
Body Parts | Drabble Series

Body Part - Ear

2PM - Taecyeon


“You look really pretty today Jagi,” Taecyeon whispered into your ear. You smiled sweetly at him before turning back to the professor at the front of the room, once again paying attention to the lecture he was giving, occasionally taking notes as he continued to drone on and on. The clock ticking at the front of the room showing that you had been in here for over an hour with another hour and a half to go.

“I really like you in that dress,” Taecyeon whispered once again into your ear, having lost interest in the lecture ages ago and not even caring about the students sitting around the two of you. “You should wear it more often.”

You huffed and turned to him to ask him to shut the hell up and to pay attention but he quickly pressed his lips against yours. “Oppa!” you hissed at him as you blushed and quickly glanced around to make sure that no one had seen your action. “Cut it out.”

You once again went back to paying attention to the professor at the front and another half an hour past before Taecyeon prodded you in the arm, causing you to flinch slightly yet you ignored him as you jotted down more notes, continually ignoring him as he continued to poke you.

He stopped, only to place a hand on your knee and you jerked your leg in an attempt to shake his hand off but it was firm and you sighed and simply left it there. You didn’t notice it at first but your attention was eventually drawn down to his hand again that was ever so slowly making its way up your leg.

Your jaw dropped open at his actions, disbelief that he would try something like this in public; he was an idol for goodness sake, not to mention that anyone could see and create a scandal! He quickly leant towards you again and lightly nipped at your ear, down the shell before quickly drawing back at your shocked squeak that echoed around the room, everyone’s eyes suddenly on you, the professor stopping to glance at you over his glasses.

“Is everything alright Miss ________?” You blushed bright red and coughed but before you could say anything Taecyeon spoke for you. “Actually sir, ________ isn’t feeling well, may I take her to the nurse’s office?”

The professor sighed but nodded and turned back to the blackboard to carry on with the lecture, Taecyeon quickly pulling you and both your things up and out of the room before you could protest. Instead of leading you to the nurse’s office however he pulled you into a small store room, locking the door and pining you against the wall.

“Taecyeon what the hell do you think you’re-“your words were quickly muffled by his hungry lips, his hands moving up your thighs and pulling up your dress with it. You groaned in annoyance yet wrapped your own arms around his shoulders as you matched his appetite.

One of things he loved about making love with you, even if the location wasn’t very romantic, was the soft yet toe-curling way you moaned his name into his ear, this time being no exception as you spent the rest of the lecture in the company of one another in the store room.     



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