The Question

The New Beginning


You were really curious about the place that Oppa was talking about, nobody knew, the travel took about 2h, on the van you fell asleep twice but you're always waking because of Zelo and JongUp bugging you.

“hey, wake up we arrived"- Himchan said.

"Finally"- You said sleepy.

When you get out of the van everyone except Yongguk were surprised about the place.

"Oppa, we are going to do bungee jumping?"- You ask excited, but with a little of afraid.

"Yeah, what you guys think of the idea?"- He ask proud of himself.

"Ah... Right... I..."- Daehyun was trying to say something but he was cut by YoungJae saying:

"Are you afraid?"

"What no, I just never thought about it."

Everyone was excited

"Who's going first?" - Zelo asks.

"ME, ME, ME"- You scream hoping they say yes.

"Are you sure?" -Daehyun ask looking surprised, everyone looks surprised.

"Of course I'm sure, I can be a girl but I have guts enough to go first"- you said excited.

You went, and you were on top they scream:


"FIGHTING"- you reply.

And you jump without jumping without thinking twice, when you arrived close to the guys you were really full of adrenaline and say:

"More, more, more"

"Wow take it easy"- Daehyun said.

"Yeah Noona it's my turn now"- Zelo said

"Aish... ok... Daehyun you go too right?"

"Ah... Me... Sure"

Everyone went, when was Daehyun's turn he was a little afraid, but he actually liked it and asked for more.

After the fun we went dinner and this time we went to a Japanese restaurant, and this time Himchan went get your food. You were worry about eating sushi, because you didn't like fish that much.

"You’re not going eating?"- JongUp asks.

"Oh yeah, I will... It's just..."- you were saying until being interrupted.

"It's your first time eating sushi?"- Yongguk asks.


"Taste it, it's good and you better hurry up before Daehyun eats for you"- YoungJae said teasing.

"Shut up"- Daehyun said kicking him.

Oh that's tastes good"- you said, really surprised about the taste.

"I told you"- YoungJae said smiling.

After the dinner we went walk, and you were very quiet.

"Noona it's something wrong?"- Zelo asks

"Yeah, you're very quiet tonight"-Daehyun said looking worry.

"Oh... It's just... this week have been so perfect, and it's almost finished... and what will happen then?"- you said almost crying.

Everyone looks sad now, when Yongguk said:

"It's true, it's almost ending... but we can keep talking and we can visit you... You are a really nice girl and a friend too, and we kind get used to you"

"Yeah that's right you're our little sister now"- Himchan said.

"Noona, we are going to missing you, but you always be my favorite Noona."- Zelo said on a really sad tone.

"Hey, don't be sad, this is not a good bye, we have a few more days, let’s forget this and get fun on the next days." -JongUp said trying to put a smile on our faces, and he get it.

~~~~~~~~~~~’s POV

Why Daehyun don't say anything about it? He doesn't care about our relationship? What is going happen to us?

Relationship and distance doesn't work... and it's Daehyun he have other's hundred and  millions of girl's loving him, I trust him of course, but is not the same, we really need to talk about it.

Daehyun’s POV

You were lost on your thoughts...

This is not happening... I don't want her to go... her eyes... she's almost cried, it's breaking my heart. We can have a relationship... but the distance, the hours of difference. I have so much to tell her, I want to do so many things with her, we need to have that conversation...


When we arrived to the dorm everyone went sleep, but you went to the couch and Daehyun comes to you and hug you. You lay down on his arms and say:

"Oppa... why you didn't say anything when we were talking about the situation of me leaving...?"

"I... didn't say anything because that wasn't the perfect time"

“So what is going happen to us?"- You asks with some afraid of his answer.

"I... well we can be together. I know it's going to be complicated, but we could try right?"- He said sadly.

"Yes of course... but you're going to be on promoting, how we're going to talk? I mean... you live here, I live so far away..."- you were saying trying not to cry.

"I know, but I'll give you the dates and places and I'll going to be on touch... the worst is you leaving so far away..."

"I'm going to miss you so much."- You said.

"Me too... This competition was the best thing that ever happens to me" - he said trying smile, but you knew he was sad.

At that moment you can't handle it and start crying.

You're still lay down on his arms and he hugged you and kisses you on forehead.

"Yeah to me too... but it's almost ending..."- you said crying.

"Hey, don't cry, I don't like see you sad... we're going to resolve this, don't worry."

You and Daehyun start watching TV when suddenly he says:

"~~~~~come live with me/us".

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Chapter 25: awww it ended!! for your first fanfic it was really great!!!! good job!! :) YAY! DAEHYUN <3 I LOVE YOUUU! <3
Chapter 24: Even though there is something wrong with the chapter, cause I noticed some things were writen twice, I LOVE THIS FANFIC!!!! I SOOOOO LOVE IT! THE STORY IS REALLY GOOD AND DAEHYUNIE IS ADORABLE AND LOVABLE! :p i want him as my bf :P hahahahhaha
Keep it up girl ;)
BAP_ramyun #3
Chapter 23: (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) GOOD JOB!!! I love this fan fic!!! One thing i would have to say though is that grammar is kind of a mood killer, because it's like," wait what???" And then you have to read the phrase over again untill you get it. Nam' Sayin'??? Besides that, this series is wonderful. Please write more!!!
Chapter 22: Oh come oooon :(( Why Daehyuuuun?? :(