
Meant to be with Me

Taemins POV continuation:

As I stand outside my dorm room I get looks from girls, I think they are questioning my gender no? I ignore them, and look at my hair maybe I should get a hair cut.... Nah I dont think so.

I turn around and go back inside to change my clothes, when I look at _______ she still hasn't moved from the spot I left her in.

Your kidding me right? I kick her clothes out of the way, she says nothing she's smart not to.

I open my suitcase and take out what I wanna wear, which is my black T-shirt, blue argyle shorts, and my grey Vans. I grab those and walk to change in the bathroom.

I take awhile because of my hair I dont know what to do with it ( i'm such a girl ). I walk out anyway grab my beanie hat from west 49 (seeing thats the only thing I can do about my hair I look y in a beanie hat ).

I start to leave and  notice _____ did not pick up anything instead shes playing Bejeweled on her Laptop.


Outside is hot and I don't have sunscreen so I can't do anything about it. I take a walk to the ice cream booth, maybe some ice cream will help cool me down.

HA! little do I know its the same fat guy I've seen through my window selling ice cream. Instead of buying any ice cream I sit on one of the stools infront of the counter . 

"Hey!' I look up to see some guy standing infront of me.

"...um can i help you?" I ask

" I was wondering if you would want to play basket ball with me, and my friends. We need extra players..."  I feel like I'm in grade three all over again.

" Whats your name?" I ask. 

" Onew ... and yours?" I cant help to chuckle.

He sticks out his hand for me to shake "Taemin ..I'll play".

Normally I wouldn't say yes but I had nothing to do, and I'm not buying ice cream from that man sweating all over everything.


Your Pov :

" Yes, I'm better than you are!" I just beat my moms high score on bejeweled ( shes one of my best friends ).

I get up to pick up the clothes from off the floor which I didn't touch just to get a complaint from Taemin.

I wasn't going to start it.

As I pick up my clothes I can't help but think about Taemin and his amazing body. I would say a whole bunch of other things, but lets not go there.


Sorry had writers block this chapter is boring. Sorry

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Chapter 46: Pls update!
Hi :) I just found this story today and I love it so much... please continue with your updates of this story, you have done a really great job with it so far and I have enjoyed it so much :DDD
Aw, man! This is hilarious! It's so different from the usual Taemin/OC fanfics. It's really a breath of fresh air from the way Taemin is usually portrayed too. Keep up the good work!
That insole comment was funny, though.

"Put insoles in your shoes." "....I'm already wearing insoles."

*snorts in laughter*
How can she be dense??
Key DEFINITELY has a crush on her!
Ooh~ so Jonghyun's going to act like ______'s boyfriend?

Well, ______ is right - Jimin or Ryu (you keep changing his name lol) should fix the following points if he wants his best friend to regain her pride after that lunch fiasco:

1. Jonghyun was there, and he wasn't introduced much to Key as her boyfriend properly.
2. Taemin is ______'s roommate, so he'd be all 'WTF' with the sudden change.
3. What if Key thinks he has no chance with her now if he sees Jonghyun as her boyfriend?
4. Couldn't they have pretended that Jonghyun really likes _____ and have him flirt with her to see if Key is jealous?

Man, this Ryu guy must like drama if he had thought of the 4th point. -____-
LeslyeAkira #6
Hi, I'm probably one of the most silently readers of all silent readers :B but since I'm so happy you updated, I'm commenting :B yaay!
Update again h.h! please :3
Update! Love this story, i hope she will end up with Key.