Our First Date

Our Stories

April 21st, 2012.


Sehun snooze his phone’s alarm with his half opened eyes and goes back to sleep. When he was going to put his phone on a small table beside his bed, his phone received a new text message. He knows that was Krystal’s morning text message, trying to wake him up as usual.


From: Krys <3

good morning, Sehun-ahh. Wake up~ do not forget to take your breakfast and have a nice day! ^_^


He never knew that she would be this cute even just on the text. He immediately grab his yellow towel and take a bath. He have no schedule for today, he suddenly remember that today is a week already with Krystal but he never ask her to go on a date such as candle light dinner? He shakes his head knowing that he can’t be that romantic.



“yah, Soojungie! It’s a week already and he haven’t ask you to go on a date?” Amber nudges her shoulder. She just smiles, knowing that Sehun don’t really like that kind of stuff.

“I’m going to text him!” Amber grab her phone.

“yah! What for?” she catches it back.

“to ask him when will he ask you to go out! Do not worry I’ll use my phone instead” Amber smirks.

“no need to, Amber.”

She was too late, Amber has just sent him a text without her knowing.


Yo bro, this is Amber. When will you ask her to go on a date? ㅋㅋㅋ


From: Sehun

Nah, I was thinking about that too! Where should I take her? I’m thinking about a candle light dinner but it was so cheesy. I hate that kind of stuffs.


From: Amber

Just ask her to go out and let her do what she wanted to do with you. Candle light dinner? Indeed that’s so cheesy but I just wanted to let you know that Soojung finds that stuffs were cute anyway.


From: Sehun

Since I have no preparation at all for tonight, I think I’ll just ask her to go out and let her decide what she wanted to do. Thanks!


From: Amber

Anytime, bro! good luck! ㅋㅋ



Sehun texted her to get ready on 7pm, he’ll pick her up on f(x) dorm. Krystal has been on f(x) dorm ever since they started to prepare for their company’s world wide tour.


Krystal wearing a tight skinny jeans and a soft green t-shirt with a pair of black Doc Martens’ boots. She just put a hairpin then heard a sound of car honked in front of the dorm. Other f(x) members are cheering her so much, tell her to enjoy her first date with Sehun.

Sehun wears a dark green t-shirt and black leather vest. Somehow a bit similar to her. He then smiles “somehow looks like a couple outfit, isn’t it?” then they’re both chuckles. There’s a bit silence in the car. Sehun then spoke up “I miss you.”

“I miss you too.” She said while holding his arms and smiling.

“what do you wanted to do the most mm? I have no clue..” asked Sehun honestly.

“umm…are you hungry?” she said while caressing his cheek.

Sehun rubbed his tummy. “a bit, I think? I haven’t take my dinner just yet because I’m so excited to see my beautiful girlfriend~”

“that was so cheesy, my boyfriend. Alright, why don’t we just take our dinner? I haven’t take mine too since Vic eomma is going out with Khunnie appa earlier”

“okay, let’s gooo~~” with that, Sehun drove his car.



Sehun parked his car and start to walk around hand in hand with Krystal. Asking her what did she really wanted to eat just now.

“I want sushi….i miss Japan so much.”

“okay let’s go to that Japanese restaurant!” he smiles while leading her to across the street.

“whoaaa, is it okay if I choose Sushi?”

“it’s okay, I’ll let you to lead our first date. Beside, I haven’t eat Sushi yet this month” hearing his answers, she just let a small chuckle.



Krystal eat her Sushi excitedly until a soy sauce could be seen on the corner of her lips. Sehun take a tissue and wipes it clean.

“eat slowly or you’ll get choked later” he chuckles. After they finished their sushi, Krystal want a bowl of patbingsu. They’re feeding each other while talking about f(x) and EXO members until a few hours passed. That Japanese restaurant is about to close, Sehun paid the bill. They take a walk until they reach to Sehun’s car.  They laughed a lot.


“Kryssie-ahh, mianhae if I didn’t make our first date being memorable or whatsoever but really, I like it! Thanks to you” he pinches both of her cheeks.

“no, thank you for taking me out for a date. Our first date. No matter what we do, it’ll always be memorable for me”

“my girlfriend is so cute” he’s looking straight to her eyes when all she can do just smiles like a fool. Sehun focused on her y lips. He leans closer, Krystal cupped his face. He pressed his lips against hers gently. It was Sehun’s first kiss. It went softly and last longer than he expected. Krystal’s left arm holding his arm so tight while her right arm was busy caressing his cheek. She can feel that he was smiling between the kiss. He cupped her face, make her facing him. “I love you.” He smiles and caressing her cheek. Krystal just replied “I love you too” and her angelic smile appeared on her beautiful face.

“let’s go home, it’s late already.” He started the engine.

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Eririn #1
I wish you would update. I miss this story :(...
fairy_angel #2
Chapter 20: update soon...love this couple
sestalexo #3
Chapter 20: What is the secret of Sehun causing him not to tell Krystal .. is Sehun cheating to Krystal again ?! ... ohh please update soon I'm really curios about what is going to happen next !!;
Chapter 20: Soojung is too kind hearted in here... She's not curious at all! Damn..sehun is kinda jerk in here..no waayyy:'(

But I love it. Fighting author-nim.. Keep writing^^
helloimyna #5
Chapter 20: aigoo why did I curious even soojung didn't? lol xD keep update~~~~
Chapter 19: go sestALLLLLLLL! xD
helloimyna #7
Chapter 19: secret........again? huaaaaah -_- what's gonna happen next? :3 keep update!
Chapter 19: Sehun-ah.... Secret again -_- duh that boy... Anyway thanks for updating. Update soon~