One Down, One More to Go

The New Beginning

Daehyun’s POV

This last two weeks were like hell, ~~~~~~~still doesn’t talk with me, she and Zico are friends now. Zelo has been so sad, ----- has been so unfair. So I decided to do something to help them.

 I went to Yongguk’s house, and honestly I didn’t care if ~~~~~~~ didn’t want to talk to me, I’m helping a friend.

When I arrived to his house I heard BAP music and I don’t know why, I just wanted to laugh. I knocked.

“Hello”- ~~~~~~~ said smiling, but that smile disappeared when she noticed it was me.

“Hi” – I said.

“What you want?” – She asked.

“I’m not here to bother you. I want to talk with -----.”

“Oh… Sure come in… I mean she’s not here.” – She said. I could see a little of disappointment on her face when I said I wanted talk with -----, that is a good thing, I think.

“Can you tell her to call me later?” – I asked.

“Sure.” – She said.


“Bye.” – She replied.

~~~~~~~’s POV

After ----- went to bed, you decided to make your plan work, so you called Zelo.

“Yoboseyo?” – He said.

“Yoboseyo Zelo.”

“Oh Noona, how are you?” – He asked.

“I’m fine… and you?” – You asked.

“Fine.” – He said.

“Zelo, I know you’re not fine, you don’t need to live.” – You said.

“Same for you.” – He said. We both stayed silent for a little while.

“Zelo, I want to help you, about -----.” – You said.

“But she doesn’t want to talk with me.” – He said in a sad tone.

“Don’t worry about it. Meet me on the park tomorrow morning.

“Fine, fine.” – He said excited.

“Good morning Noona” – Zelo said.

“Good morning Zelo.” – You said hugging him, you missed him so much.

“So, do you have any idea?” – He asked.

“If course I have.”

“What is it?” – He asked smiling.

While you were explaining, he was taking notes.

“Did you get it?” – You asked.

“Yes, yes.” – He said.


“Thanks Noona.”

“Where have you been?” - ----- asked.

“Ah… I went to buy food.” – You said.

“But you don’t have any food with you.” – She said.

“Ah… Yeah… Gotta go.” – You said running away from her.

She was watching TV when finally the door bell rang, she went to open the door, and there was a box and a letter.

Good, Zelo already started.” – You thought while you were hidden.

“~~~~~~~, come here!” - ----- screamed.


“Look isn’t this dress beautiful?” – She said smiling.

“Woow I love it, who send it?” – You asked.

“Don’t know, it just said for me to go to the park at 7pm.” – She said.

“And you are going, right?” – You asked.

“I don’t know… this is too weird.” – She said. Oh no… She has to go, no matter what.

“Don’t be silly, go!” – You said.

“Why do you want me to go?” – She asked suspecting something.

“Aish, if you don’t want to go, don’t!”

“But I’m going. I’m going to get dressed.” – She said leaving.

“Zelo, I loved the dress, and she is going.” – You said.

“Chincha?” – He asked.

“Yes, bye.” – You said.


After she left you decided to clean the house, has always the best way to clean is hearing to BAP’s songs. You may not be with Daehyun anymore, but you still love his voice and their songs.

Suddenly you heard the door bell. When you saw Daehyun you felt butterflies… He looked so handsome… Damn, you really missed him… But it’s too complicated.

I’m not here to bother you, I just want to talk with -----.” These words hurt you so badly. Maybe he forgot you already.

Daehyun’s POV

Where is everybody?! Zelo disappeared all day… The others don’t pick their phones.

I can’t stop thinking about ~~~~~~~disappointed face… Maybe she wants me to talk with her? But if I tried, she would probably yell at me, has always… She missed me that’s for sure… I miss her too.

It’s 10pm and I’m still alone… When suddenly everyone came.

“Finally, where have you guys been?” – I asked.

“Amusement park.” – They said.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” – I asked.

“Because you don’t like it.” – Because you don’t like.

“I don’t care, it’s better than to be home.”

“Zelo, where have you been?” – Yongguk asked.


“Are you okay?” – YoungJae asked.

“Yes…” – He said.

“You are weird, did something happen?” – JongUp asked.

“I’m going to bed, see you later.” – Zelo said.

We stayed look at each other confused.

~~~~~~~’s POV

Where is that girl? It’s late… Suddenly you head the door opening.

“Finally, you could’ve texted me saying you’d be late.”

“Yeah…” – She said.

“Just “yeah”? I spent the whole night concerned about you and you just say “yeah”?!” –You said.

“I’m going to bed, see you later.” – She said.

You stayed confused.

-------‘s Flashback/POV

You were a little scared… about this whole situation… When you arrived to the park you saw candles and roses and a table for two, you look shocked.

“-----” – Zelo called you, when you looked back he was on a black smoking, he give you red tulips and a box of chocolates with a heart shaped.

He looks so handsome, you never saw this side of him, you never had that opportunity before.

