
Everything But Normal



"So when does this thing start?" Su asked impatiently.

About an hour ago everyone who was participating in the competition had been called to the battle grounds. The spectators had arrived twenty minutes ago. Both the competitors and spectators were getting impatient.

"It doesn't usually take this long," Yunho looked around. He couldn't see any of the judges from the previous rooms.

"We should have started ten minutes ago," Jae added. "Usually they call us in to prep and stuff. Then ten minutes after the audience arrives the competition starts."

"Well not today," Micky replied.

"Maybe they got stuck somewhere," Steph guessed.

Everyone looked at her. "What," she smirked. "It could happen."

Micky and Su both tried to hide their grins while Jae, Min and Yunho just shook their heads.

"Probably got stuck in a portal," she muttered.

Just then Zeus, Hades and Poseidon appeared.

"Sorry for the delay" Poseidon apologized.

"We had some things to take care of," Hades added.

"This competition happens every year," Zeus began to speak.

"Everyone knows the rules," Poseidon talked next. "If this is your first year here or participating, before the matches begin you will know everything you need to know."

"Your opponents have been chosen," Hades looked at everyone.

Zeus spoke next. "The arena has been chosen as well. As everyone knows there will be a shield placed during each match in order to protect the audience from any attacks. Everything goes. The only rule is that you can't kill your opponent."

"It wouldn't do to return you to your parents in a body bag," Poseidon joked.

Kim Bum's lips twitched. That wasn't funny. Luna was barely paying attention to the three gods. Her attention was on Steph. She wanted to fight her. Put her wind against hers. Sungmin looked at Su but his attention kept on reverting to Aphrodite who had appeared sitting down on one of the stands closest to the arena. Next to her was Athena and Ares.

So they'll be watching this, he thought as he looked at Su again.

"...has anyone decided to drop out?" Zeus asked around. Looking at all of them in turn. "No one. Fine."

"Does anyone wish to participate?" Hades asked the crowd. No one stepped up.

"Then let's begin," Poseidon smiled at everyone. "First up is Junsu vs. Theo."

"Whose that?" Su looked around.

"Me," a guy twice the size of Su stepped up.

Micky and Steph both whistled as they looked at him up and down then back again.

"Good luck," Steph wished her brother with a hug.

You won't need it, Su and Steph grinned at each other.

Both boys went up the steps and into the arena. The second they stepped in there the surroundings changed. They were in a forest. A cliff was to the east with a waterfall flowing down. To the south is seemed like the forest turned into a wasteland. In the north there was a pit of fire while in the west was an endless river or ocean.

"Wow," Su stared awestruck.

"Amazed?" Theo asked from far away. Su nodded. Theo grinned. "All let you in on a little secret."

Su looked at him intently. "What?" he asked curious.

"Don't cry when you lose," he shouted. "First timers never win."

Su smirked. "I hope you don't cry when you lose to a first timer."

Theo lost his grin. Then fire seemed to emit from his pores.

"," Su's eyes opened wide. "Fire."

"Let's get started," Theo's grin was back.

"What'd you tell Su before he went in there?" Micky asked Steph. She didn't look particularly worried about Su.

"That he'll win," She grinned.

"But he uses fire," Yunho looked skeptical.

Su controlled vines and trees, in general plants of the earth. The only way he could win was if during the fight he stayed where the forest was. He was a goner if Theo got him to the fire pit.

"Just watch and see Su win," Steph told him. All her attention was now on the battle.

She's delusional. Luna thought. No way will her brother beat that guy.

"I was looking forward to battling him," Sungmin sighed. "Guess I'll have to do with one of the others."

"Yeah, I guess you will," Luna pat him on the shoulder.


Back in the arena Su was hiding behind a tree. Theo was hitting each tree with fire. His fire was so strong that the trees were catching fire.

"This is not good," Su looked at the trees in horror. "I can't let him turn this forest ablaze."

Using his power he shot his vines at Theo. He used his fire to protect himself.

"That all you got," he taunted.

"Not by a long shot," Su grinned. His vines were underneath his target. With a flick of his fingers the vines shot out of the ground and wrapped themselves around Theo's feet. Caught off guard his next attack went flying in the opposite direction.

