
Body Parts | Drabble Series

Body Part - Eyes

Infinite - Sunggyu


The room was silent with the exception of the soft snores from the two lumps on the bed smothered in blankets, soft sunlight filtered into the room through the cracks of the partially shut curtains and the ticking clock on the bedside table showed that it was late morning.

You yawned tiredly as you finally drifted back into consciousness, stretching out and wincing slightly as numerous joints clicked however you smiled slightly when you heard a soft grunt from beside you, your hand having almost smacked the person in the face from your morning stretch.

Ever so slowly you opened your eyes, allowing them to get used to the light in the bedroom, blinking blearily around the room before turning your head to the lump next to you, Sunggyu’s peacefully sleeping face greeting you; a tuft of his hair sticking up whilst the rest laid flat against his forehead causing you to giggle softly as you turned your body to face his.

You adored mornings when you could wake up to him, most of the time he was gone before you woke up or he simply slept at the dorms, nevertheless you took the opportunity to admire his complexion; he always found it slightly disturbing when you stared at him which is why you took the opportunity to when he was fast asleep, not that you were weird or anything, you were just admiring him.

Your eyes ran up and down his face continuously; admiring his thin eyelashes, the cuteness of his nose, the structure of his jaw, the smoothness of his cheeks, the way his eyes-

“Would you stop staring at me?”

You let out a scream as he suddenly spoke, jerking back and blushing slightly at having been caught staring, too busy admiring him to notice that he was awake. “Why aren’t your eyes open?” you asked after having calmed your racing heartbeat.

His eyes flew open wide. “They were open!” You snorted and let out a shriek of laughter, burying your face into your pillow to help smother your laughter yet that didn’t stop your body from shaking as your laughter shook your entire form; Sunggyu always got a tiny bit sensitive whenever you poked fun at his eyes which is why he promptly flipped you onto your back and straddled you.

“Yah, it’s not funny!” He protested, trying to quiet down your laughter but failing so instead settled for staring at you with his piercing gaze as you eventually calmed down and noticed Sunggyu on top of you. “Are you going back to sleep Gyu?”

His body tensed above yours as you immediately burst into laughter again, tears beginning to form and your stomach beginning to hurt from how much you were laughing. “Yah, YAH!” Sunggyu shouted, grabbing a hold of your wrists to pin you down but you were still laughing and ignored his apparent annoyance.

You abruptly stopped and coughed slightly as a pillow was smacked into your face, pushing it off you noticed Sunggyu storming out of the room and you started laughing again. “Make sure to keep your eyes open and watch where you’re going!”




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