“Zelo…is this all for me?” – You asked.

“Yes… I’m really sorry… I really wanted to go on a date with you, I want to spend my whole time with you, when I said I love you I wasn’t joking, I really love you.” – He said, you couldn’t believe it.

“I love you too.” – You said kissing him.

You were so happy, you wanted that moment could last forever.

“Let’s go eat?” – He asked.


You and him were having a great time.

“Zelo, I’m sorry for being so stupid with you, I should’ve listened to you.” – You said.

“It’s fine, let’s not talk about this, but, I have a question.” – He said.

“Sure, what is it?” – You asked.

“What’s happened between you and Sehun?”

“Nothing…” – You said.

“Nothing? For sure?” – He asked smiling.

“Yes, I only love you! You don’t need to be jealous.” – You said.

“I’m not jealous.”- He lied.

“Yeah, sure.” – You said rolling your eyes.

“I want an ice-cream.” – He said you smiled.

“Me too.” – You said. After you and him bought the ice-cream he decided to take you home. You and him were at your door when you said:

“Thank you for this night, I don’t have words enough.”

“You don’t need to thank.” – He said hugging you and then kiss you, when you were about to leave he said:

“-----, wait!”

“Yes?” –You said.

“I have one more question.”

“Yes…?”- You asked.

“Would you be my girl?” – He asked.

“Yes. Of course.” – You said hugging him, you don’t even needed to think twice.

“Take this.” – He said.

“What is it?” – You asked.

“Open!” – He said smiling.

When you opened you saw a beautiful bracelet with both of your initials. This boy can be such a romantic, first the dinner and now this.

“It’s beautiful I love it, thank you.” – You said smiling. He just smiled.

“See you tomorrow?” – He asked.

“Of course.” – You said,

“-----, I think we need to do something about ~~~~~~~ and Daehyun.”- He said.

“Yes… And if we talk with YoungJae?”- You asked.

“That would be a good idea.” – He said.

“Well see you tomorrow.”- You said.

“Love you.” – He said about to kiss you.

“Love you too.”

~~~~~~~’s POV

“Wake up, wake up.” - ----- said screaming.

“What? Leave me alone, I want to sleep.” – You said.

“Me and Zelo… We are dating.” – She said.

“Ah… good wait? What? Chincha?”

“Yes, yes, that mysterious “stalker” was him.” – She said.

“Oh… That’s cool.”

“Wait! You already knew it?” – She asked.

“Maybe…” – You said.

“That’s why you wanted me to go…” - She said.

“Well, yeah… You think I’d let you go if I didn’t know it was Zelo?!” – You said.


“That’s better.” – You said.

“Thank you.” – She said leaving.

“I like your bracelet.” – You said.

“Thanks.” – She said screaming.

Daehyun’s POV

Another boring day… Everybody was already awake.

“Hyung, let’s eat.” – JongUp said.

“I’m coming.” – I said, when I arrived to the kitchen you saw a lot of food.

“Did something happen?” – I asked.

“No, why?” – Zelo asked.

“Maybe because you are cooking.” – I said.

“Don’t be stupid, just sit, eat and shut up.” – Yongguk said.

“Hyungs, I have something to say.” – Zelo said.

We stayed silent.

“Me and ----- are dating.” – He said really happy and smiling.

We all started to scream and congratulating him.

After the breakfast I went to my room like always.

“YoungJae Hyung. I need to talk to you.” – Zelo said.

“What’s wrong?” – He asked.

At that moment someone knocked the door.

“Just in time.” – Zelo said. YoungJae looked confused.

“Hi.” - ----- said.

“Hi and congratulations.” – YoungJae said.

“Thank you Oppa?” - ----- said.

“So what do you want to talk to about me?” – YoungJae asked.

“It’s about ~~~~~~~ and Daehyun, we need to do something.” - ----- said.

“You’re right and I have and idea.” – YoungJae said.

“What?” – Zelo asked. He explained the whole plan.

“We’ll do it tomorrow.” – Zelo said.








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Chapter 25: awww it ended!! for your first fanfic it was really great!!!! good job!! :) YAY! DAEHYUN <3 I LOVE YOUUU! <3
Chapter 24: Even though there is something wrong with the chapter, cause I noticed some things were writen twice, I LOVE THIS FANFIC!!!! I SOOOOO LOVE IT! THE STORY IS REALLY GOOD AND DAEHYUNIE IS ADORABLE AND LOVABLE! :p i want him as my bf :P hahahahhaha
Keep it up girl ;)
BAP_ramyun #3
Chapter 23: (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) GOOD JOB!!! I love this fan fic!!! One thing i would have to say though is that grammar is kind of a mood killer, because it's like," wait what???" And then you have to read the phrase over again untill you get it. Nam' Sayin'??? Besides that, this series is wonderful. Please write more!!!
Chapter 22: Oh come oooon :(( Why Daehyuuuun?? :(