Almost Good-Bye

The New Beginning



When you woke up you realize you were so happy on Daehyun's arms, you could be there forever.

"This makes me regret of my decision"- You thought.

Daehyun woke up kiss you and said:

"Good morning princess".

"You never call me princess.... Good morning Daehyunnie."

"I call now."

You smiled.

"What we're going to do today? - You ask.

"We are going to spend the whole day on bed cuddling."

"It's not a bad idea but, maybe tomorrow."

"Are you serious?"

"Well yeah, but, now get up"- you said leaving the bed.

"I don't want".

"Stop being lazy, if you get up I'll buy you cheesecake"

He got up so fast.

"Always thinking on food"- you thought.

When you and him came outside, everyone was waiting.

"Finally, we thought you guys would be death"- JongUp said teasing.

"Shut up!"- Daehyun said.

"Noona today we have a surprise for you!"

"What is it?"

"Surprise is surprise, was supposed to be for tomorrow but, we thought you would like to spend the whole day with Daehyun."-Zelo said.

"So sweet guys but, what is the surprise?

"Not saying, first breakfast"- Yongguk said.

"Yes sir, Appa"- Everyone said. For a few seconds everyone was looking to each other in a weird silent, when suddenly everybody laughed, even Yongguk, and we went eat.

After the breakfast we went for a walk.

"Well to start let's go rollerblading"- YoungJae said.

Everyone like of the idea except Himchan.

"What's the problem Oppa? - You asked.

"Yeah what's the problem Hyung?"- Zelo said teasing him.

"Shut up kid"- You said calling him kid, he hates when someone call him kid.

"Noona don't call me kid, I'm not a kid anymore."

"Hahaha sorry."

"I don't know how to rollerblading"- Himchan said

"Don't worry I'll help you."

"No you won't, you will help me"- Daehyun said.

"Daehyunnie you know how to rollerblading, I'm going to help him."

When we arrived to the place some people recognized BAP but, they didn't make a big deal.

Himchan on rollerblading was really funny, I tried help him but he is taller than me, so all the time he fell, I fell with him.

"Are you ok? Did you get hurt? - He asks really worriedly.

"No, I'm fine, one more time?

"Yes... sure"- He said looking frustrated.

"I'm going to let go your hand ok?"

" NO, NO, NO don't do it, I'm going to fall."

YA! Stop behaving like a kid!"


"But nothing"- When you noticed you already let go Himchan hand."

"YA! YA!" I did it I...."- and he fell again.

"Ouch!" - We said.

"Are you ok?"- Yongguk asks.

"My hurts... can we go now?

"Hahahahaha"- we couldn't resist and we laughed of the face he made.

"This is not funny, it really hurts."

"Sure, sure, sure, let's go"- Zelo said.

After the rollerblading we went to eat ice-cream, JongUp, Himchan and YoungJae went buy the ice-cream, the other's went to the park.

"Hyungs for me is..."- But he was interrupted with them saying:

"Strawberry and chocolate, we know"

"Which flavor you want ~~~~?- Himchan asks.

"Hmmmm, vanilla."

"And you Daehyun?"


"Aish, no cheesecake, its ice-cream." - Yongguk said.

"Ok, ok...anyone"- He said with a sad face.

"Ohhh my poor baby is not going eat cheesecake"- you said teasing him."

"But you said you'll buy later."

"And I will, but not now."

"Ok, ok."

About 5 minutes later they came with the ice-creams, Daehyun and Zelo face look like a 5 years old kid with a lollipop.

You look at Yongguk and laughed.

While you were eating the ice-cream, you and they were taking a lot of photos, when suddenly you pushed ice-cream against Daehyun's face. Everyone laughed and they were taking photos of the moment.

"Oh no you didn't."

"Oppa I'm sorry, I didn't mean to"- You said trying not laughed.

"You did mean it."

He run after you, and when he caught you, he put ice-cream all over your face, the rest of the members were enjoying the moment, until you decided throw ice-cream to Zelo face. Result, ice-cream fight. After the fight we went home to clean up and YoungJae and Yongguk left home.

