Kevin Kim

Meant to be with Me

Taemins POV:

After that awkward thing with the body spray, and Keys flipping out (which I found quite Hilarious). Leah, and her friends decided to leave. _________ and I left, and went back to our dorm since there was nothing left to do. _____________ Hopped onto her bed, and her laptop. She seemed really excited. I went to brush my teeth in the washroom. When I came out the girl was on her bed.

What the hell is she doing?

"Imagination moovers ~ you gotta think about it ! Imagination mooovers ~ You gotta talk about it ." Uhh.. yea.. DONT THINK SO! I plugged out her Lap top. She didnt look happy.. Oh well.

"You're such a child... you proberly never had a boyfriend." I went to my bed. "I dont have a boyfriend because I dont need one !" She yelled.

Pshaaawww yea right. "Or is it Cause you cant get one?" I turned to look at her and she stuck up her middle finger. DISRESPECT!

"In your dreams ~" I said.. she didnt reply. "And I had a boyfriend before you know~."

"Yea right ! what was his name then?" She put her hands on hips, and jumped off her bed. "If you must know.. His name was~.."

"Well? what was this "boyfriends" name?" She looked at me. "None of your buisness." I laughed.

"Its Because you never had one !" she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Yes I did." she said, she went to get some tissue. "No you didnt ~."

"Yessss I did!" I rolled my eyes. "If you had a boyfriend tell me a little about him." She sighed, and walked back to her bed carrying tissues.

"Wellll~ He was really nice.. And had really nice hair~.. And he .. He was a boy ~ .. and-"

"I already know hes a boy .. he was your boyfriend." She says the word "and" to much.

"Oh right ... Well .. he was really cool~, and had alot of friends, and is really smart~" I raised my eyebrow. "Seems like a really cool guy."

"He was a really cool guy." I laughed.. she said really to much too. "So whats this guys name?" She gave me a look.

"Again its none of your buisness." I sighed. "Its just a name .. you told me everything else about him."

"Fine if you must know.. his name was.. Kevin." I played with my hair. "And his last name?" If she says Woo im going to laugh in her face.

"Kim... yup thats it Kim !"

"You sure?" I ask  "YES im sure.."

"So who broke up with who?"

"Ummmm ... no one broke up with anyone.. mind you I was ten when we were dating..." I laughed.

"So how did this relationship end?"



Theres no way Im gonna tell him that Kevin was Invisible.. NO WAY NO HOW! I was ten,and lonely. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!

"He got hit by a car... But before that he liked this girl named Sarah.. I hate Sarah.." He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Seriously?" I nodded my really fast, and blew my noes out in the tissue.  "So How did he get hit by the car?" What do you mean how did he get hit by a car? "The car came and hit him... Thats how he got hit by the car."            

"No what I mean was, wasn't he like obeying traffic laws?" I sighed. "Kevin always liked to break the rules~, Like when he was supposed to be home at five one time he went home at 5:03... I like bad boys." I said. Taemin looked away from me, and covered his mouth.   

"O.M.G that boy seems soooo bad..."   He sounded sarcastic. I nodded again. "Yea he lived dangerously~." Taemin shoke his head.

"I cant believe your mother let you go out with him..." He said. "Did you call your mom yet?" He asked all of a sudden. I shoke my head no.

"You should .. shes proberly worried about you.." Maybe I should call her.. I missed her alot .. and I should tell her all the stupid ness I did. She'll like that xD

I took out my cell phone and dialed my home number, my brother answered. "Talk to me." I rolled my eyes.

"Is that how you answer a phone? what if it was mom's friend calling?"

"But its not .. its you .. what do want?" I sighed. "Whares mom?" I asked, Taemin came to sit beside me I gave him a look.


"Oh my gosh just give mommy the phone." He laughed, a few seconds later my mom came on the line. "Ello~?"

"Hi mom..." Taemin inched closer to me, and whispered in my ear to put the phone on speaker. I  gave him a look, and before I knew it he snatched the phone out my hand.

"Hello? is this _________'s mother?" What the hell is he doing? He clicked a buttun which must have been the speaker buttun cause I started to here my mom her fingers. That chocoholic I swear.

"Yes.. who is this?" I reached over to get my phone from him but he got up, and walked away. "Taemin.. uhh I was wondering ..Do you know a guy named Kevin Kim?" NOOOOO !!! DONT ASK MY MOM THAT QUESTION ARE YOU RETARDED?!

"Are you _______'s friend?" He chuckled a bit. "Umm sure lets go with that..." I walked over to him and tried to grab the phone from him, but he jumped on to his bed.

