"You're Not Spiderman,"

Hey There, Brace Face!

Good afternoon campers, I am your guide Lee Hawon!” A rather large woman barked through the megaphone she had pressed to her lips. Though it was on full blast, it was as if no one heard what she was hearing. Maybe that megaphone was damaging her own ears. She held the pile of papers in her hand out to Saron who started passing it around, “If you look at the paper that this young lady is handing out, you will find a map of the camp grounds. On the back, you will find a list of names and numbers,”

Nudging Soonyoung's arm, Jihoon snickered under his breath and ran a finger down the long list of names, “It seems more like a hit list if you ask me,”

Hawon explained the rules of the game fairly quickly, but simple enough for even the hard of hearing to understand. Well, moreso hear and figure out on their own because when she was done, she went straight to her cabin to do who knows what she was going to do. Jihoon scratched the back of his head, eyebrows furrowing together at the paper once more. He now regretted not paying attention to what Hawon was saying earlier.

To help his confused friend, Soonyoung pointed to the map, “So this is the camp ground, right? Well on the camp ground are flags that are scattered around. Each flag has a specific number on it that matches with the number next to a person's name on the list. Every person has ten flags. If someone finds one of your flags, then you lose one point. If you find someone else's flag, you gain one point and decrease their flag count by one. Find your own and you get two points,”

There are also special flags. These flags can either help you or it can hurt you. There are rewards flags, extra points flags, mission flags, and penalty flags. Do whatever it says on the flag, no matter what,” Choyoung finished it up for Soonyoung, “In the end, the person with the most points wins,”

With his mouth slightly open, Jihoon slowly nodded trying to picture himself playing the game. The only thing he could envision was him getting chased down by a wild forest boar when he was trying to get a flag from an open field or something. The three figured that Jihoon would get it eventually, and decided to separate into teams. Like always, it was Soonyoung with Choyoung, and Jihoon with Bee. There were no more complaints heard from Jihoon since he had grown used to being paired up with Bee. They all agreed to try to find each other's flags and a few minutes before the game ended, they would swap flags and earn the most points.

Once they split up, Soonyoung immediately headed to where the forest trail started. He knew from previous drama watching experience that they always put the most flags in the forest. Besides, it's not like they would be putting flags in the pool room. It wouldn't make sense to. At least, it didn't in his books. Choyoung caught up with him, looking around at the moss covered trees towering around them. Her eyes were drawn upwards but Soonyoung pushed her head down, “Do you think Ranger Lee would actually take the effort to climb up a four hundred foot tall tree to put a flag there?”

You have a point,” Choyoung swatted his hand away, and picking at the stray strands of her now messed up fringe, “So where do you want us to look, Einstein?”

Hold up, I'm thinking!” he put a finger to her lips as he clutched his forehead as if he were deep in thought. For added effect, he closed his eyes too. His mind went blank, all he could think of was near a rock or tied onto a low branch, but that could have been anywhere. He opened one eye, “So is my acting any good?”

Choyoung rolled her eyes and started walking again with Soonyoung following. She adjusted the straps of her small brown backpack as she grinned, “Maybe Director-ssi was right in making you the understudy,”

I am a great actor, excuse you” Soonyoung reached over and fluffed her fringe on purpose to annoy her. Her nose wrinkled as she frowned and held her palm against her fringe. Sticking her tongue out at him, she smoothed her fringe once more, “I know you are, but I don't think Beat would have suited you,”

When Soonyoung stuck out his bottom lip into his famous puppy pout, she reached up and pinched his cheeks, “What I meant was, you're way too cute and soft to be Beast. I don't think I can imagine you being mad without bursting into laughter,”

Yeah, but I'm still not acting in the play,” he shrugged and pulled her closer as he draped an arm over her shoulder. They slowly walked along the pebble covered trail for a while, listening onto to the sounds of twigs snapping under their shoes and the various animals calling from within the forest. A light pink butterfly slipped between their heads. Soonyoung's eyes followed the butterfly until it landed on Choyoung's open hand, “Oh by the way, what did you think about my presents?”

Lifting her hand up so that Soonyoung could look at the delicate insect, she pointed out the accessory on her wrist. Soonyoung's smile brightened up his face when he saw that she was wearing the heart rate watch, “Oh, you're wearing it too!” He rolled up his blue sweater sleeve up to his elbow before flashing the matching watch to show that he wore it too. The screens displayed that both their heart rates were at a stable 72 beats per minute.

I loved it, really!” Choyoung shook her hand so the butterfly would fly away. Soonyoung watched her wipe her hands on her pants as she wrinkled her nose cutely, “But your messages were so cringe enticing,”

What can I say?” he clicked his tongue, “I learned from the best,”

Alright, we better start looking for flags otherwise we'll have negative points,” Choyoung started walking again, this time dragging Soonyoung behind her by the wrist. Of course, he had no objections to this. They continued to walk down the trail until Soonyoung decided to take the lead and move into the woods to look at trees. Maybe the looking up idea Choyoung was doing earlier wasn't so bad. They walked for about another ten minutes before he spotted a bright blue flag tied to a branch. Pointing at it, he excitedly jumped up and down, “Choyoung look, there's one!”

