
The New Beginning


Daehyun’s POV

I hope ~~~~~~~believes in -----, if she doesn’t, I don’t know…

She never talked like that, I never saw that side of her.

“Hyung!”- Zelo called.

“How was the talk?”

“Complicated…”- He said, until I cut him.

“Complicated?! What do you mean?”- I said.

“If you let me talk it would be easier.”- He said.


“So… she is really hurt with you… she was really hard to convince…”

“I know she’s hurt with… and what did you do?”

“Doesn’t matter, she believed in you, that’s important.”- He said.

“Fine, where is she now?”- I asked.

“Probably with ~~~~~~~.”

“Ok.”- I said, but he stopped me.

“Don’t… Let them talk.”- He said

~~~~~~~’s POV

----- was bugging you for you to talk with Daehyun… But you didn’t want to.

“-----, what the hell did Zelo do with you?”- You asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I thought you were disappointed with Daehyun.”- You said.

“And I am but…”- Before she could say anything you cut her off.

“But nothing, tell me.”

“Fine… He was really nice and cute and did that puppy eyes and asked me to go on a date with him and gave me chocolates and, and…”- She said smiling.


“Well, he kissed me on the cheek.”- She said blushing.

“That’s all?”- You asked.

“It’s Zelo… you have to understand!”

“I’m trying.”- You said.

“Don’t be like this…”- She said.

“Sorry, sorry.”

“So you’re going talk with Daehyun?”- She asked.

“No!”- You said.

“Aish!”- She said.

When you were leaving the room, Daehyun was sitting on the floor.

“~~~~~~~ can we talk, please?”- He asked.

You didn’t say anything.

“~~~~~~~, please! I’m begging you.”- He said in a really sad tone. On that moment you stop walking and he got up.

“Is that a yes?”- He asked.

“No, I just don’t want you on the floor.”

He didn’t say anything, you felt so bad saying that.

Daehyun’s POV

After the talking with Zelo I didn’t know what to do so I just went sit on the floor next to the room. Suddenly I heard the door open. She looks so sad.

I even begged her to talk to me… But that “No” was so cold, but at the same time she’s concern about me.

I couldn’t handle that cold silent war anymore so I decided to go talk with Hana.

“You!”- I said, when she noticed that it was my voice she smiled.

“Oh, Darling.”- She said.

“Darling my a**! What you think you’re doing putting those photos on public?”

“We have to let people know about us.”- She said.

“There is no us!”- I said almost screaming.

“Don’t be like that.”- She said pushing you against the wall, when suddenly, you heard:

“I was thinking of giving you a change… But now… Daehyun, it’s over.”- ~~~~~~~ said. When you saw her you froze, she was crying like hell… and when you heard that “over” you knew your only change was lost.

“Who’s she?”- Hana asked. I didn’t answer, pushed her away and went after ~~~~~~~.

~~~~~~~’s POV


“After the little talk… Well that wasn’t a talk…Anyway after the change of words with Daehyun you went to the kitchen and the rest of the members were there.

“~~~~~~~we need to talk.”- Yongguk said.

“Oppa, if you’re going to talk about Daehyun, you don’t even need to start.”- You said.

“Please, if you don’t want to hear him at least hear us.”- He said.

“You guys are friends/bros, of course you believe him.”- You said.

“Please!”- Zelo said.

“Don’t say anything, you convinced ---- to make me believe in Daehyun with cute stuff, that was very stupid, you know her feelings about you and you invite her to a date?!”- You said angry.

“I… Yes…But…”- Zelo was trying to say until ----- cut him off.

“You don’t need to say anything else.”

“-----, wait!”- Zelo said running after her while she was leaving.

“Oh great!”- JongUp said in a sarcastic tone.

“What? It’s true.”- You said.

“THAT’S ENOUGH! You listen to me now! Daehyun is innocent, Hana trapped him, and I told him to not say anything to you because it would only bring problems.”- Yongguk said.

You never saw this side of him, it was scary.

“I…”- you said.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”- He said hugging you.

“Oppa, where is he now?”

“I think he is in to the studio.”- He said.

“Oppa, thank you.”

You were a little nervous about what he would say. When you arrived to the studio you saw Daehyun and Hana together, on that moment you didn’t know what to do, and in who believe, the only thing you could think of, even if its hurts like hell, was an ending.

“I was thinking of giving you a change… But now… Daehyun, it’s over.”- You said and leaved.

“Seeing that, hurt so bad, and then you noticed he was behind you.

“~~~~~~~ wait!”- He said grabbing your arm.

“What do you want?”- You said doing a big sacrifice not to cry in front of him, not again, not this time.

“I want to explain myself.”- He said.

“You don’t need to explain anything! Nobody told me… I saw it.”

