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The New Beginning


When you arrived back home everyone was excited to see you, and they were making way too many questions. You were really sad but, you tried your best too look happy.

You went to your bedroom, and as soon as you reach your bedroom you broke in tears looking at the photo frame you had with the boys.

“Can I come in?” - ----- ask.

You cleaned up your tears and smiled.

“Yes sure.”

“So how are you?” – She asked.

“I’m fine, I missed my room.” You answered.

“You don’t need to lie.”

You broke in tears as soon as she said that and she stayed with you through the whole day.

Daehyun’s POV

This dorm looks really sad right now.”

“Hyung let’s go!”- Zelo screamed.


“I don’t know somewhere… It’s too sad here.”

He was right, we needed to do something. When I arrived to the kitchen they looked really sad. If they were sad, they wouldn’t want to imagine how I feel.

“So Daehyun, what are we going to do?”- Himchan asked.

“I don’t know… Something.”

“Let’s practice, maybe it’ll make us feel better” – Yongguk suggested.

We all agreed.

“I’m wondering what is ~~~~~~~ doing right now.”-  Zelo said.

Great Zelo, just great you had to remind me of something like that.

“Shut up!”- Himchan said slapping his head.

“Why are you always bullying me?”

“Because… Never mind!”- He said with a hand on his forehead.

“YA! Relax it’s not his fault.” Yongguk said.

“Guys, just stop it, let’s go.” – I said.

He’s right, what is he doing…? After the practice I’ll call her.

~~~~~~~~ ‘s POV

Why he doesn’t call me? I had forgotten how boring my life here was.

“Do you want to do something?” – You asked.

“I don’t know, you to do something?”-I answered.

Someone knocks your door.

I hope isn’t my mother!

“~~~~~~~ can I come in? I brought you lunch.”

“Come in.” There was cheesecake on the plate… And it made me remember the moments me and Daehyun were together.

“Why do you look so sad? It’s cheesecake…”- you mother asked.

“I’m just tired, kamsahamnida Omma.”

“Don’t speak Korean with me, alright?”

“Sorry.”- You said.

“Can I ask you something?” - ----- said.

“Is it about Zelo?”

“Maybe…”- She said blushing.


“How is he? - She asked.

“Tall, very white…” I said teasing her.

“I’m talking about his personality.”- She replied rolling her eyes.

“Hahaha, he’s cute, kind, really funny, always joking around and eating cherry tomatoes, sometimes he is a little noob, but, he is a wonderful rapper, dancer and kid.

I think she’s not fine…

“Are you okay?”- You asked.

“Hm, hm…”

“Doesn’t look.”

“Why?” – She asked.

“You are with a stupid smile.”- You said

“What are you talking about?”- She said.

“I took a pic, look.”- You said.

“Is this the face I made when you talk about him?” – asked.

“Yes…”- you replied.

“I’m wondering what he is doing right now.”- She said.

“Good question.” – You said.

In that moment you were not thinking about Zelo, for sure.

Daehyun’s POV

This practice is not going so well.

“What’s wrong with you guys? You are not concentrated at all”- the manager said.

“Sorry.”- We all said.

“It’s better to stop it for today, and tomorrow you guys will have an interview with Secret’s members”- He said.

“Yes sir!”

Finally, it’s over, I’m going to call her now.



“How I missed hearing your voice!”

“Me too… I miss you so much!”- She said.

“Me too. How are things there?”- I asked.

“Boring, and there?”- She replied.

“Same, the boys are not fine, but they pretend to be ok.”

“And how are you?” – She asked.

“I’m living… you? - I answered.


“Tomorrow we have an interview, you’re going to watch it right? - I asked.

“Of course. I’M COMING!”

“Why did you scream?”- I asked.

“My mom is calling me… Daehyunnie I have to go.”

“It’s fine, I’ll call you tomorrow ok?”

“Yes, sure, tell the boys I said hi.”-  She said.

“Sure, love you my princess.”

“Love you too Daehyunnie.”

“Were you talking with ~~~~~~~?”- The boys asked.

“Yeah. She said hi.”

“We miss her”- they said.

“Yeah, me too.”

