
Bang stole my heart~


Once i arrived at the BAP dorm, i was told the rules by yong guk.
"Now, don't touch anything, make sure you wash your hands, and don't tell anyone you're here, understood?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Ok then. Dinner will be in 1 hour. You can use my laptop, but don't check the history." He reassured me.
I nodded again while he handed me his laptop.
Bang yong guk's laptop.
Holy crap!
Its bang yong guk's laptop!
"Dinner's ready!" Daehyun called from the kitchen. I got up, put the laptop on the seat next to me, and walked into the kitchen.
"Yaaaay~ food! Jello is hungry!" Zelo cheered as he walked into the kitchen with jongup at his side. "Yeah, food!" Jong repeated when they both sat down.
Youngjae came out from his room and sat down, saving a seat for daehyun. I sat on the other side, which had one extra seat left, most likely for yong guk.
Which made me wonder, where was yong-
Holy... Crap.
Yong guk came out of nowhere, hair messed up, wife beater on, basket ball shorts, and must i say, he looked fine~
"Ah, hyung, there you are!" Youngjae said with a mouth full of rice. Yong guk nodded and grabbed a bowl and put some rice, kimchi, and beef.
"Here. Eat it." He motioned at me towards the food that was on the table.
"Y-you aren't gonna eat?" I spoke informally. He shook his head.
"Watch your mouth. Is that a way to talk to me?" He smiled small. "And nope. I'll eat ramen tonight. You should eat with all the others." He walked off.
Damn, that was fine~
About 1 hour later, everyone was in the living room watching a war movie yong guk and zelo wanted to watch.
"Into the fire" i think was what it was called.
"Ok, jello. Time for shower!" Jongup got up from the floor and helped zelo up.
"But hyung~ i don't want to!" Zelo pouted.
"No-no. No buts." Jong replied patting zelo's as they went into the wash room together.
I looked their way. I didn't think they would shower together. I mean, all my friends never showered together. It was just- i mean, weird, right?
"I don't even know why they are so close." Daehyun said out loud and put his arm around youngjae. He snuggled into him and let out a sigh of content.
I didn't know they were close either...
Maybe 10 minutes later i walked past the bathroom to return yong guk's laptop to his room.
"Ah~ jello, your abs are looking better!" I heard jongup mutter from the shower room.
"Yeah? I have been working on them for you, hyunggie." Zelo said.
"Well, you know what has also been looking better and firm?"
"What hyung?"
"Your bum, jello baby."
Ok! Tmi!
I ran past the washroom and quickly put the laptop back on yong guk's desk. I saw a lot of stuff on the desk. Some notes, papers, but one really caught my eye.
"New song- ?"
I read the words on the paper, and could feel all the emotion he put into all his songs. And this one was no exception. Ut was perfect so far.
"Pretty good lyrics, huh?" I heard a masculine voice ask me. I turned around and saw yong guk standing in the door frame.
"Oh, I'm sorry, i didn't mean to-"
"Ssshhh. The others are sleeping." He walked up and put his index finger up to my lip. I deeply blushed.
"I-i should probably sleep on the couch." I volunteered, but he shook his head.
"Naw. You can sleep in my room. You are the guest. I will sleep on the couch." He told me as he was getting one of the pillows of of the bed and a blanket from his closet. I just stood there.
"A-are you sure? Because i could sleep-"
"No. Take my offer before i change my mind. Go to sleep now." He smiled at me, and i swear that i almost melted.
I nodded and got under the covers  if his bed. It smelled like Axe. Ok, that was weird to say.
"If you need anything i will be on the couch. Sweet dreams." He smiled and walked out of the room.
"Yeah, sweet dreams." I replied.
Ah, one bright sunny morning in the B.A.P dorms. I opened my eyes and felt all warm and cuddly inside. I went to pull off the comforter but i couldn't move. I looked down to my waist and almost screamed.
T-there w-was someone sp-spooning me. The figure nuzzled his nose into my neck. Ahhh, god! Please help!
Siwon, if you can hear me, there is a e cuddling me!
"H-hey!" I whisper-shouted as i turned around.
"Y-yong guk hyung?!" I almost shouted, but he just groaned.
"Mmmmmm~ stop it~" he groaned. Well, sounded more like a moan in my ears, so i blushed really deep red.
So then i thought, why try and wake him up, if i could just feel his warmth and be in his arms? Yep! Thats right!
Anyway, i snuggled into him. It just felt so right cuddling with him. He probably thinks i'm a body pillow or something, but who cares?! Well, i guess i do have to work out more, but... Yeah.
"Hey, himchan hyung, breakfast is re-" daehyun opened the door to wake me up, but i closed my eyes like i was sleeping.
"Oh, god..." Was all i heard before the door slowly closed to make sure we didn't wake.
Yep. He saw yong guk.
And yep, he saw us cuddling. Well, spooning, actually...
I slowly shifted my position to see his face clearly. He looked so perfect. I lifted my hand to the hair out of his eyes. His eyes were so gorgeous!
His lips full and plump. They would be so nice to kiss. Wow~ i could just imagine it.
And don't even get me started on his nose. Gurl, that nose be ay~
Wait, am i ranting about hyung's face?
Yep. I am. I'm sorry. Haha...
As soon as he opened his eyes, i closed mine again so that i would trick him into thinking i was sleeping. He gasped.
"Oh, g-god!" He whispered. "Himchannie?!" He whispered again. Once he figured out i probably would be sleeping, he didn't say another word. Instead, he just stared at me. You know how sometimes you can feel someone staring at you? Thats what i felt right now.
He pushed my short hair from my forehead and put his hand on it.
"Little warm..." He spoke out loud, but i felt him cover his mouth with his hand. I tried so hard to suppress my giggles.
He held me tighter and i could feel his rapid heart beat. Both of my hands felt limp. My whole body did too, so all i could do was to feel him hold me. It felt like forever in his arms and i wanted it to stay.
When i opened my eyes, i saw him  staring at me. I groaned and stretched my arms and legs, but then fell back into the bed. Yong guk laughed.
"W-what are you doing?!" I tried to sound like i didn't know he was cuddling me.
"The couch felt uncomfortable. So i slept here." He got up and pushed the covers off. I was really blushing now.
"Y-your p-pants!" I muttered.
He had no pants on. Only his boxers. EEEEEPPPPP!
"What? I always sleep like this..." He said and walked out of the room.
Damn, AY!
hey guise! Hows it been?! Im so happy i have 12 subbies on this and its only the first chapter! Well, second now. But i'm just so happy at the feed back. I will make the next chapter and maybe post it tonight or early tomorrow.
and thank you all so much for checking out the story. I am really rusty writting chapter stories, but i will try my best! Fighting!!! :D
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20 chapters? Challenge accepted >D
Chapter 19: lol cute ^^
Chapter 20: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!~ Lol XD It was cute and now I shall just wait and wait for your sequeal ;) Let´s see what talent Zelo was talking about :) See you till then~
Chapter 20: Yaaayyyy I want that sequel so badly!!! This fic is one of my best!!!
Chapter 18: Why does Jae have bobby bins......
Chapter 18: Aww~ how cute in an awkward way.
I'll prepare for the flufflyness xD
Chapter 18: I love it and it's awesome that you keep updating so fast
Chapter 18: I'm waiting for the squealing then lol