“But…”- He was trying to talk, but I didn’t let him.

“But nothing! Forget me, forget everything!”- You said leaving. Damn, saying that hurts sooo much!

Daehyun’s POV

“See what you did?”- I said to Hana.

“What? I didn’t do anything.”- She said, I didn’t say anything and left.

When I saw ~~~~~~~I already knew she wouldn’t believe me, but I had to try.

Those cold words hit me, like I’ve been stabbed a hundred times… I can’t forget her, this can’t be over. I didn’t want to go home, so I went to a walk, it was already 1am when Zelo called me.

“Hyung where are you?”

“I’m coming don’t worry.”- I said.

“Okay!”- He said.

When I arrived the rest of the boys where on the couch with sad faces…

“Is something wrong?”- I asked.

“Hyung…. ~~~~~~~left.” – JongUp said.

“What? Where? When?”- I said freaking out.

“Calm down, they are fine, after she went to the studio to talk to you she arrived home without saying a word and she just packed.”- YoungJae said.

“Yeah… and I went after -----, but she didn’t hear me.” – Zelo said.

“Where are they now?”- I ask.

“I went after them, we talked, and now they are in my house.”- Yongguk said.

“Good!”- I said turning to the door.

“Wait!” Don’t go…”- He said.

“Why not? I need o talk with her.” – I said.

“She told me what happened…”- Yongguk said.


“Leave her alone for now, she’s too hurt and needs to think.”- Yongguk said.

“You think that’s for the best?”

“Yes!”- He said.

~~~~~~~’s POV

After you left the studio you went back to the dorm. You and ----- started packing.

“What are you girls doing?”- JongUp asked. We didn’t say anything.

“What’s wrong?” Himchan asked.

“We are leaving!” ----- said.

“What? NO! ----- please let’s talk, I have a lot of things to say to you.”- Zelo said.

“Yeah sure! Like what?”- ----- asked in her diva “f*** off” mode.

“Like…”- Zelo said.

“Yeah, I thought so!”- She said turning her back and opening the door.

“I Love You!”- Zelo said. She stopped for a moment, but then left.

Yongguk went after us.

“-----, ~~~~~~~wait!” – Yongguk screamed. We stop.

“Can you please tell what’s wrong?”- He asked.

You explained the situation to him, he was really nice. He understood the reason for you to leave.

“Where are you going to live now?”- He asked. Me and ----- looked at each other, we didn’t know where we were going to live.

“I don’t know.”- You said.

“I knew it, if you girls want, you can stay in my house.”- He said,

“Don’t need to, we don’t want to bother you.” - ----- said.

“The house is empty, you can go, it’s fine.”- He said.

“Oh… Thank you Oppa, I mean it.” – You said.

“Its fine, but you have to come visit is in the dorm” – He said.

“Ah… Sure…” - ----- said hesitating.

“Please Oppa, tell Daehyun to not go there, I need time.” – You said.

“Sure, no problem. Girls I’m sorry I have to go now. Here is the address and the keys, if you ever need something just call, take care.”- He said hugging us.

When we arrived to Yongguk’s house we froze looking at it.

“Woooow!” - ----- said.

“I know!” – You said.

“Let’s get in.”- ----- said.

When we arrived we saw pic’s of him when he was a little boy.

“OMG! SOOOOO CUTEEEE!” – You said.

“Who?” – She asked.

“Look, look!”- You said.

“Ahhhhhhhhh! Sooooooooo cute!”- She said.

After we saw the house we went to have dinner.

“----- how was the talk with Zelo?”

“Well, he was trying to explain himself but he was so nervous he couldn’t…” – she said.

“What did he say?” – You asked.

“Things like, I’m sorry, I have many things to say to you, but then he couldn’t say anything so I left.”- She said.

“That’s it?” – You said.

“Basically!”- She said.

“But he said “I Love You”.” – You said.

“I know.” – She said smiling.


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Chapter 25: awww it ended!! for your first fanfic it was really great!!!! good job!! :) YAY! DAEHYUN <3 I LOVE YOUUU! <3
Chapter 24: Even though there is something wrong with the chapter, cause I noticed some things were writen twice, I LOVE THIS FANFIC!!!! I SOOOOO LOVE IT! THE STORY IS REALLY GOOD AND DAEHYUNIE IS ADORABLE AND LOVABLE! :p i want him as my bf :P hahahahhaha
Keep it up girl ;)
BAP_ramyun #3
Chapter 23: (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) GOOD JOB!!! I love this fan fic!!! One thing i would have to say though is that grammar is kind of a mood killer, because it's like," wait what???" And then you have to read the phrase over again untill you get it. Nam' Sayin'??? Besides that, this series is wonderful. Please write more!!!
Chapter 22: Oh come oooon :(( Why Daehyuuuun?? :(