My Hello Kitty Pillow!

Meant to be with Me

Your POV:

I roll onto my stomach as I think about what happened about 30 minutes ago in the Cafeteria.

Usually I would have gotten over it by now but you see I didn't eat a thing and the only food source on campus is the Cafeteria, and the mini Corner Store in the lobby of the school.

My mind goes back to cafeteria and... you know.

I sigh and turn again this time on my right, I'm now facing Taemin's sleeping figure he looked like an angel.

I just wanna go over there and touch his face, it was so smooth looking no pimples or anything it's amazing how such an can look so pretty.

I wonder what his mom thinks of him probably 'Oh he is such a handsome smart boy, Oh i love my son Taemin, I make him cookies every day.'......

Speaking of cookies...

Awww man I'm so freaking hungry it's not even funny.

Taemin's hair is starting to look like licorice for some reason, the smell of the room isn't helping but then again I'm starting to get sick of bacon, the smell is now sickining.

I look over at the clock and it's like 9:12 am.

I go into my bag to take my laptop out, but my Hello Kitty pillow was in the way.

I throw that on to my bed and take out my computer, and log into Facebook.

As soon as I'm on for 3 minutes my mother attacks me with all these questions:

' Who is this new friend of yours?'

' Does he have a father?.....That is single?'

I'm not responding to her.

She's starting to be a creeper.

I wonder what Taemin would say if he saw all these questions....

Ha! Probably.... I don't know... I guess I would have to get to know him more.

Speaking of getting to know him more... I wonder what he'll think when I tell him I said he was my brother.

My eyes rest on him for a second, but as if I said his name he wakes up like he had been electrically charged.

Instantly I jump back.

He blinks at me for a multiple times, then says " Have you met Pikachu?"

...... No but I met Charazard.

What the fudge?

I thought he would have been back to normal by now.

He kicked his legs over and began to walk around the giant space we had in our room.

He began to pick up objects while skipping.

How does someone act as chipper when they had just woken up?

He then began to sing -

" The other day I met a bear, a great big bear, Oh way out there."

.... Okay I don't swear all the time but What the ?

I don't even know this song....


He then dropped to the floor, and rolled around flailing his arms around.

" My Milk Shake brings all the boys to the yard and there like It's better than yours, Damn right its better than yours I can teach you but I have to charge~"

I'm getting worried.

I swung my legs over to get the tissue box.

I began to walk across the room, when my feet were grabbed by Taemins cold hands.


What the hell?

" Taemin let go of me."

His face slowly looks up at me.


He still hasn't let go of my legs. 

" Taemin I'll hit you if you don't."

His face turned into a pout.

" Your mean!"

He rolled away while ' Whoooo-ing'.

I threw my Hello Kitty pillow at him, to shut him up.

It hit him in the head, and he stopped dead in his tracks.

He turned around, sat up and picked up the pillow.

His face broke out into a smile which I thought made him look cute.

" Heeey~ y my names Taemin."

Whoa! his voice went from childish to Seductive.


He got up, and walked to his bed with the pillow.

My eyes followed him I felt my face from the inside and what I was feeling was shock.

He placed The pillow onto the bed and climbed on himself.

He looked at the pillow intensely and said " Hey y are you a Lion because I can be Tae-min~ you all night."

I choked on that last sentence.

Creepy ~

He caressed the furry outline of the pillow. 

This is really disturbing. 

He then broke away from my pillow to look at me.

" Excuse me but I would like some privacy with my girlfriend."


My pillow is his girlfriend? 

My eyes wouldn't break away....they couldn't break away.

I stared blankly at him still.

He looked back then said " Yah! I said LOOK AWAY~.... Gosh!"

He enunciated the away.

I turned to go get the tissue box when I over hear him sing.

" Hey now here she comes, she wants some of my lollipop~ She touchin up my body makes me wanna rock~"

I froze dead in my tracks.

Lollipop 2?!

Nuh Uh, my pillow knows better than to be serenaded by a stupid song especially one sang by G-dragon.

I turned around and grabbed my pillow from Taemin.

His face went from ' Happy' to ' Grrrr'  in a split second.

He glared at me, and I glared back for a few seconds and turned around to put away my pillow.

While I crossed the short distance between our beds I herd Taemin sing -

"And I was like baby baby baby noooo~ baby baby-"


I wouldn't have normally said that but I was really annoyed.

He shut up... At least it took my mind off my hunger... but now it was back and I had a craving for Lollipops and a Milk Shake.

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Chapter 46: Pls update!
Hi :) I just found this story today and I love it so much... please continue with your updates of this story, you have done a really great job with it so far and I have enjoyed it so much :DDD
Aw, man! This is hilarious! It's so different from the usual Taemin/OC fanfics. It's really a breath of fresh air from the way Taemin is usually portrayed too. Keep up the good work!
That insole comment was funny, though.

"Put insoles in your shoes." "....I'm already wearing insoles."

*snorts in laughter*
How can she be dense??
Key DEFINITELY has a crush on her!
Ooh~ so Jonghyun's going to act like ______'s boyfriend?

Well, ______ is right - Jimin or Ryu (you keep changing his name lol) should fix the following points if he wants his best friend to regain her pride after that lunch fiasco:

1. Jonghyun was there, and he wasn't introduced much to Key as her boyfriend properly.
2. Taemin is ______'s roommate, so he'd be all 'WTF' with the sudden change.
3. What if Key thinks he has no chance with her now if he sees Jonghyun as her boyfriend?
4. Couldn't they have pretended that Jonghyun really likes _____ and have him flirt with her to see if Key is jealous?

Man, this Ryu guy must like drama if he had thought of the 4th point. -____-
LeslyeAkira #6
Hi, I'm probably one of the most silently readers of all silent readers :B but since I'm so happy you updated, I'm commenting :B yaay!
Update again h.h! please :3
Update! Love this story, i hope she will end up with Key.