"Damn," he cursed.

The vines were wrapping him tightly. Traveling up his body. With his left hand he shot fire at the vines and they shriveled up turning into ash. He got up and began throwing fire everywhere in order to drive Su out of the forest. Su could tell that if he stayed there any longer the fumes would get to him. That and Theo would destroy the whole forest. Thinking strategically Su made a run for the waterfall. Then thought better of it and headed for the river. He might be able to turn the water to his advantage. Su might not be Micky but the river could be a better advantage to him than the other places.

Theo watched as Su headed for the water. In a last effort to stop him from continuing the path he shot multiple fire balls that way.

Before Su could exit the forest to the river an emblem of fire surrounded his exit. He turned to the right and ran. Theo grinned since Su was headed for the fire pit.

"Su not that way," Yunho yelled as his boyfriend headed for the pit.

"Damn," Min cursed. "Bad mistake."

"Don't worry guys," Steph assured them. "Su will win."

Luna scoffed. "Your either stupid or delusional. Probably both." Steph turned to look at her. "Your brother lost the moment he was placed as Theo's opponent. Now he'll surely lose at the fire pit."

Steph gave her a cold smile. "i guess we'll see." she turned back to the arena ignoring everyone's stares. Especially Luna who was glaring daggers at her.

She has so much faith in him, Kim Bum thought. His gaze traveled from her face all the way to Su's body in the arena. He couldn't see how Su could win now that Theo had him cornered from both sides.

"Your trapped," Theo smirked.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," Su rolled his eyes. Damn why did I come this way.

"i told you first timers never win," Theo attacked.

Su dogged but the fire managed to graze his hand a little. "Damn it that burns!" he shouted.

Theo grinned. "Don't worry. I won't scar that pretty face. Much."

"Whatever," Su panted. "I'm not done yet."

"Actually you are." he disagreed. "This is over." The fire in the pit behind Su grew in size. Theo materialized fire through his hands making it big. In a matter of second both his fire and that of the pit came together with Su between them.

Everyone gasped. Steph's eyes opened up wide.

"Su!" she screamed both aloud and in his head.

"I win." Theo grinned.

There was smoke coming out of where Su had been standing. It was surrounding the air around. The flames began to die down as Theo began to turn away.

"I told you not to underestimate me," Su appeared with minimal burns on his arms, legs and chest. One of the sleeves of his shoulders came away in ash.

There was ash all around him actually. Su had protected himself with vines he had called while Theo was busy making his fire grow in size.

"My vines reach everywhere," Su stared at him. "Your the one who's done."

Snapping his fingers Theo was surrounded. He shot fire but more vines kept on appearing. Each stronger than the last. they kept on coming until he was surrounded. His legs were tied as well as his hands and arms. He was covered in a cocoon in less than a minute.

"The winner is Su," Zeus called in his loud voice.

Steph sighed in relief. Then she cheered. Yunho was finally able to take a deep breath. His heart seemed to stop beating when Su was covered in the ball of fire. He was glad that his boyfriend was alright and not seriously hurt.

Su came bouncy out of the arena. He jumped on Steph and hugged her. Both of them fell to the ground since Steph legs were still shaky from worrying about her brother.

"You were right," he shouted happily. "I won!"
"I know," she hugged him back tight.

"Steph..can't breathe," Su tried pulling away.

"I almost had a heart attack, you moron," she didn't let go.

"But why?" Su chuckled. "Your the one who  told me I'd win."

"That was before you were swallowed by the fire," she said, finally letting go.

Su grinned wide. "But I won, didn't I."

"You did," Yunho wrapped him in a hug. "Not you too," Su giggled.

"Su?" a lady beckoned him.

"Um, yeah?" he looked at her.

"You need to get treated," Min explained.

"Oh," Yunho let go of Su. "Can you heal me here so I can see the match."

"There's always a fifteen minute interval after each match," the lady said. "Now come." she began to walk away without turning to see if Su followed.

With a sigh he began to walk towards her. "I'll go with you," Yunho held Su's hand as they both left.

"Cute," Micky smiled.

"I wonder who's next?" A second after Steph asked they announced it.


