That has a nice ring~

Bang stole my heart~


When we all finished watching a war movie yong guk wanted to watch, we decided to head off to bed.
"Don't do anything stupid guk! Himchan, be careful of him!" Zelo yelled as we were walking to the bedroom. Yong guk walked up to zelo and slapped his head.
"Thats no way to talk to your elders!" He yelled and walked away from the makdonggie that was rolling on the floor in pain.
We walked into his room and he handed me a change of clothes to sleep in for the night. I tried to go to the bathroom to change, but was distracted by yong guk's chocolate abs.
His body was so toned and i just- i couldn't look away from him. I slowly walked up to him and poked one of his 6-pack abs. I gasped.
"Having fun there, channie?" He asked, but i was too involved in touching his stomach.
"Am i that ripped?" He chuckled, but i didn't listen to him.
"How are they that perfect?!" I continued slowly rubbing his 6-pack. He started laughing because it tickled.
"Hey! Stop~" he continued laughing. I snapped out of my ab-touching phase and looked up at him.
"Oh." I said, my hand still on his torso. He moved it to his heart so i could feel it beating.
"This is how i feel when i see you every day." He gazed into my eyes and i felt like melting right there. I moved my hand down slowly to start touching his abs again. He rolled his eyes.
"You just killed the moment!" He glared at me. "Just get changed..." He muttered and pointed to the pajamas i left on the bed. I nodded and began to change, not caring if he saw me.
"Himchan, could you please change in the bathroom. I-i'm starting to feel..." He turned really red. I put on the shirt, but continued taking off my bottoms.
"Why? We are both guys." I said and started pulling off the bottoms.
"H-himchan, please- please t-take my word for it." He checked me out.
"Ok, gosh. Am i that ay~?" I asked and went into the bathroom to change.
"Awwwwww~ himchannie~ you look so cute in those basketball shorts!" Yong guk cooed and enveloped me in a hug. "Kiyomi, kiyomi!"
"Stahp! I'm manly!" I pouted and tore from his grasp.
"I know, but you are a cute masculine man." He chuckled and jumped into bed. He patted a spot next to him.
"No way! I'm not sharing a bed with you!" I looked at him like he was some sort of mad man.
"Aw, come on! We shared a bed and slept on the couch together before..." He gave me puppy dog eyes. "Come on, papa guk wants to cuddle mama channie!" He smiled. I glared at him.
"Cuz is not a good answer..."
"Yes it is!"
"JUST SLEEP TOGETHER ALREADY!" We heard someone yell from the other side of the wall.
"SHUDDUP YOUNGJAE! NO ONE WAS ASKING YOU!" Yong guk yelled and fell back into bed. "Then i guess you will have to sleep on the couch..."
"I'm not sleeping on that thing! It hurt my back the last time!" I whined.
"Oh well! It's either this bed, or no bed." He smiled, knowing i was giving in.
"Fine." I said and he smiled so wide, it must've hurt his face.
"Ok! Here!" He lifted up the covers and i slowly climbed into the bed. He looked so happy.
"Cuddles~" he said and snuggled into my side. I blushed really red.
"No! No cuddles!" I warned him. Then the blanket was thrown off my body.
"Cuddles and blanket, or no blanket at all..." He smirked.
"Stop trying to blackmail me into cuddling with you!" I yelled at him and turned so he was facing my back. "Fine. I don't need your stupid blanket anyway." I groaned and fluffed my pillow.
"Ok. I will remember that..." He snuggled into the comforter.
My teeth were chattering and i was shivering looking at that stupid tigger in that blanket.
'So cold.' I thought to myself and tried to bring my legs to my chest to keep warm. 'Just think you are on a beach in hawaii...' I thought again, but couldn't grasp the idea.
"Hey, guk! Get me a blanket!" I poked his cheek. He groaned.
"No! You didn't want cuddles." He muffled from his little cocoon. I slapped his body.
"I'm cold here!" I told him. He shrugged his shoulders.
"Why do i care?" He nuzzled back into the blanket.
"Cuz you should!" I yell-whispered.
"Then cuddle with me!"
I jumped into his arms for warmth. He held me really tight and put the blanket over us.
"So warm..." I nuzzled my head into his neck. He giggled.
"I give good hugs." He said and i agreed. I cuddled into his arms for more warmth to heat me up.
"I'm sorry you are so cold. I should have given you a blanket." He apologized to me.
"Why? I like this much better." I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He blushed.
"Touchy much, aren't we? Am i that irresistible?" He laughed.
"I have an excuse!" I pouted and hugged him tighter.
"Wow! You are really cold!" He started to shiver aswell.
"Then i guess we can warm each other up!" I looked at him and smiled.
The whole world stopped the second i saw his eyes.
He cleared his throat. "U-um, i-i think that i like you. Alot." He looked at my eyes, then down to my lips.
"Yeah." I muttered.
"Do- do you like me the same way?" He asked. I blinked. I didn't know what to say. I mean, i did, but the words wouldn't come out.
"U-um, i-i-i-" i blushed really hard, then nodded at his question.
"So cute!" He said and kissed my cheek.
"What was that?" I asked him. He looked at me confused.
"For all i have been through, me being cold, and you not giving me a blanket, that's the affection i get?" I asked him and my lips.
"U-um, what are you implying?" He questioned me.
"A lip kiss." I commanded. His eyes grew wide.
"L-lip kiss?" He stuttered. I nodded cutely.
"Yep! Now! Now i say!" I pointed to my lips. He looked scared.
"Gosh! Do i have to do everything around here?" I said and crashed my lips onto his. He let out a weird noise.
"Mmph!" He groaned and widened his eyes. I held onto his waist to deepen the kiss.
"Mmmmm" he moaned and closed his eyes. I slowly let go from him and stared at the ceiling.
"That was a frickin' amazing kiss." I smiled. He didn't say anything, but looked at me.
"How did you learn to kiss like that?" He asked, astonished.
"I don't know. I just do, i guess." I looked at him. "Was it good?" I asked. His mouth dropped when i asked him that.
"What-why are you even- hell yeah!" He slurred. I giggled.
"Good, cuz a boyfriend needs to be able to kiss good." I slightly gleamed.
"Yeah. I'm your boyfriend now, right?" I laughed. He nodded slowly.
"Yeah, boyfriend. My boyfriend himchan. I like that!" He rolled over and enveloped me into his arms.
Yeah. That has a nice ring to it...
WOW! Well, that escalated quickly. It is a whole new chapter for the banghim couple now! I hope you read more! Because this story is only getting started!
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20 chapters? Challenge accepted >D
Chapter 19: lol cute ^^
Chapter 20: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!~ Lol XD It was cute and now I shall just wait and wait for your sequeal ;) Let´s see what talent Zelo was talking about :) See you till then~
Chapter 20: Yaaayyyy I want that sequel so badly!!! This fic is one of my best!!!
Chapter 18: Why does Jae have bobby bins......
Chapter 18: Aww~ how cute in an awkward way.
I'll prepare for the flufflyness xD
Chapter 18: I love it and it's awesome that you keep updating so fast
Chapter 18: I'm waiting for the squealing then lol