
The New Beginning

Daehyun’s POV

 A week had passed, ~~~~~~~still didn’t talk with me, I texted her and called her every day, but she never answered, this silent war is killing me. I think Zelo and ----- aren’t good yet too, but at least she talks with him… Sometimes.

Tomorrow BAP are going to the studio again with Zico from Block B and Sehun from Exo. Both of them are cool guys, it’s going to be fun and I need to distract myself.

“Hyung, why don’t you invite ----- and ~~~~~~~ to come?”- I heard JongUp ask Yongguk.

“Good idea.”- Yongguk said.

~~~~~~~’s POV

This week was weird… but fun. Finally you got a job on an animal shop. ----- and Zelo talk sometimes, but she’s still cold with him.

You were cleaning the house when your phone rang.

“Hi ~~~~~~~ how are you?” – Yongguk asked.

“Oppa, I’m fine and you?” – You said.

“Fin, I have an invitation to make to you.” – He said.


“Do you and ----- want to come to the studio?”- He asked.

“Now?” – You asked.

“Yes, sure.” – He said.

“Fine, see you later.”- You said.

“-----, go get dressed.” – You screamed.

“Why?” – She asked sleepy.

“Because Yongguk Oppa asked if we wanted go to the studio.”

“Oh cool, be right back.” -  She said.

Daehyun’s POV

“Daehyun, Zelo.” – Yongguk calls us.

“Yes Hyung?”- We said.

“So, ~~~~~~~ and ----- are coming today to the studio, don’t do anything to bother them.” – He said.

“Fine.” – We said.

That was a good moment to talk with her… I could try right?

“Zelo, are you going talk with -----?” – I asked.

“I don’t know, maybe why?”- He said.

“Nothing” – I said.

When we arrived to the studio the girls hadn’t arrived yet, I was excited to see ~~~~~~~, even if she didn’t talk with me, it’s been a week since the last time I saw her.

~~~~~~~’s POV

“~~~~~~~, hurry up, we are late.”- ------ screamed.

“I’m coming.”

“I’m the one who’s always late and today I’m the first.” - ----- said.

“Shut up! Let’s go.” – You said.

Part of you was nervous to see Daehyun, the other didn’t want to see him. Finally we arrived, Yongguk Oppa was waiting for us.

“Why did you take so long?” – He asked.

“This time it wasn’t my fault, it was hers.” - ------ said laughing.

“It’s fine, so, I have two people to present to you.” – He said.

“Who are they?” – We asked excited.

“Come.” – He said.

When we arrived to the record room we froze, both of us, we were really red and shaking a little.

“ -----, ~~~~~~~, this is Sehun from Exo and Zico from Block B.”- Yongguk said.

“Y…Yeah, we know!” – You stated.

Zico stared at you smiling, you couldn’t do anything, you couldn’t believe Zico was in front of you… Before you met BAP you already knew Block B and Zico was your Bias.

“Hi.”- Zico said.

“H…Hi.” – You said.

----- didn’t say anything she was staring at Sehun and Sehun was staring her.

Daehyun’s POV

What the hell is going on here?! Why is she red and frozen and shaking?! It’s just a guy.

“Hyung, I’m not linking this situation.” – Zelo said to me in low voice.

“Yeah, me neither.”

They were smiling to each other, she’s my girl… I mean, I’m still in love with her…

After we recorded we went to eat something, ~~~~~~~and Zico, ----- and Sehun were always together and laughing and things like that. Zelo was already freaking out.

“~~~~~~~, after we eat what are you going to do?”- Zico asked her, I do not like this at all.

“Well, nothing.” – She said.

“You want to go to my place or something?” – He said putting his arm around her, that’s it it’s now.


“What?” – Zico said looking confused, ~~~~~~~~ rolled her eyes.

“She’s my girl!” – I said.

“Correction, ex-girl.” – She said.

“Wait! What?! Sorry men I didn’t know it.” – Zico said.

“Don’t worry, and yes, let’s go do something.” – She said.

“~~~~~~~~ please don’t go.” – I said.

“Leave me alone!” – She said.

~~~~~~~’s POV

The record was awesome, Zico is a really funny guy. Daehyun was always staring at us, just like Zelo was staring ----- and Sehun.

When we went to have dinner I stayed next to Zico and obviously ----- stayed next to Sehun.

Zico can be such a cute guy, he was feeding you, Daehyun once again was always staring, that already was bothering you. When he had that jealous attack that was too much.

“Zico, let’s go.”- You said.

“Are you sure?”- He asked.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

While you were getting up the BAP members never said anything, and ----- was about to leave with Sehun when Zelo grabbed her arm.

“-----, please.” – He said.

“Not not!” – She said. He made such a sad face, you felt sorry for him.

Daehyun’s POV

After they left, me and Zelo stayed silent.

“Daehyun, you went too far, don’t you think?” – Himchan asked.

“No, that was nothing, he deserved a punch and…” – I was saying until YoungJae interrupted me.

“Calm down… She’s right, she is your ex girl.

“No, no, no, I’m going to get her back, no matter what.” – I said.

“Zelo, are you okay?” – JongUp asked.

“Well… no, but its fine.” – He said.

“Let’s go home.” – Yongguk said.

A week had passed and they were still hanging out, and posting photos of them on twitter. Me and Zelo were freaking out.

~~~~~~~’s POV

After that incident you and Zico, ------ and Sehun keep hanging out, we were just friends. You told the story of Hana and Daehyun to Zico, and he told you to talk with Daehyun, but you couldn’t.

We keep talking and sometimes when they had time we went for a walk.

One day you were at home and you decided to do something about ----- and Zelo.

“-----, why don’t you talk with Zelo?”

“I…I should talk with him, right?” – She asked.

“Yes… He already told you he loved you and you don’t talk with him about it.” – You said.

“You’re right! I’m going talk with him.” – She said smiling.

“When?”- You asked.



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Chapter 25: awww it ended!! for your first fanfic it was really great!!!! good job!! :) YAY! DAEHYUN <3 I LOVE YOUUU! <3
Chapter 24: Even though there is something wrong with the chapter, cause I noticed some things were writen twice, I LOVE THIS FANFIC!!!! I SOOOOO LOVE IT! THE STORY IS REALLY GOOD AND DAEHYUNIE IS ADORABLE AND LOVABLE! :p i want him as my bf :P hahahahhaha
Keep it up girl ;)
BAP_ramyun #3
Chapter 23: (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) GOOD JOB!!! I love this fan fic!!! One thing i would have to say though is that grammar is kind of a mood killer, because it's like," wait what???" And then you have to read the phrase over again untill you get it. Nam' Sayin'??? Besides that, this series is wonderful. Please write more!!!
Chapter 22: Oh come oooon :(( Why Daehyuuuun?? :(