The two matches following Su's contained only fighting men. They didn't last long and in the third match both contestants ended up losing since they knocked each other out. It brought a good laugh but it kind of ruined the next matches since there would be an odd number of players. Or not, depending on how many people were actually competing. Kim Bum was in the fourth match. He won his first match against a girl who could actually freeze things by combining her air and water abilities. Alone they were kind of weak but together they were quite strong. However, no matter how strong she was, Kim Bum was smarter. He didn't just rely on his power. He used the arena to his advantage. Following him Luna, Steph, Micky, Sungmin, Changmin, and Yunho defeated their opponents. Currently Jae was in the arena fighting against a boy named Sam.

"Is that all you've got?" Jae taunted.

"Not a chance," the boy retaliated by sending a whirlpool Jae's way.

Jae smirked. "Your kind of strong. But not so bright." He shot lighting which hit the whirlpool that was near Sam. Drenched in water the lightning did more damage to the boy than it would alone. He smiled at the unconscious boy. "I won. Maybe next time it'll be you."

He walked away from his opponent. This made it around four times that he'd beat Sam in the arena battles. The boy was just unlucky to keep getting Jae as an opponent. That and he never learned from past mistakes.

"Jae's to cocky," Micky smirked as the boy, Sam, got up from the ground. "But that changes when he's with me." he smiled.

"Ew, gross," Su and Steph both shivered.

"Not what i meant," he shook his head at his dirty minded friends.

"Suurree, you didn't," Su rolled his eyes. Steph and him went back to looking at the match.

Jae was covered in water. Sam had taken advantage of the fact that Jae had believed that he'd defeated him.

"Next time make sure I'm really defeated," Sam glared at his rival. He had Jae wrapped in water by using his left hand. With his right one he concentrated on getting more water from the river. He was making sure that the water would be strong enough to knock Jae out when he felt a jolt. He turned to see that Jae was using his lightning ability. Not only hitting Sam but getting himself as well. Jae wasn't stopping. Even if it hurt to get electrified he kept at it. With one last breath he shot a strong bolt of lightning at Sam and knocked him out. The water dissipated and he walked to Sam. He looked at him.

"Better luck next time," he raised his left hand and a ball of lightning appeared. In one fell swoop Sam was trashing in pain. "This time I did win."

"Give it up for the winner. Jae son of Zeus." There was a loud roar of applause and shouts from the audience.

Micky being impatient jumped into the arena. He wrapped Jae in a hug and kissed him for all to see. When they separated Jae had a slight blush on his face that was getting brighter as people began to comment on the displayed show of affection. When they returned to the group the same lady who had taken everyone else showed up to take Jae with her. She gave a sigh of relief when he complied, unlike most of the others who just wanted to stay whether they were healed or not.

A few moments later the next match was announced. Everyone looked at each other at the names called.

"In a few minutes we will see an epic battle between Micky Yoochun son of Poseidon and Yunho son of Hades. You don't want to miss this folks." the announce spoke.

"This will be interesting," Steph smirked.

"Your gonna win, right Yunho," Su stared at him cutely.

Yunho was lost in the look before he snapped out of it and nodded.

"That's where your wrong," Micky came back with a healed Jae. "I'm going to win."

"We'll see about that," Yunho cracked his knuckles.

Micky laughed as well as everyone else.

"I guess well see," Micky and Yunho looked at each other.



Hey guys!! So here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Tell me what you thought. If you want you can even make guesses as to who will win and what could happen during the who will fight against who and stuff like that. Well until the next update. Later. ^~^

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 30: love it so awesome
Chapter 30: wow that was really great story and i never stopped reading it till its finished heheheh anad now i am truly dead to my own subbies for not being able to do my own updates hays but still its nice reading this fic of yours
Chapter 26: oh my god junsu ottoke that was a little stupid going there alone ____ he is outnumbered ottoke
Chapter 23: ahhh your story is really so nice love love it hehehe its going to my labels in fave which are my my fave fics are
Chapter 5: wahh i am loving this and goodness i am hooked
@musafine: thank u for the compliment <(^O^)>
musafine #7
U r a great writter and I enjoyed it all the way, keep writting more jeachun stories
Thanks everyone...your comments are awesome and i'm glad your enjoying the story ^O^