. But then he frowned again.

“By the way,” he said, “how do you know all of this?”

Sekyung’s face lit up in a big smile. “It’s you! Ever since I started being with you again, some of my powers slowly came back! It’s not what it used to be, but I see things in my sleep and if I concentrate really hard on my problem the solution will somehow reveal itself to me!”

Kibum gaped at her. “And that’s because of me? But I didn’t do anything.”

“You don’t need to.” She said. “Just by being in the so called force field around you is helping me.”

“Then… then…”

Kibum's head was a bit dazed with this new, for once good, information and he wasn’t really sure what to do. He wanted to continue talking to Sekyung and he wanted to teleport upstairs to find the pendant.

Sekyung pushed him towards the doors, as if reading his mind. “Go give him the pendant. And change into dry clothes, you’re going to die of some lung disease.”

Kibum couldn’t help the big smile on his face and the laugh that bubbled up in him. He hugged Sekyung hastily before he raced back upstairs, not bothering to keep quiet, and banged open the front door, shooting inside his apartment like a comet.

“Kibum?” Jonghyun called from the living room. “Is everything alright?”

“It’s wonderful!” Kibum answered and flew past him to his room where he threw himself down on the floor to start rummaging through his bottom drawer. “I have something for you!”

Jonghyun appeared in the doorway, looking utterly confused at his strange behavior.

“What happened?”

“Oh… uh…” Kibum stuttered, still going through his drawers. “S-Sekyung needed to tell me something important that I can’t tell anyone else.”

Jonghyun raised his eyebrows at him and Kibum hoped he wouldn’t investigate further because he had no excuse ready. Thankfully the other let it go and joined him on the floor, curiously watching what he was doing. Kibum suddenly felt all shy and nervous, giving him a quick glance, his cheeks getting redder. Jonghyun smiled when he noticed Kibum was looking at him and continued to study his face.

“Where is it?” Kibum muttered, now starting to pull out all the clothes in his drawer and trying hard not to look at Jonghyun.

He didn’t know why, but suddenly he felt extremely shy in front of the other. Maybe it was because all he could think about was throwing himself at Jonghyun and kiss the living daylights out of him without having to worry. Or maybe it was because he could now actually picture a relationship with the other. One where they would go on dates, cuddle on the sofa and spend their free time just to be with each other.

“You’re blushing.” Jonghyun murmured and his fingertips grazed Kibum's cheekbone.

Kibum jumped a little at the sudden contact and bit his lip, trying so very hard to not just give up finding the pendant. Jonghyun was about to say something else when he finally glimpsed something glimmering at the bottom of the drawer and he grabbed it hurriedly, turning to face Jonghyun who tilted his head questioningly at him. Kibum let the pendant hang from his fingers between them at eye height, not really able to look the other in the face and blushing madly.

“Here.” He whispered. “I want you to have it.”

Jonghyun grabbed the stone hesitantly, letting it rest in his open palm.

“What is this?” He asked.

Kibum swallowed, pushing his memories to the furthest corners of his mind but still feeling a slight twinge in his chest.

It’s yours.

“Something I value and want you to have.”

Jonghyun studied it for a moment.

“It’s pretty. Does this mean…” his voice died out uncertainly and he looked at Kibum again.

Kibum met his gaze and then he was suddenly on his knees, grabbing Jonghyun's shoulders and pulling him in to press their lips together. Jonghyun responded immediately and Kibum was quickly pulled to a hard, well-toned chest with arms around him so tightly he had difficulties breathing. A few water droplets fell from their hair onto the other’s face because of the movement and they pulled away, laughing slightly.

“We should probably change into dry clothes.” Jonghyun murmured.

Kibum nodded reluctantly, not really wanting to let go, and stood up to get them something to wear while Jonghyun put the pendant around his neck. When he turned around to give the other a dry set of clothes he caught him in the middle of pulling off his shirt. Kibum stopped dead in his tracks and was helplessly frozen while staring at the other in surprised awe. Jonghyun noticed him looking and smiled sheepishly, shrugging one shoulder. They came to a standstill for a few seconds after that, staring at each other. Kibum didn’t know what came over him but he suddenly found himself approaching the other slowly, forgetting the clothes altogether, and pushed him back towards the bed gently, making him sit down and seating himself on top of him, capturing his lips in a slightly desperate manner and giving in to all he ever felt.


It was wonderful letting go of everything he continuously worried about. He felt so free. And if he hadn’t been holding onto Jonghyun at that moment he surely would have just floated away, through all the layers of the atmosphere and out into space. Jonghyun was okay, Sekyung was okay, everyone else was finally okay. For once he could just think about normal stuff like wanting the very person in his arms instead of other things he didn’t even completely understand.