Yeah, but how are we going to get it down?” she asked, unintentionally killing his joy. Looking at the list on the back of the paper, she found out that the flag belonged to Jihoon, “We should get that down though. That's Jihoon's flag,”

Soonyoung started jumping up and down once more, “I got it! I can climb the tree!”

Are you sure? I don't want to go back to the cabins carrying you,” Choyoung bit her lip, concerned that the older boy was going to injure himself yet again. Then again, the branch wasn't so high. There was a flat topped rock underneath and if she helped hoist Soonyoung up while standing on it, they could get Jihoon's flag. Soonyoung assured her that he wouldn't do anything stupid and if he really couldn't reach it then he would come back down before anything bad happened.

Soonyoung stepped on Choyoung's knee and quickly pulled his chin up above the branch. He had to give their gym teacher credit for making them do pull-ups. Choyoung helped him swing his legs over, yelling at him every once in a while for almost whacking her head. He was hanging upside down on the branch. Choyoung watched him awkwardly inch his way across to the flag and pull it from the twig it was tied to before inching his way back down.

Lowering his head, Soonyoung looked at Choyoung at an upside-down angle and smiled, “Spiderman kiss!”

Choyoung rolled her eyes at his request. There was no way she was going to do the big-screen kiss. She didn't even like Spiderman anyway. Turning her head away, she crossed her arms and bluntly answered, “No, you're not Spiderman,”

Please? It's not everyday you get to Spiderman kiss with me!” Soonyoung childishly begged for their own remake of one of the most romantic Hollywood kissing scenes. In fact, other than Iron Man, Spiderman was his next favorite superhero. Radioactive spider powers so pretty legit in his books. Finally, to his excitement, Choyoung gave in, “Alright, you win. Close your eyes,”

A wide grin creeped onto Soonyoung's face as he did as she instructed. Choyoung fanned herself with her hands, trying to calm herself down. Even though she had kissed Soonyoung many times, she couldn't help but feel that every time she did, it was going to be her first time kissing him. Taking the sides of his face in her hands, she pressed her lips onto his. It was weird not being held in his arms like he usually did. As he was upside down, the blood quickly rushed to his head, making him feel light-headed than he ever had been before. The two heard a beep but thought that they were just hearing things.

They held the kiss for another few seconds before something beeped again. Then another, and finally, another. The beeping noise started to increase in speed the longer they held it. Slowly pulling his head away, Soonyoung came back down, wobbling a bit as he tried to adjust to normal walking once more. Choyoung leaned against the tree dabbing her forehead with the blue flag he had retrieved. He waddled over to where she was and stood in front of her, with an arm resting above her head so that he was looking down at her like they did when they had their first kiss in the garden.

Would you look at that? You went from 72BPM to 102BPM in less than five minutes,” Soonyoung smirked as he took her wrist in his hand to look at her heart rate watch. A blush made it's way on her face when she realized that there was no getting away with hiding her feelings any longer. Standing on the tips of her toes, she was able to quickly peck him on the side of his mouth and immediately turned around to look at his watch screen. She grinned triumphantly when she read out his numbers, “72BPM to 104BPM. I win,”

I'll get you next time,” Soonyoung pinched her cheek, before pulling away and stuffing the flag in his backpack pocket, “So where do you think we should go next?”

The two turned around when they heard quick paced footsteps coming in their direction. From what they could make out, there were about two people. In the distance were two hooded figures headed towards them with papers in their hands. They were waving their hands over their heads as they got closer. Squinting, Soonyoung was just about ready to sprint off in the other direction when he recognized who it was. Choyoung pointed the two out to him and waved back, “Oh look, it's the Lee siblings,”

Saron and Chan both skidded into a stop in front of the two, bending over to catch their breath. Saron leaned against Chan's back, fanning herself with the camp grounds map. Chan on the other hand was caught up in a coughing fit. The older sibling smiled weakly at the two, little beads of sweat running down the sides of her face, “Hey guys, what's up?”

Soonyoung and Choyoung exchanged confused glances, wondering why the two looked like they had been running a marathon. Chan knelt down onto the floor with his sister rubbing his back, trying to slow down his breathing. Soonyoung cleared his throat, “Um, nothing much. We were just looking for flags. We haven't had any luck though,”

Neither do we,” Chan looked up at the older boy through the clumped up strands of his bangs, “But you won't have to look any further. There's one heading towards us in about a few seconds,”

Choyoung raised an eyebrow at Saron who got up to explain to them. Chan grabbed at his sister's wrist but ended up falling onto the floor onto his back. He continued to lie there, chest heaving as his fingers pulled at the blades of grass at the small patch to the side of the road. Saron snatched her water bottle from her backpack pocket and took a big gulp and swallowed, “We were following your friends right? Jihoon and that other girl, the loud one. We must have walked into a field and didn't notice because next thing you know, the girl's carrying Jihoon bridal style and running towards the woods with two dirty pigs chasing them,”

Huge, dirty wild pigs!” Chan lifted his head up from his spot on the ground, opening his arms wide to emphasize that the attackers were huge. From what he could remember, they were like half his height and there was an entire pack of them. They must have been sleeping but woke up when Bee started to yell at Jihoon about getting them lost. Soonyoung slapped his palm to his forehead, “Lee Jihoon, can you get any more stupid?”