~~~~~~~’s POV

“----- I have something to tell you!”

“What?” she asked.

“B.A.P. Interview. Tomorrow. You. My house ok?”


“Please don’t scream, my hears.”- You said.

“When does it start?” – She asked.

“3pm there, we have to wake up 5am.”

“I don’t care”- she said with way to much energy.

“I know, see you later bye.”

“Bye.”- She said.

It’s going to be cool having a girl’s night.

When was 5am the clock the clock rang and she was already awake, I think she never went to sleep.

“Did you sleep?” you asked.

“No, come here it’s starting.”- She replied.

Daehyun’s POV

I hope this interview end’s fast.

MC: “AnnyongHaseyo we are here with BAP and Secret.”

It’s really annoying pretend to be happy… I’m hungry.

MC:” So how are you guys and girls about girl’s friend’s / boy friends?”

Oh no… I don’t want to talk about it.

MC: Let’s start with Secret.

Sunhwa: “I’m single”

MC:”What would be your ideal type from BAP?”

Sunhwa: “Zelo. He is such a cute boy!”

MC: “How you feel Zelo?”

Zelo: “Ah… I don’t know, maybe flattered?”

MC: Who’s next? Hmmm Hana, what about you?”

Hana: Daehyun, without any doubt, he is perfect! I really like him.

Oh no you didn’t!

MC: What do think about this confession?

I don’t care… And this talking is making me even hungrier.

Daehyun:”Don’t know what to say…”

MC: “You feel the same?”


MC: “Is that a yes?”

Daehyun: “N…”

MC: “I think we are going to have a new couple.”

What the hell, you didn’t even let me say anything; I don’t care about her… And ~~~~~~~ is watching this…

~~~~~~~’s POV

“WHAT THE HELL?! ZELO IS NAEKKEOYA!” ----- said screaming.

You didn’t know what to think or what to say… New couple? Daehyun and Hana?



“Would you mind to shut up?”

“~~~~~~~, I’m sorry… What is going to happen now?

“I don’t know, he told me he was going to call later…”

“And what are you going to say? - She asked.

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t see the show, and see if he tells me the truth. – You said.

“Good point… But now, people think they are dating.”

“I know, but… Is going to be just a rumor. I think…”

“Yeah, sure…” – she said.

“You don’t have the same opinion right…?”- You asked.

“Sorry, but no, the stupid MC didn’t let him talk.” – She said.


“Finally the explosion.”- She said.

“Shut up, let’s sleep.”

Daehyun’s POV

After the interview Hana comes talk to me.

“Hi, Daehyun… I didn’t know you feel the same…”- she said.

“I don’t.”

“You don’t need to pretend, there’s no cameras here.”

“I’m not pretending anything.”

“Sure, has you wish.”- She said kissing me on my cheeks and in that moment a photographer showed up.

“So it’s true you guys are really dating?”- He asked.


“Yes, me and Daehyun are dating…”- she said.

The anger hit me so hard that the only I could do was leaving. 



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Chapter 25: awww it ended!! for your first fanfic it was really great!!!! good job!! :) YAY! DAEHYUN <3 I LOVE YOUUU! <3
Chapter 24: Even though there is something wrong with the chapter, cause I noticed some things were writen twice, I LOVE THIS FANFIC!!!! I SOOOOO LOVE IT! THE STORY IS REALLY GOOD AND DAEHYUNIE IS ADORABLE AND LOVABLE! :p i want him as my bf :P hahahahhaha
Keep it up girl ;)
BAP_ramyun #3
Chapter 23: (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) GOOD JOB!!! I love this fan fic!!! One thing i would have to say though is that grammar is kind of a mood killer, because it's like," wait what???" And then you have to read the phrase over again untill you get it. Nam' Sayin'??? Besides that, this series is wonderful. Please write more!!!
Chapter 22: Oh come oooon :(( Why Daehyuuuun?? :(