Jonghyun wasn’t slow to react to Kibum's advances and grabbed his hips to pull him closer as Kibum's fingers tangled in his hair and their breaths became more labored. A strange burn was ignited in Kibum and he continued to push at Jonghyun’s shoulders gently. Soon he was lying on his back with Kibum on top, letting his hands slowly and gently trace the form of the blonde’s thighs. Kibum wanted to be even closer.

“Jonghyun,” he whispered against the other’s lips as they broke apart for a few milliseconds, “touch me.”

Jonghyun hungrily sought out his lips again and Kibum felt how his hands, that previously had been a little hesitant, became bolder, one sneaking in under his shirt, fingertips tracing his sides, leaving pleasurable goose-bumps in their wake. Kibum gasped against Jonghyun's lips as Jonghyun put his other arm around his waist, pulling him down flush against his body and letting out a hum of approval that made Kibum shiver. Then he turned them around so that he was hovering above Kibum, breaking the kiss and looking at the other’s face with a small smile.

“Do you know what you’re doing?” He asked in a slightly rougher voice than normal and Kibum shivered again.

He didn’t know. But Kibum figured since it was Jonghyun he could go along with anything that happened. He wanted to do everything they hadn’t had the chance to do last time, but he had no idea of where to start and how to do it. Jonghyun was his first ever. So he was just going to let it come of its own.

“I-” His voice broke and he cleared his throat. “I’m not too sure…”

Jonghyun chuckled. “Although I really want to, let’s leave this until later. I don’t want to scare you away again.”

Kibum looked at him with big, confused eyes and Jonghyun bit his lip looking like he was holding something back. Then he burst out laughing, apparently not able to hold it in, and laid down beside him, pulling Kibum into a hug.

“You’re mine now, right? And I intend to keep it that way for a long time.” Jonghyun murmured in his ear.

Kibum laughed slightly and put his arms around the other.


He had absolutely no problem with that.





A/N: Eheeee~ :3 Did you like this? xP

Anyway, I have another plot-twist in this story but I'm not sure if I'm gonna use it... I already left like three small hints for it but it's nothing major and can be overlooked. But if I don't have this second plot-twist the story will be a few chapters shorter (not that it's short now anyway) so I'm wondering what you guys want :)

Do you want a second plot-twist, making this story a bit longer, or do you want it to end soon? Either way it will end happily, so don't worry!! ^_^

So yeah, thank you everyone! I love all of you and you are so NICE! Like seriously!!

I love you! <3

Bye~! ^_^

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Thank you!
And with soon, I mean maybe two days? *shrug*


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Chapter 40: Just finishied this and beautiful people in 48 hours ><
And i really enjoyed reading these~
I really like the way you write and you seem to be really cute too~
I really liked the ending of beautiful people but thank u for sharing this happy ending it healed my broken heart<3
And wow even the chapters you weren't satisfied with, were really good in my opinion. :)
Keep writing please~ <3
Chapter 40: Wow.. im so glad i discovered this story. Finished this as well as Beautiful People. i really love the way u write ur stories. reading this was enjoyable and i hope u'll write more jongkey in future. well done!!!♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆☆
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 40: This story was awesome. It'll be cool if the a third story but it's totally up to you.
lylwizz #4
Chapter 40: Wahh im so late to find the story but i gotta comment cuz i love them. I tell u i read both beautiful people and this for in a week and m drench. Im glad u made squeal cuz beautiful people is just so sad, they just found love just to be saperated at the end.
Chapter 40: Thank you for the stories! I read the original, and I'm very glad that I read this sequel ^-^
This sure was a nice ride <3 Thank you <33
Chapter 40: Awwww it's over >< im seriously happy with the ending! Kekeke everyone got their happy ending! Even Onew and Minho got their happy ending too keke xD i really didnt expect that though knowing you i should've expected that coming xD
Chapter 19: Hello, K author nim! I usually will always comment on the last chapt but i just need to comment on this chapter.

I'm so sorry that you had to receive that kind of comment but well, people are different. Maybe the commenter suits with an oneshot story better. I just want to know that i think what she called with dragging a heartbreak actually makes sense.
There are people who cant deal with rejection and dark past. Considering to see what kind of background Kibum does, it's just natural for him (and for other) to reacts like they did.
My point is i dont see that you are 'dragging the heartbreak' just to get a long chapters or smthng..

I hope you wont stop writing this kind of story just because you afraid that people wont like it or smthng. It's all about preference. I hope you'll write your stories without pressure ^^ hwaitinggg \^o^/
mushroomonew #8
Chapter 13: oh my!!!!!!! they kissed!!!!!! after the heart wrenching process and finally !!!!!
Chapter 40: I seriously do love this story! Oh my! It's really nice of you to give Kibum a happy ending! :D My heart broke a bit from Beautiful People because they had to leave Kibum alone. :( At least the story already has a happy ending. And I swear I love it. And a third story would be great! You should write it someday when you feel like it. ^^