"Where they going?"- You ask.

"Ahh... surprise." Himchan replied.

You and Daehyun went to lay down on the couch and start snuggling.

"Aish... Get a room" -JongUp said.

"Shut up!"- Daehyun said.

"Who's hungry?" - You asks.

“I do" - Daehyun replied.

"Daehyun tell me something I don't already know."

"What? Is true I'm hungry."

"Hyung, you are always hungry."

You and they went eat. 1hour later YoungJae and Yongguk came back with a big thing, looks like a frame.

"Finally, why took so long?" - Himchan asks.

"Shut up."- Yongguk replied.

"~~~~~come here."- YoungJae called you.

"What's happen? What is that?"

"Close your eyes"- Yongguk said.

When you opened your eyes you saw the pictures that were taken on the park. You stayed quiet... you didn't know what to say.

"So what do you think?" - Daehyun asks.

"I...It's... I'm... It's amazing."

"That is for you never forget us"- Zelo said.

Himchan slapped his head.

"Ouch, what was that for?"

"Zelo, shut up."

"What I said wrong?"

“If you open your mouth again no more cherry tomatoes for you"- Yongguk said.

Zelo doesn't said anything anymore.

"This is just a memory of the great moments that we had." YoungJae said.

"Yeah, we are waiting for our too."- Yongguk said.

"What?"- You asked shocked.

"Yeah, what do you think? We need to have one too."- JongUp said

"I'm going to miss you so badly"- You said hugging them.

After dinner the boys were playing PS3 and you and Daehyun went to the bedroom.

"You liked the surprise?"

"If I like? I love it. Oh it’s true I forgot."

"What? What's wrong?"

"I'll be right back."

When you came back you told to Daehyun to him close his eyes, you entered to the room and said:

“You can open now."

"I love you."

"Me or the cheesecake? - You ask teasing him.

"The both of you? - He said with his mouth full.

"This is a question or an answer?"

“You decided today teasing me or what?"

"Hey, I asked you something first."

“I love cheesecake and I love you... But I prefer you"- He said pulling you against him and both fell on the bed.

"For a few moments I thought you prefer cheesecake instead of me."

"Not in this life or the next one."

My Daehyunnie is so cute."

"My princess too."

"~~~~~what we are going to do tomorrow?"

“I thought we were going to spend the whole day on bed."

"We can stay all morning but, tomorrow is your last day, and I want to do something... a surprise."

"This week went so fast and honestly and don't get me wrong but, what we're going to do doesn't matter, all I want is be with you."

He smiled and kissed you, after a few moments of watching TV you and he fell asleep. Was already morning and he was already awake, and his face didn't seem he had a good night of sleep.

"Good morning princess."

"Good morning Daehyunnie, are you feeling good?"

"Yes, but why you ask?"

"Because doesn't seem, you sleep well? And don't lie to me."

"Well, not too much."


"I can't stop thinking you'll go away."

"Don't think about it."

“I know, I told you we were going to spend the whole on bed but, this morning you’re going to be with the boys. I have something to prepare."


"You'll see later."

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Chapter 25: awww it ended!! for your first fanfic it was really great!!!! good job!! :) YAY! DAEHYUN <3 I LOVE YOUUU! <3
Chapter 24: Even though there is something wrong with the chapter, cause I noticed some things were writen twice, I LOVE THIS FANFIC!!!! I SOOOOO LOVE IT! THE STORY IS REALLY GOOD AND DAEHYUNIE IS ADORABLE AND LOVABLE! :p i want him as my bf :P hahahahhaha
Keep it up girl ;)
BAP_ramyun #3
Chapter 23: (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) GOOD JOB!!! I love this fan fic!!! One thing i would have to say though is that grammar is kind of a mood killer, because it's like," wait what???" And then you have to read the phrase over again untill you get it. Nam' Sayin'??? Besides that, this series is wonderful. Please write more!!!
Chapter 22: Oh come oooon :(( Why Daehyuuuun?? :(