"Oh how are you Taemin?" Taemin jumped on his bed like a child holding my phone up. "Im fantastic and you?"

"Im great you know just eating chocolate,and stuff." Taemin was grinning and bouncing on his bed "Im bouncing on my bed."

you seriously conversing with my mother? SHES MY FRIEND NOT YOURS!!!

"So I was wondering..about that Kevin Kim guy..." My mom laughed, the sighed. Mom if you loved me you wouldnt say ANYTHING~

"That boy.. who wasnt really a boy ..she spent all her time with in her room having tea parties with him, then one day she came to me saying Kevin Kim got hit by a car, she was crying so hard." Taemin stopped bouncing and looked at me, with a sad look on his face.

"She kept saying "Mom hes gotten hit by a car, they took him away in a stretcher hes gone all gone~ Kevin Kim is gone ~" and I just rubbed her back tellin her it was okay.. and that I understood, but I didnt understand because my boyfriend didnt die on me, nor was he invisible." Taemins face went from "Oh my god thats so sad." to "OH MY GAWD!"  -.-'

Thanks alot mom ! Taemin threw my phone at me,I caught it, and he ran into the washroom laughing like crazy.

"Mom?" She smacked her lips. "Yes honey?"

"Why did you tell him that?"

"Isnt he your friend? shoudlnt your friends know about your past relationships?"

"NOOOO thats no my friend hes so .. Argh to be my friend." My mom did a ahhh~

"Sorry honey ~ so sorry ~." I sighed heavily. "I gotta go mom." I hung up on her and didnt say I love you. Taemin came out the washroom laughing still."Ohhh~ my God.. I have to tell Key this." He said walking back to his bed. "YOU WOULDN'T DARE!"

He snickered. "Oh you better believe I would.. then I'm gonna tell Onew, then your friend Ryu, and maybe even Leah.." I yelled. "PLEASE DONT!!!" I got down on my feet and begged.

"DONT DO IT PLEASE!" He started laughing. "Oh God ________... thats just disapointing..."

"Please dont tell anyone please !!!" He sighed. "Fine I wont tell...On one condition." 

"Whats that?" I ask getting up from the ground. "You do my laundry for the whole time we're sharing this room, and you clean the washroom."

I glared at him. "Im not doing that!" He laughed. "Yes you are.. unless you want Key to know about Kevin Kim." -.-"

"Aish.. this is so childish... fine~." He smiled. "Good." He went to his bed, and I turned off the lights. I went to my bed and got snug under the blankets. It was all silent then Taemin started to laugh quietly to himself.

"What are you laughing at Taemin?"

"Mom hes gotten hit by a car, they took him away in a stretcher hes gone all gone~ Kevin Kim is gone  ~"

"Shut the up Taemin and go to sleep !"

"Okay ~ Night ______."

"Good Night Taemin." It went silent again, and i was happy. "Night Kevin Kim ~" Oh God..


Okay Theres My update y I know ~ But I updated ~ so yea ^^ xD hope you Enjoyed


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Chapter 46: Pls update!
Hi :) I just found this story today and I love it so much... please continue with your updates of this story, you have done a really great job with it so far and I have enjoyed it so much :DDD
Aw, man! This is hilarious! It's so different from the usual Taemin/OC fanfics. It's really a breath of fresh air from the way Taemin is usually portrayed too. Keep up the good work!
That insole comment was funny, though.

"Put insoles in your shoes." "....I'm already wearing insoles."

*snorts in laughter*
How can she be dense??
Key DEFINITELY has a crush on her!
Ooh~ so Jonghyun's going to act like ______'s boyfriend?

Well, ______ is right - Jimin or Ryu (you keep changing his name lol) should fix the following points if he wants his best friend to regain her pride after that lunch fiasco:

1. Jonghyun was there, and he wasn't introduced much to Key as her boyfriend properly.
2. Taemin is ______'s roommate, so he'd be all 'WTF' with the sudden change.
3. What if Key thinks he has no chance with her now if he sees Jonghyun as her boyfriend?
4. Couldn't they have pretended that Jonghyun really likes _____ and have him flirt with her to see if Key is jealous?

Man, this Ryu guy must like drama if he had thought of the 4th point. -____-
LeslyeAkira #6
Hi, I'm probably one of the most silently readers of all silent readers :B but since I'm so happy you updated, I'm commenting :B yaay!
Update again h.h! please :3
Update! Love this story, i hope she will end up with Key.