So why were you guys running?” Choyoung's voice sounded a bit worried. Getting up, Chan dusted himself off and slipped his neon orange backpack back on his shoulders. Only then did Soonyoung and Choyoung notice that they were wearing different colored accessories. Chan's watch, bag, shoes and shirt were all a bright orange while Saron sported a neon turquoise. Once she pinned her fringe up, Saron answered, “One of the bigger pigs saw us and started running after us too!”

Suddenly piercing shrill rang through the trees, making Chan yelp and hide behind Choyoung. Seeing this, Soonyoung lightly huffed and pulled on her arm away from Chan. Saron's tilted to the side noticing this but she didn't say anything. Choyoung pivoted around, eyes wide with panic, “Soonyoung, that was Bee!”

Opening his mouth to answer, Soonyoung was interrupted by yet another screech though this time, more high pitched. It was no his turn to start panicking, “And that was Jihoon,”

They all cried shrieks of terror when a large figure jumped out from the dark green bushes to the right of the trail, crashing to the ground screaming. Choyoung clung onto Soonyoung for dear life, who in turn was jumping up and down in his place making the most inhuman noises that he could muster and pointing at the tangled mess on the dirt road. How manly. Next to them, Chan was hunched over looking like he was just about ready to cry.

Jihoon, get off me!”

Shoving off the larger figure, Bee came into view with her ponytail hanging off to the side with an entire tumbleweed of flyaways. Jihoon shot up from the ground, eyes as big as your grandmother's biggest circular cookie sheets. His sweater sleeve was ripped at the shoulder and his usually flat, hair pointed out in every direction. There was also only one strap supporting his red backpack on his shoulder. His hands grabbed at Soonyoung's shirt and shook his senior back and forth vigorously, “It almost killed me!” he blurt out rather girlishly.

They could hear harsh breathing just a bit off the trail. Bee scrambled to her feet, toppling back down. Soonyoung pushed Jihoon off him and started to help his fallen friend. Hitting his arm continuously, Bee pointed to the bushes they had just sprung out from, “They're just on the other side of those bushes, we have to go now!”

She must have said it a bit too loudly because just then, two pigs' heads poked their ugly heads through the brambly branches, snouts snorting furiously trying to sniff them out. The six panic stricken teenagers started screaming once when another one reared his head out from under the bush. Jihoon's voice overpowered all of theirs as he started pushing and grabbed the first wrist that his fingers wrapped around. He ran ahead of the trail with the person being dragged behind him.

Noona!” Chan yelled after the two who disappeared shortly once Jihoon ran into the trees. He spun around, grabbed whoever he had his hands on by the shoulders and sprinted off in the opposite direction. He heard the leaves rustle furiously as two of the pigs shot out from the vegetation. Not realizing that everyone had already left them, Soonyoung hoisted Bee up and threw her over his shoulder and went the same way as Chan. The last pig, the biggest one, was only steps behind them.

Damn it Bee, what have you been eating?!”

author's note : i was having some difficulties uploading this chapter last night because my formatting was getting really annoying. when i did get it up, it wouldn't show up on the updated list ( that's what my sister tells me anyway ). i spoke to a mod about it and she helped me with my problem. i would also like to apologize for not fixing the problem sooner as i was at the hospital today. my results have been stressing me out for the past couple of days so i apologize if my updating time is slower than usual.

anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! i'm sure many aff author's say this often, but i really do cherish and appreciate your guys' comments. even the shortest comments to the longer comments make my day! it's nice to know that people are enjoying and reading my stories even though i'm not one of the greatest writers out there. i'd like to end this with a thank you especially since it's been a while since i've said that. htbf! has gained a lot of attention from aff readers in the past few months and this is actually one of my greatest accomplishments as an author on here. this is my first chaptered story that i ever put up on aff. i don't feel like words alone can describe it, but really, thank you for all your support!

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《 htbf! 》130831 possible double update today.


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Thanks for the journey!
Chapter 30: There is so much fluff in this o gawd
Chapter 22: I've been spreading all the pick up lines to people and i think im losing friends XD
Chapter 9: i still wanna cry
Chapter 4: im rereading this omf i wanna cry smskskks my heart
Chapter 44: Ahhhh that was so good honestly!!!!! Love your story and i need to know what will happen to bee and woozi plsss
Chapter 34: Is it bad that I thought of Boo when Mr Kwon said "hey ladies" (THIS IS YOUR STORY!!)
2cutesocks #9
Chapter 44: This was such an amazing story. I'm going to read the remake now, thanks for writing this! :)
Mae_Mae #10
Chapter 42: Low key hoping you'll write one mainly about Woozi and Bee.